Live at https://imagejs.github.io !
ImageJS is a environment for image analysis in the web browser using JavaScript. Current prototype is best explored in Google Chrome. Note Chrome does not need Administrative privileges to be installed.
Best place to get it is from https://chrome.google.com/webstore/search/imagejs which will add it as a Chrome App and will make sure Chrome is being used. You can also point your Chrome web browser to http://imagejs.org/, which will open the index.html kept here, i.e. http://imagejs.github.com/index.html, which can be inspected at https://github.com/imagejs/imagejs.github.com/blob/master/index.html.
##Files Only two files from this github project are needed to run ImageJS on a different location: index.html and imagejs.js.
##"ImageJS doesn't do the analysis I need"
ImageJS is an environment developed to deliver image analysis modules. It is not an application that analyzes images per se. See youtube for an exemple of using modules to segment and extract features from an image. If that doesn't work for you, you could, for example, show that webcast to the computational person you want to convince to develop the analysis you need.