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imbrem committed Sep 4, 2024
1 parent 0559ce9 commit 12ed655
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Showing 3 changed files with 130 additions and 7 deletions.
48 changes: 48 additions & 0 deletions DeBruijnSSA/BinSyntax/Syntax/Definitions.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -316,6 +316,39 @@ theorem Term.comp_wk (ρ σ)
theorem Term.wk_comp (ρ σ)
: @wk φ (ρ ∘ σ) = wk ρ ∘ wk σ := (comp_wk ρ σ).symm

theorem Term.wk_injective {ρ} (hρ : Function.Injective ρ) : Function.Injective (wk (φ := φ) ρ) := by
intro a a' heq
induction a generalizing a' ρ <;> cases a'
case var.var =>
simp only [wk, var.injEq] at heq
simp [hρ heq]
case op.op _ _ I _ _ =>
simp only [wk, op.injEq] at heq
simp [heq.1, I hρ heq.2]
case let1.let1 _ Ia Ib _ _ =>
simp only [wk, let1.injEq] at heq
simp [Ia hρ heq.1, Ib (Nat.liftWk_injective_of_injective hρ) heq.2]
case pair.pair _ Ia Ib _ _ =>
simp only [wk, pair.injEq] at heq
simp [Ia hρ heq.1, Ib hρ heq.2]
case let2.let2 _ Ia Ib _ _ =>
simp only [wk, let2.injEq] at heq
simp [Ia hρ heq.1, Ib (Nat.liftnWk_injective_of_injective hρ) heq.2]
case inl.inl _ I _ =>
simp only [wk, inl.injEq] at heq
simp [I hρ heq]
case inr.inr _ I _ =>
simp only [wk, inr.injEq] at heq
simp [I hρ heq]
case _ Ie Il Ir _ _ _ =>
simp only [wk, case.injEq] at heq
have hρ' := Nat.liftWk_injective_of_injective hρ
simp [Ie hρ heq.1, Il hρ' heq.2.1, Ir hρ' heq.2.2]
case abort.abort _ I _ =>
simp only [wk, abort.injEq] at heq
simp [I hρ heq]
all_goals (cases heq <;> rfl)

def Term.wk0 : Term φ → Term φ := wk Nat.succ

def Term.wk1 : Term φ → Term φ := wk (Nat.liftWk Nat.succ)
Expand All @@ -330,6 +363,21 @@ def Term.swap01 : Term φ → Term φ := wk (Nat.swap0 1)

def Term.swap02 : Term φ → Term φ := wk (Nat.swap0 2)

theorem Term.wk0_injective : Function.Injective (@Term.wk0 φ)
:= Term.wk_injective Nat.succ_injective

theorem Term.wk1_injective : Function.Injective (@Term.wk1 φ)
:= Term.wk_injective (Nat.liftWk_injective_of_injective Nat.succ_injective)

theorem Term.wk2_injective : Function.Injective (@Term.wk2 φ)
:= Term.wk_injective (Nat.liftnWk_injective_of_injective Nat.succ_injective)

theorem Term.wk3_injective : Function.Injective (@Term.wk3 φ)
:= Term.wk_injective (Nat.liftnWk_injective_of_injective Nat.succ_injective)

theorem Term.wk4_injective : Function.Injective (@Term.wk4 φ)
:= Term.wk_injective (Nat.liftnWk_injective_of_injective Nat.succ_injective)

theorem Term.wk0_let1 (e r : Term φ) : (let1 e r).wk0 = let1 e.wk0 r.wk1 := rfl

theorem Term.wk1_let1 (e r : Term φ) : (let1 e r).wk1 = let1 e.wk1 r.wk2
Expand Down
83 changes: 79 additions & 4 deletions DeBruijnSSA/BinSyntax/Syntax/Fv/Subst.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,7 +41,19 @@ theorem Term.Subst.fvs_liftn_def {σ : Term.Subst φ} {i n}

theorem Term.Subst.biUnion_fvs_lift {σ : Term.Subst φ} {s : Set ℕ}
: ⋃i ∈ s, (σ.lift.fvs i).liftFv = ⋃i ∈ s.liftFv, σ.fvs i := by
ext k
simp only [Set.mem_iUnion, Set.mem_liftFv, exists_prop', nonempty_prop]
· intro ⟨i, hi, hk⟩
cases i with
| zero => simp [Subst.fvs] at hk
| succ i =>
simp only [fvs, lift_succ, fvs_wk, Nat.succ_eq_add_one, Set.mem_image, add_left_inj,
exists_eq_right] at hk
exact ⟨_, hi, hk⟩
· intro ⟨i, hi, hk⟩
exact ⟨i + 1, hi, by simp only [fvs, lift_succ, fvs_wk, Nat.succ_eq_add_one, Set.mem_image,
add_left_inj, exists_eq_right]; exact hk⟩

theorem Term.Subst.biUnion_fvs_liftn {σ : Term.Subst φ} {s : Set ℕ}
: ⋃i ∈ s, ((σ.liftn n).fvs i).liftnFv n = ⋃i ∈ s.liftnFv n, σ.fvs i := by
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -132,14 +144,77 @@ theorem Region.fvs_vsubst0_le (t : Region φ) (s : Term φ)
· rw [Set.union_comm]
· simp

