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ilyshk4 edited this page May 8, 2022 · 74 revisions

Mod Version: 1.2.0

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Japanese (日本語)

Thanks to kudan for the japanese translation!

Lua Scripting Mod User Manual (EN)

Table Of Contents


This mod provides the ability to create and run Lua scripts in game without any compilation process with multiplayer support allowing you to create much more complex machines. Scripts can only control local player machine; they do not affect the level or other players machines in any way.

Big thanks to the authors of UniLua.

Useful Links

What exactly does mod do?

  • When you load a machine or create a new one mod will automatically load it's LuaRoot files if it has any. Otherwise, it will create a new LuaRoot inside current machine.
  • LuaRoot is a directory where all Lua files and folders are stored. You can access this directoruy by pressing Open LuaRoot Folder in mod menu.
  • When you run the simulation mod will run the script main.lua and if everything started without critical errors mod will save LuaRoot into current machine.
  • When you save your machine, LuaRoot will also be included into a save file. You also can save LuaRoot manually by pressing Save LuaRoot manually.
  • Machine script contains all base unity callbacks. There are short descriptions for all of them inside the default script file or down below.

Quick Summary of the Mod

  • There are 5 main callbacks: play, update, late_update, fixed_update and on_gui. Each has its own purpose. See Unity Scripting API about them.
    • play called on simulation start. Mostly useless, but can be used for adding chat listeners.
    • update called each frame update. Used to get player input.
    • late_update called after frame update.
    • fixed_update called fixed times per second. Used for physics and so. Put all your cool code here.
    • on_gui called only to draw GUI on screen.
  • Key emulation is provided by key emulator, it can be started, stopped or just clicked:
local some_key_emulator = machine.new_key_emulator('c')
  • Slider values can be changed by creating a new reference controller. Reference controller controls all blocks with same reference key.
  1. Assign reference key to the block. In this case we are using wheels. So, don't forget to enable automatic mode as we are changing wheels speed, not forcing them to spin. Let's call them rotor.

Assign reference key to the block.

  1. Find out mapper type key name of the slider you are changing. In our case it is called speed.

Find out mapper type key name of the slider you are changing.

  1. Create a new reference controller and set the speed.
local rotor = machine.get_refs_control('rotor')
rotor.set_slider('speed', 0.5)
  • Adjusting steering angles can be done by creating a new reference controller (or using existing) as shown above and setting desired angle.
local hinge = machine.get_refs_control('hinge')
  • Block position, rotation, velocity and other information can be obtained by creating a new block info.
local machine_info = machine.get_machine_info()
local starting_block = machine_info.get_block_info(0)
local position = starting_block.position()

It is also possible to get information about other players blocks and machines.

for i = 0, players.count() - 1 do
	local player = players.get(i)
	if not player.is_local_player() and player.is_simulating() then
		local enemy_position = players.get(i).get_machine_info().get_block_info(0).position()
		print('enemy at height ' .. enemy_position.y)
  • Raycasting may be done using physics.
local raycast_start = vector.add(starting_block.position(), vector.multiply(starting_block.up(), -0.5))
local raycast_direction = vector.multiply(starting_block.up(), -1)
local raycast_hit = physics.raycast(raycast_start, raycast_direction)
  • Near colliders can be found by using sphere overlapping using physics.
local colliders = physics.overlap_sphere(starting_block.position(), 5)
for i in pairs(colliders) do
  • Debug lines can be drawn using lines library.
local line = lines.new_line_renderer()
line.set_points(, 0, 0),, 10, 10))
  • Chat messages can be handled by creating a new chat listener. Don`t forget that you must add listener only after declaring callback function.
local function on_chat(sender, text)
	print(sender .. ' just said ' .. text)

  • Write your own chat messages with rich text without any nickname prefix.

chat.write_local('<color=\"red\">Only you can see this!</color>')
chat.write_team('<color=\"red\">Only your team can see this!</color>')
chat.write_global('<color=\"green\">Hello, everyone!</color>')
  • I`ll be very happy to add new suggested features!

Module System

In general module system allows you to use same script to control different parts of the machine separately.


You can build one rocket and write one script, copy it many times and create new module with rocket.lua script attached for each rocket. Also you can find example machine at the workshop page of the mod.


