This README file provides a step-by-step guide on how to perform data analysis and create visualizations for COVID-19 data using Power BI. The dataset used contains information about various countries, including total cases, new cases, deaths, and other relevant details.
- Connect the Excel dataset to Power BI using the data source option.
- The dataset contains COVID-19 information for different countries, including total cases, new cases, deaths, and more. We will be analyzing this data in our project.
- Select the appropriate sheet and click "Transform Data" to clean and prepare the data using the Power Query Editor.
- In the Power Query Editor:
- Select the necessary columns and remove unnecessary ones.
- Choose columns such as Location (renamed to Country), Continents, Date, Total Cases, New Cases, Total Deaths, Median Ages, and any other relevant columns.
- Remove null values by applying filters.
- Sort the data in descending order of date, select the most recent date, and then sort it back in ascending order.
- Rename columns for clarity, such as renaming Location to Country.
- Finally, click "Close & Apply" to import the cleaned data into Power BI Desktop.
- In Power BI Desktop, access the data section to view the COVID-19 dataset.
- Create a Clustered Column Chart to visualize the top 10 countries by total COVID-19 cases:
- Select the Clustered Column Chart.
- Place Country on the Axis and Total Cases in the Values field.
- Apply a filter to display only the top 10 countries.
- Format the chart for better clarity:
- Set the chart title to "Top 10 Countries by Total Cases."
- Align the title to the center.
- Bolden the title, axis labels, and data labels.
- Format the X and Y-axis values.
- Make data labels visible for more detailed information.
- Customize the chart color and adjust its size.
- Create a Pie Chart to visualize the distribution of total deaths by continent.
- In the Pie Chart:
- Place Continents in the Legend and Total Deaths in the Values field.
- Format the chart for clarity and aesthetics:
- Align the title to the center.
- Bolden the title, axis labels, and data labels.
- Format the X and Y-axis values.
- Make data labels visible for more detailed information.
- Customize the chart color and adjust its size.
- Create an Area Chart to visualize the top 10 continents by total COVID-19 cases.
- In the Area Chart:
- Place Continents on the Axis and Total Cases in the Values field.
- Apply a filter to display only the top 10 continents.
- Format the chart for better clarity:
- Set the chart title to "Top 10 Continents by Total Cases."
- Align the title to the center.
- Bolden the title, axis labels, and data labels.
- Format the X and Y-axis values.
- Make data labels visible for more detailed information.
- Customize the chart color and adjust its size.
- Create a Line Chart to analyze the relationship between median age and COVID-19 cases by continent and country.
- In the Line Chart:
- Place Continents on the Axis, Median Ages in the Values field, and Country in the Legend.
- Apply filters as needed to analyze specific countries or top N countries.
- Format the chart for clarity:
- Set the chart title to "Median Age by Continent and Country."
- Align the title to the center.
- Bolden the title, axis labels, and data labels.
- Format the X and Y-axis values.
- Make series labels visible for more detailed information.
- Customize the chart color and adjust its size.
Include card visualizations to display total cases, new cases, and total deaths for a concise summary.
Arrange all visualizations on a single sheet to create a comprehensive COVID-19 data analysis report.
By following these steps, you can effectively analyze and visualize COVID-19 data using Power BI, providing valuable insights into the pandemic's impact on different countries and continents.