theorem Term.subst_eqOn_fvs {t : Term φ} {σ σ' : Subst φ} (h : t.fvs.EqOn σ σ')
: t.subst σ = t.subst σ' := by sorry
theorem Term.Subst.eqOn_lift_iff {σ σ' : Term.Subst φ} {s : Set ℕ}
: s.EqOn σ.lift σ'.lift ↔ s.liftFv.EqOn σ σ' := by
constructor <;> intro h n hn
· rw [Set.mem_liftFv] at hn
have h := h hn
simp only [lift_succ] at h
· sorry

theorem Term.Subst.eqOn_liftn_iff {σ σ' : Term.Subst φ} {s : Set ℕ}
: s.EqOn (σ.liftn n) (σ'.liftn n) ↔ (s.liftnFv n).EqOn σ σ' := sorry

theorem Term.subst_eq_iff {t : Term φ} {σ σ' : Subst φ}
: t.subst σ = t.subst σ' ↔ t.fvs.EqOn σ σ' := by induction t generalizing σ σ' with
| _ => simp [Subst.eqOn_lift_iff, Subst.eqOn_liftn_iff, and_assoc, *]

theorem Term.subst_eqOn_fvs_iff {t : Term φ} {σ σ' : Subst φ}
: t.fvs.EqOn σ σ' ↔ t.subst σ = t.subst σ' := subst_eq_iff.symm

theorem Term.subst_eqOn_fvs {t : Term φ} {σ σ' : Subst φ}
: t.fvs.EqOn σ σ' → t.subst σ = t.subst σ' := subst_eq_iff.mpr

theorem Term.subst_eqOn_fvi {t : Term φ} {σ σ' : Subst φ} (h : (Set.Iio t.fvi).EqOn σ σ')
: t.subst σ = t.subst σ' := t.subst_eqOn_fvs (h.mono t.fvs_fvi)

theorem Region.vsubst_eq_iff {r : Region φ} {σ σ' : Term.Subst φ}
: r.vsubst σ = r.vsubst σ' ↔ r.fvs.EqOn σ σ' := by induction r generalizing σ σ' with
| _ => simp [
Term.subst_eq_iff, and_assoc, Term.Subst.eqOn_lift_iff, Term.Subst.eqOn_liftn_iff,
funext_iff, Set.eqOn_iUnion, *

theorem Region.vsubst_eqOn_fvs {r : Region φ} {σ σ' : Term.Subst φ} (h : r.fvs.EqOn σ σ')
: r.vsubst σ = r.vsubst σ' := by sorry
: r.vsubst σ = r.vsubst σ' := by induction r generalizing σ σ' with
| br => simp [Term.subst_eqOn_fvs h]
| let1 _ _ I =>
simp only [vsubst, let1.injEq]
exact Term.subst_eqOn_fvs (h.mono (by simp))
apply I
rw [Term.Subst.eqOn_lift_iff]
exact h.mono (by simp)
| let2 _ _ I =>
simp only [vsubst, let2.injEq]
exact Term.subst_eqOn_fvs (h.mono (by simp))
apply I
rw [Term.Subst.eqOn_liftn_iff]
exact h.mono (by simp)
| case _ _ _ Il Ir =>
simp only [vsubst, case.injEq]
exact Term.subst_eqOn_fvs (h.mono (by simp [Set.union_assoc]))
apply Il
rw [Term.Subst.eqOn_lift_iff]
exact h.mono (by apply Set.subset_union_of_subset_left; simp)
apply Ir
rw [Term.Subst.eqOn_lift_iff]
exact h.mono (by apply Set.subset_union_of_subset_right; simp)
| cfg _ _ _ Iβ IG =>
simp only [vsubst, cfg.injEq, heq_eq_eq, true_and]
exact Iβ (h.mono (by simp))
ext k
apply IG
rw [Term.Subst.eqOn_lift_iff]
apply h.mono
apply Set.subset_union_of_subset_right
apply Set.subset_iUnion_of_subset

theorem Region.vsubst_eqOn_fvi {r : Region φ} {σ σ' : Term.Subst φ} (h : (Set.Iio r.fvi).EqOn σ σ')
: r.vsubst σ = r.vsubst σ' := r.vsubst_eqOn_fvs (h.mono r.fvs_fvi)
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions lake-manifest.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
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"scope": "leanprover-community",
"rev": "ad85095b6112bb3a7ad6c068fd0844d1e35706f2",
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"name": "aesop",
"manifestFile": "lake-manifest.json",
"inputRev": "master",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
"type": "git",
"subDir": null,
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"rev": "3a97fe99a8c8180b83efac3be780aa9342a2529c",
"rev": "df80b0dd2548c76fbdc3fe5d3a96873dfd46c0dc",
"name": "mathlib",
"manifestFile": "lake-manifest.json",
"inputRev": null,
Expand All @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
"type": "git",
"subDir": null,
"scope": "",
"rev": "3c270bec05c94350f961c5fae7399fa815527418",
"rev": "5e4ff7246e2e63e5053c64b9a7464a0bd97659fb",
"name": "discretion",
"manifestFile": "lake-manifest.json",
"inputRev": "main",
Expand Down

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