  1. Enable advanced building mode in setting tab at top right corner while in building mode.
  2. Open Lua Scripting window by pressing Ctrl+L
  3. Open LuaRoot folder by pressing Open LuaRoot folder
  4. Make a copy of your main.lua script and rename it if you want to.
  5. Press Modules button to open Modules window.
  6. Press New to create a new module.
  7. Set name you want and enter script file name of script that that you created earlier.
  8. Select translate blocks tool.
  9. Press Set blocks near your module.
  10. Now using selection (press left mouse button and drag) select all blocks that only be accessible in your module's script. Other scripts cant reach these blocks even if they have same reference keys. You can check what blocks are under control of the module by pressing Select with translate blocks tool. Notice: starting block can be reached only by build index. So it cannot be selected.

Lua Tables

There is no such thing in this Lua interpreter used in mod as object-oriented programming, but there are tables! Tables allows to store values or even functions, so they are used as objects. However, remember: there are no references, only new tables every time (reference support WIP).


Created by rectangle library using

field type
x int
y int
width int
height int


Created by vector library using

field type
x number
y number
z number
w number


Created by quaternion library using quaternion.euler(...)

field type
x number
y number
z number
w number

Key Emulator

Created by machine library using machine.new_key_emulator(...).

field type
start function (no args; void)
stop function (no args; void)
click function (no args; void)
active function (no args; returns boolean)

Refs Controller

Created by machine library using machine.get_refs_control(...).

field type
set_slider function (args: string mapper_key, number value; void)
set_steering function (args: number angle; void)

Block Info

Created by machine info using machine_info.get_block_info(...).

field type
position function (no args; returns vector)
forward function (no args; returns vector)
right function (no args; returns vector)
up function (no args; returns vector)
rotation function (no args; returns vector)
being_vacuumed function (no args; returns boolean)
id function (no args; returns int)
build_index function (no args; returns int)
health function (no args; returns number)
burning function (no args; returns boolean)
flipped function (no args; returns boolean)
frozen function (no args; returns boolean)
in_wind function (no args; returns boolean)
destroyed function (no args; returns boolean)
zero_g function (no args; returns boolean)
original_mass function (no args; returns number)
scale function (no args; returns vector)
velocity function (no args; returns vector)
angular_velocity function (no args; returns vector)

Machine Info

Created by machine using machine.get_machine_info(...).

field type
get_block_info (local machine only) function (args: string ref_key, int index_of_all (optional); returns block info)
get_block_info (both local and another player`s machine) function (args: int build_index; returns block info)
block_count function (no args; returns int)
cluster_count function (no args; returns int)
center function (no args; returns vector)
mass function (no args; returns number)
middle function (no args; returns vector)
name function (no args; returns string)
player_id function (no args; returns int)
player function (no args; returns player info)
position function (no args; returns vector)
rotation function (no args; returns vector)
velocity function (no args; returns vector)
angular_velocity function (no args; returns vector)
size function (no args; returns vector)
unbreakable function (no args; returns boolean)
infinite_ammo function (no args; returns boolean)
is_dragging_blocks function (no args; returns boolean)
team function (no args; returns int)
is_simulating function (no args; returns boolean)

Raycast Hit

Created by physics using physics.raycast(...).

field type
distance number
point vector
normal vector
is_block boolean
get_block_info function (no args; returns block info)


Created by physics using physics.overlap_sphere(...).

field type
is_block boolean
get_block_info function (no args; returns block info)

Line Renderer (WIP)

Created by lines library using lines.new_line_renderer().

field type
set_points function (vector start, vector end; void)
set_width function (number start_size, number end_size; void)
set_color function (vector color; void)


Created by shapes library using shapes.new_...().

field type
set_position function (vector position; void)
set_rotation function (quaternion rotation; void)
set_scale function (vector scale; void)
set_color function (vector color; void)

Player Info

Created by players library using players.get(...) and other.

field type
in_local_sim function (no args; returns boolean)
is_host function (no args; boolean)
is_local_player function (no args; returns boolean)
is_spectator function (no args; returns boolean)
is_simulating function (no args; returns boolean)
name function (no args; returns string)
id function (no args; returns int)
team function (no args; returns id)
get_machine_info function (no args; returns machine info)

Level Entity

Created by entities library using entities.get(...) and other.

field type
position function (no args; returns vector)
rotation function (no args; returns vector)
scale function (no args; returns vector)
velocity function (no args; returns vector)
is_destroyed function (no args; returns bool)
id function (no args; returns int)
name function (no args; returns string)
category function (no args; returns string)
team function (no args; returns int)
max_health function (no args; returns number)
health function (no args; returns number)

Mod libraries

Warning! Every time when a function returns table it creates a new table, not returns a reference to a table. It means that you shouldn't create big tables such as block info in fixed_update loop. Instead, create block info at the top of script or in the play callback. However, it isn't necessery, just be careful.



