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Simple NestJS + Fastify + Mikro-ORM + Postgres project.

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NestJS nestjs32x32 Code Assignment

This project is meant to be used as a code assignment which was given to me for a job interview.

Code Assignment Description

Evaluation test project specifications:

Ground rules:

  • this solution must be done with Nest.Js.
  • this solution should not contain the use of ‘any’ type.
  • this solution should contain a clear ‘’ which indicates how to install and run the solution.
  • stick to the modular architecture.
  • create unit tests as much as you think is required.
  • create API documentation in Swagger or Postman collection format.
  • create an open repository in your GitHub account and push everything there.


Create a Restful API for three different areas:

  • User registration and login which should give the user AccessToken.
  • User Wallet which is of different currencies.
  • Currencies.

How To Run The Project ?

Try to install dependency with pnpm and then set these enviroment varibles.

DB_NAME=<database name>
DB_HOST=<database host>
JWT_SECRET_KEY=<set a secret key here>

This Instruction doesn't work

Please follow the below instructions.

  1. At first install docker on your system and then use
  2. Run this command docker compose up -d

You can change docker compose.yml file as you want.

version: "3"

    image: postgres:latest
    container_name: postgres_db
    restart: always

      context: .
      dockerfile: Dockerfile
    container_name: nest-api
    restart: always
      - 3000:3000
      - pgdb
      DB_NAME: <DB_NAME>
      DB_HOST: pgdb

HTTP API Endpoints document

In the root of project there is hopp-http-collection.json file. import this file into hoppscotch

Helper Scripts

  • pnpm build : It builds project and generates transpiled .js files.
  • pnpm start:dev : It starts development server
  • pnpm test : It runs unit tests.
  • pnpm test:coverage : It runs the tests and then generate html coverage file.
  • pnpm test:watch : It runs test in watch mode.

Project Features

  • It uses Fastify fastify16x16 as the webserver to achieve blazing-fast speed 🔥.
  • It uses SWC 🦀 compiler for faster build time during development and CI/CD pipelines.
  • It uses Vitest 🧪 as the main test runner to have great fetureas like test graph. checkout pnpm vitest --ui
  • It uses pnpm 📦 as the package manager to save extra disk space to save a little bit money 💸.
  • It uses Mikro-ORM with different patterns like DataMapper to showcase mikro-orm capabilities 💪
  • It uses decimal.js to have a high precision of numbers and to avoid IEEE 754 floating point pitfalls when working with monetary system

The Things We Can Improve

  • Useing DAO (Data Access Object) Pattern to eliminate dependency between ORM And Business Logics
  • Adding more integration and unit tests. One of the project modules doesn't have any tests at all.
    • Test Coverage :
      • UtilModule - 100% - ✅
      • AuthModule - 80% - ✅
      • CurrencyModule 70% - ⚠️
      • WalletModule - No Test - ❌
  • Adding End2End testing pipeline to the project.


Simple NestJS + Fastify + Mikro-ORM + Postgres project.



