Weather Predictor is a web app made using Flask which has a Machine Learning model running at the back. The purpose of developing this app is to predict whether it will rain the next day or no.
- In cmd, install virtualenv using
pip install virtualenv
- Create virtual environment in cmd using
virtualenv MyEnvName
- Go to the created virtual environment directory
- Go to
- Run Activate.bat
- Now your virtual environment will be activated and environment will be changed to
- Close the terminal
-- Git clone or download this repository
-- Now Open a new terminal and locate to the Folder where the repository is downloaded.
-- Change the environment to MyEnvName
by using the command
workon MyEnvName
-- Install Dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
When dependencies are installed, You are ready to run the application on the local server
Now run the application by using this command,
You can now use the web application in the local server