Math library.

function arguments return values
abs number x number
acos number x number
asin number x number
atan2 number y, number x number
atan number x number
ceil number x number
cosh number x number
cos number x number
deg number x number
exp number x number
floor number x number
fmod number x, number y number,
frexp number x number, number
ldexp number x, number y number
log10 number x number
log number x, number base (optional) number
max multiple number arguments number
min multiple number arguments number
modf number x number, number
pow number x, number y number
rad number x number
random number
random number upper number
random number lower, number upper number
randomseed number seed void
sinh number x void
sin number x number
sqrt number x number
tanh number x number
tan number x number
lerp number a, number b, number t number
inverse_lerp number a, number b, number t number
lerp_unclamped number a, number b, number t number
lerp_angle number a, number b, number t number
clamp number a, number min, number max number
clamp01 number a number
approximately number a, number b bool
round number x number
closest_power_of_two number x number
delta_angle number a, number b number
gamma number value, number absmax, number gamma number
gamma_to_linear_space number x number
linear_to_gamma_space number x number
move_towards number current, number target, number max_delta number
is_power_of_two number x bool
perlin_noise number x, number y number
ping_pong number t, number length number
repeat number t, number length number
sign number x number
smoothstep number from, number to, number t number



Used by GUI library.

function arguments return values
new int x (optional), int y (optional), int width (optional), int height (optional) rectangle



Used by GUI library.

function arguments return values
from_base64 string base64_image number texture_ref

Graphical user interface


GUI library based on UnityEngine.GUI class except for some functions where arguments were changed. See Unity Scripting API about GUI in Useful Links.

function arguments return values
world_to_screen_point vector world_position vector
draw_texture rectangle position, number texture_ref
rotate_around_point number angle, vector point
scale_around_point vector scale, vector point
draw_texture rectangle position, number texture_ref
label rectangle position, string text
button rectangle position, string text boolean
toggle rectangle position, boolean value, string text boolean
begin_group rectangle position
begin_scroll_view rectangle position, vector scroll_position, rectangle view_rect
box rectangle position, string text
bring_window_to_front int window_id
bring_window_to_back int window_id
focus_control string name
focus_window string name
get_name_of_focused_control string
horizontal_scrollbar rectangle position, number value, number size, number left_value, number right_value number
horizontal_slider rectangle position, number value, number left_value, number right_value number
modal_window (arguments were changed) int id, rectangle clientrect, string text, _function (args: int window_id; void) rectangle
password_field rectangle position, string password, char mask string
repeat_button rectangle position, string text boolean
scroll_to rectangle position
selection_grid rectangle position, int selected, string array texts, int x_count int
set_next_control_name string name
text_area rectangle position, string text string
text_field rectangle position, string text string
vertical_scrollbar rectangle position, number value, number size, number top_value, number buttom_value number
vertical_slider rectangle position, number value, number top_value, number buttom_value number
window (arguments are changed) int windowid, rectangle client_rect, string title, _function (args: int window_id; void) rectangle



Basic Vector4 library based on UnityEngine.Vector4. See Unity Scripting API about Vector4 in Useful Links.

function arguments return values
new number w (optional), number y (optional), number z (optional), number w (optional) vector
distance vector a, vector b number
dot vector a, vector b number
lerp vector a, vector b, number t vector
lerp_unclamped vector a, vector b, number t vector
magnitude vector a number
max vector lhs, vector rhs vector
min vector lhs, vector rhs vector
move_towards vector current, vector target, number max_distance_delta vector
normalize vector a vector
project vector a, vector b vector
scale vector a, vector b vector
add vector a, vector b vector
subtract vector a, vector b vector
negative vector a vector
multiply vector a, number b vector
equals vector a, vector b boolean
angle vector from, vector to number
clamp_magnitude vector a, number max_length vector
cross vector a, vector b vector
project_on_plane vector point, vector normal vector
reflect vector in_direction, vector in_normal vector



