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Gradle plugin that generates FirebaseOptions using values from configuration file


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Fbase Config Generator Gradle Plugin

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Simple plugin that generates Firebase initialization code using values from a given configuration file. Can be used as an addition or replacement for Google Services Gradle Plugin (play-services-plugins)


  • Not tied to the location of the google-services.json
  • Not tied to the format of the input file. You can use google-servies.json, Java Properties file, or implement your own Gradle Provider.
  • Can generate multiple FirebaseOptions to use more than one instance of the Firebase in an application.
  • Uses Android Resources minimally
  • Supports Variants API, allowing customization for specific Android build types or product flavors


The latest version of this plugin requires:

  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.1.4or above
  • Gradle 7.5.1 or above


Add the plugin in the Application module of your project, where Firebase is initialized:

plugins { 
    id("ru.pixnews.gradle.fbase") version "0.1"


Using this plugin implies manual initialization of the FirebaseApp by passing the generated FirebaseOptions to the FirebaseApp#initializeApp(). Such kind of initialization can be useful in the following cases:

  • When using more than one instance of the Firebase in an application (as described in "Use multiple projects in your application")
  • If you want to postpone initialization of the Firebase to reduce app startup time
  • When you need to use Firebase in your own App Startup Initializers or WorkManager tasks and injecting ready-to-use Firebase instance thorough DI is more reliable than using the Firebase singleton.
  • If you prefer to manually control the lifecycle of components in your application

Set the plugin's behavior through the firebaseConfig block in build.gradle.kts of the application module.

firebaseConfig {
    configurations {
        create("firebaseOptions") {
            fromGoogleServicesJson {
                location = layout.projectDirectory.file("google-services.json")
            targetPackage = "com.example.config"

For this configuration, the plugin generates a FirebaseOptions property with the configuration values from the specified google-services.json file, similar to this:

package com.example.config


internal val firebaseOptions: FirebaseOptions = FirebaseOptions.Builder()  

This property can be used to initialize a Firebase singleton. For example:

class Application : Application() {
    var firebaseApp: FirebaseApp? = null

    override fun onCreate() {
        firebaseApp = FirebaseApp.initializeApp(

In addition to this, a string android resource google_app_id will be added with the same value as in setApplicationId(). It is required to initialize Google Analytics (only one instance of the analytics service can be used in a project). Generation of this resource value can be disabled using the addGoogleAppIdResource = false parameter.

You can generate more than one configuration. For example:

firebaseConfig {
    primaryConfiguration = "firebaseOptionsApp1"
    configurations {
        create("firebaseOptionsApp1") {
            fromGoogleServicesJson {
                location = layout.projectDirectory.file("google-services-app1.json")
        create("firebaseOptionsApp2") {
            fromGoogleServicesJson {
                location = layout.projectDirectory.file("google-services-app2.json")
        create("firebaseOptionsApp3") {
            fromPropertiesFile {
                location = layout.projectDirectory.file("")

In this case, properties firebaseOptionsApp1, firebaseOptionsApp2, firebaseOptionsApp3 will be created. When using multiple configurations, primary configuration should be specified using the primaryConfiguration parameter. This configuration will be used to populate the string resource google_app_id (for analytics service).

Plugin supports the following formats of the input data:

  • fromGoogleServicesJson {}: from JSON file format used in [Google Services Gradle Plugin]
  • fromPropertiesFile {}: from the Java .properties file
  • fromValues {}: custom provider


fromGoogleServicesJson {} allows you to read settings from a configuration file in the format used in the Google Services Gradle Plugin (google-services.json).

Usage example:

fromGoogleServicesJson {
	location = layout.projectDirectory.file("google-services.json")
	applicationId = ""

If the location parameter is not specified, then the google-services.json file in the root of the subproject will be used. If it does not exist, then the list of paths from the Google Services Gradle Plugin will be looked up.

applicationId - optional parameter. When using plugin in library modules, it allows you to specify the Application ID that will be used to select the required configuration from the google-services.json file.

Properties file

fromPropertiesFile allows you to read settings from the Java properties file.

