Mindmap of every concept, idea, technique, I had contact with, or interact in some way. This could represent the concepts I can talk about, with less or more detail and competence.
Notes: This is not a resource manager. It will only contain the name of the concepts. Could be interesting to include tools related to those concepts, but I am not so sure about it Cool options to have: interact with the mindmap on the web, and save different versions of the map on git for every change in the map, maybe?
Available tools for mindmap generation
- IBM + Stanford Data Science Ontology
- Big Data Analytics Ontology
- Ontologies for Data Science
- Open Research Knowledge Graph
- Mining Knowledge Graphs from Text
- Semantic Flow Graphs for Data Science
- Where Ontologies End and Knowledge Graphs Begin
- Data Fabric for Machine Learning
- Knowledge Graph: The Perfect Complement to Machine Learning
- Reconciling Your Data and the World with Knowledge Graphs
- Artificial Intelligence Landscape