Basic Quaternion library based on UnityEngine.Quaternion. See Unity Scripting API about Quaternion in Useful Links.

function arguments return values
new number x (optional), number y (optional), number z (optional), number w (optional) quaternion
new vector vector quaternion
euler number x (optional), number y (optional), number z (optional) quaternion
euler vector vector quaternion
angle quaternion a, quaternion b number
angle_axis number angle, vector axis quaternion
dot quaternion a, quaternion b number
from_to_rotation vector from_rotation, vector to_direction quaternion
inverse quaternion a quaternion
lerp quaternion a, quaternion b, number t quaternion
lerp_unclamped quaternion a, quaternion b, number t quaternion
slerp quaternion a, quaternion b, number t quaternion
slerp_unclamped quaternion a, quaternion b, number t quaternion
look_rotation vector forward, vector upwards quaternion
rotate_towards quaternion from, quaternion to, number max_degrees_delta quaternion
multiply quaternion a, quaternion b quaternion
multiply_on_vector quaternion a, vector b vector
equals quaternion a, quaternion b boolean



Machine library for key emulation, steering and sliders controlling, machine info.

function arguments return values
new_key_emulator string key_code key emulator
get_refs_control string ref_key refs controller
get_machine_info machine info



Library for handling direct input from keyboard, mouse, joysticks and other. See Unity Scripting API about Input in Useful Links.

function arguments return values
mouse_screen_position vector
mouse_raycast_hit_point vector
mouse_raycast_hit raycast hit
get_axis string axis number
get_axis_raw string axis number
get_key string key_code boolean
get_key_down string key_code boolean
get_mouse_button int mouse_button boolean
get_mouse_button_down int mouse_button boolean
get_mouse_button_up int mouse_button boolean
any_key boolean
any_key_down boolean
mouse_scroll_delta vector
main_camera_position vector



Library for controlling mouse cursor.

function arguments return values
set_state boolean state



Library for obtaining information using physics. See Unity Scripting API about Physics in Useful Links.

function arguments return values
raycast vector origin, vector direction raycast hit
overlap_sphere vector origin, number radius, int layer_mask (optional) collider array
overlap_box vector center, vector half_extents, quaternion rotation (optional), int layer_mask (optional) collider array
overlap_capsule vector point0, vector point1, number radius, int layer_mask (optional) collider array
check_sphere vector origin, number radius, int layer_mask (optional) bool
check_box vector center, vector half_extents, quaternion rotation (optional), int layer_mask (optional) bool
check_capsule vector point0, vector point1, number radius, int layer_mask (optional) bool
sphere_cast vector origin, vector direction, number radius, number max_distance, int layer_mask (optional) bool
box_cast vector center, vector half_extents, vector direction, number max_distance, quaternion rotation (optional), int layer_mask (optional) bool
capsule_cast vector point0, vector point1, number radius, vector direction, number max_distance, int layer_mask (optional) bool
line_cast vector stard, vector end, int layer_mask (optional) bool
gravity vector



Library for getting information about multiplayer session.

function arguments return values
count int
get int player_index player info
by_id int network_id player info
get_all player info array



Library for drawing 3D debug lines (only for local client).

function arguments return values
new_line_renderer line renderer



Library for drawing 3D debug shapes (only local client).

function arguments return values
new_sphere vector position, quaternion rotation, vector scale, vector color, shape
new_capsule vector position, quaternion rotation, vector scale, vector color, shape
new_cylinder vector position, quaternion rotation, vector scale, vector color, shape
new_cube vector position, quaternion rotation, vector scale, vector color, shape
new_plane vector position, quaternion rotation, vector scale, vector color, shape
new_quad vector position, quaternion rotation, vector scale, vector color, shape



Library for getting screen information.

function arguments return values
width number
height number
fullscreen boolean
dpi number



Library for handling and writing chat messages.

function arguments return values
add_listener function (args: string sender, string text; void)
set_visible boolean state
write_local string text
write_team string text
write_global string text

Level Entities


Library for getting information about level entities (works only with level editor and multiplayer).

function arguments return values
count int
get_all entity array
get_all_by_name string name entity array
get_all_by_id int id entity array
get_all_by_category string category entity array
get_all_in_sphere vector origin, number radius entity array
get_nearest vector origin entity
get_nearest_alive vector origin entity



function arguments return values
time number
delta_time number
fixed_delta_time number
time_scale number

Thanks for reading!