Usage example:

create("firebaseOptionsApp") {
    fromPropertiesFile {
        location = layout.projectDirectory.file("")
        applicationId = ""

Sample file:

# Value of the {YOUR_CLIENT}/client_info/mobilesdk_app_id in google-services.json
firebase_google_app_id = 1:1035469437089:android:73a4fb8297b2cd4f

# Value of the project_info/project_number in google-services.json
firebase_gcm_default_sender_id = 1035469437089
# Value of the {YOUR_CLIENT}/services/analytics-service/analytics_property/tracking_id in google-services.json
firebase_ga_tracking_id = UA-65557217-3

# Value of the project_info/firebase_url in google-services.json
firebase_database_url =

# Value of the {YOUR_CLIENT}/api_key/current_key in google-services.json
firebase_google_api_key = AIzbSyCILMsOuUKwN3qhtxrPq7FFemDJUAXTyZ8
# Value of the project_info/project_id in google-services.json
firebase_project_id = sample-en
# Value of the project_info/storage_bucket in google-services.json
firebase_storage_bucket =

# google_app_id for different build types
firebase_com_example_release_google_app_id = 1:1035469437089:android:112233445566778899aabb
firebase_com_example_benchmark_google_app_id = 1:1035469437089:android:2233445566778899aabbcc
firebase_com_example_sample_google_app_id = 1:1035469437089:android:33445566778899aabbccdd

Keys in firebase_<application_id>_<key> format can be used to override generated configuration values in build variants with specific application ids.

Suppose the following keys are defined:

firebase_google_app_id = 1:1035469437089:android:73a4fb8297b2cd4f
firebase_com_example_release_google_app_id = 1:1035469437089:android:112233445566778899aabb

Value of the .setApplicationId() will be 1:1035469437089:android:112233445566778899aabb in build variants with namespace com.example.release and 1:1035469437089:android:73a4fb8297b2cd4f in other build types.

Optional applicationId parameter can be used to specify the application id used in the applied keys.


fromValues {} can be used for your own implementation of the input data provider. It requires implementation of the Property<FbaseOptions> interface.

For example, you can use ValueSource:

create("firebaseOptionsApp4") {
    fromValues {
        source = providers.of( {}

abstract class CustomFbaseOptions : ValueSource<FbaseOptions, ValueSourceParameters.None> {
    override fun obtain(): FbaseOptions {

        // … Read configuration parameters

        return FbaseOptions(
            projectId = "",
            applicationId = "",
            apiKey = "",
            databaseUrl = "",
            gaTrackingId = "",
            gcmSenderId = "",
            storageBucket = ""

Variant API

This plugin can be customized at the level of specific Android build types and product flavors.

Example of adding configurations for a specific build type:

android {
    buildTypes {
        create("benchmark") {
            applicationIdSuffix = ".benchmark"
            extensions.configure<FbaseGeneratorExtension> {
                configurations.create("benchmarkFirebaseOptions") {
                    fromPropertiesFile {

Adding configurations in product flavor:

android {
  productFlavors {
      create("full") {
          dimension = "mode"
          applicationIdSuffix = ".full"
          extensions.configure<FbaseGeneratorExtension> {
              configurations.create("fullFirebaseOptions") {
                  fromPropertiesFile {

You can also customize plugin in the androidComponents.onVariants block:

android {
    androidComponents {
        onVariants(androidComponents.selector().withBuildType("release")) { variant ->
            variant.getExtension( { generator ->
                generator.configurations.create("releaseFirebaseOptions") {
                    fromPropertiesFile {


It may be useful to disable Firebase's built-in automatic initialization via FirebaseInitProvider when implementing manual initialization. This can be done by adding the following to AndroidManifest.xml:

<manifest xmlns:android=""  
            tools:node="remove" />

Development notes

Project has 3 test suites:

  • test: a suite of basic unit tests.
  • functionalTest: a set of functional tests running on one fixed configuration of AGP, Gradle, Firebase and Java versions.
  • functionalMatrixTest: a separate set of functional tests running on different combinations of AGP, Gradle, Firebase and Java versions. Not executed with the test Gradle lifecycle task.

The source code of the plugin is located in the generator module. The samples directory contains a project with some sample applications. This project is also build on CI as part of the test workflow.

Basic commands:

  • Build the plugin: ./gradlew assemble
  • Run unit tests and basic functional tests: ./gradlew test
  • Running matrix tests: ./gradlew functionalMatrixTest

By default, all tests in the functionalMatrixTest suite will be executed against all compatible versions of the Android Gradle Plugin and Gradle. You can restrict execution to specific versions by setting the following environment variables:


Example: GRADLE_VERSION=8.5 AGP_VERSION=8.2.0 TEST_JDK_VERSION=17 ./gradlew functionalMatrixTest


Any type of contributions are welcome. Please see the contribution guide.

The following types of contributions are especially welcome:

  • Additions and corrections to documentation
  • New feature proposals


Fbase Config Generator Gradle Plugin is distributed under the terms of the Apache License (Version 2.0). See the license for more information.


Gradle plugin that generates FirebaseOptions using values from configuration file








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