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imbrem committed Sep 17, 2024
1 parent 3407b9e commit 3311875
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79 changes: 66 additions & 13 deletions DeBruijnSSA/BinSyntax/Rewrite/Term/Compose/Structural.lean
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Expand Up @@ -28,32 +28,53 @@ theorem Eqv.pack_sum_def {Γ : Ctx α ε} {R : LCtx α} {i : Fin R.length}
simp [Term.pack0, Term.Wf.pack0, -Function.iterate_succ, Function.iterate_succ']

def Eqv.pack' {Γ : Ctx α ε} : Eqv φ Γ (Γ.pack, Γ.sup_effect) := match Γ with
| [] => unit ⊥
| V::Γ => pair (var 0 (by cases V; simp)) ((pack' (Γ := Γ)).wk0.wk_eff (by simp))

theorem Eqv.pack_def' {Γ : Ctx α ε} : Eqv.pack' (φ := φ) (Γ := Γ) = ⟦Term.InS.pack'⟧ := by
def Eqv.pack {Γ : Ctx α ε} (h : ∀i, Γ.effect i ≤ e) : Eqv φ Γ (Γ.pack, e) := match Γ with
| [] => unit e
| V::Γ => pair
(var 0 (Ctx.Var.head (by constructor; rfl; convert (h 0); simp) _))
((pack (Γ := Γ) (λi => by convert h (i + 1) using 1; simp)).wk0)

theorem Eqv.pack_def {Γ : Ctx α ε} {h : ∀i, Γ.effect i ≤ e}
: Eqv.pack (φ := φ) (Γ := Γ) h = ⟦Term.InS.pack h⟧ := by
induction Γ with
| nil => rfl
| cons _ _ I => simp only [pack', I]; rfl
| cons _ _ I => simp only [pack, I]; rfl

def _root_.BinSyntax.Ctx.Pure.packE' {Γ : Ctx α ε} (h : Γ.Pure) : Eqv φ Γ (Γ.pack, ⊥) := match Γ with
| [] => Eqv.unit ⊥
| V::Γ => Eqv.pair (Eqv.var 0 (by cases V; convert h.head; simp)) h.tail.packE'.wk0
abbrev _root_.BinSyntax.Ctx.Pure.packE {Γ : Ctx α ε} (h : Γ.Pure) : Eqv φ Γ (Γ.pack, ⊥)
:= Eqv.pack (e := ⊥) (h := λi => by simp [h.effect i])

theorem Eqv.packE_def' {Γ : Ctx α ε} {h : Γ.Pure} : h.packE' (φ := φ) = ⟦h.pack'⟧ := by
induction Γ with
| nil => rfl
| cons _ _ I => simp only [Ctx.Pure.packE', I]; rfl
theorem Eqv.packE_def' {Γ : Ctx α ε} {h : Γ.Pure} : h.packE (φ := φ) = ⟦h.pack⟧ := by
simp only [Ctx.Pure.packE, pack_def]

theorem Eqv.wk_eff_pack {Γ : Ctx α ε} {h : ∀i, Γ.effect i ≤ lo} {h' : lo ≤ hi}
: (pack (φ := φ) h).wk_eff h' = pack (λi => (h i).trans h') := by
simp [pack_def]

theorem Eqv.wk_eff_packE {Γ : Ctx α ε} {h : Γ.Pure}
: h.packE.wk_eff bot_le = pack (φ := φ) (e := hi) (λi => by simp [h.effect]) := by simp

theorem _root_.BinSyntax.Ctx.Pure.packP {Γ : Ctx α ε} (h : Γ.Pure) (h')
: Eqv.Pure (Eqv.pack (φ := φ) (Γ := Γ) (e := e) h')
:= ⟨h.packE, by simp⟩

def Eqv.pack_drop {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε} (i : Fin Γ.length)
: Eqv φ ((Γ.pack, ⊥)::Δ) (Ctx.pack (Γ.drop i), e)
:= ⟦InS.pack_drop i⟧

theorem Eqv.Pure.pack_drop {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε} {i : Fin Γ.length}
: Pure (pack_drop (φ := φ) (Δ := Δ) (e := e) i)
:= ⟨Eqv.pack_drop i, rfl⟩

def Eqv.pack_drop' {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε} (i : Fin Γ.length)
: Eqv φ ((Γ.pack, ⊥)::Δ) ((Γ.get i) (Ctx.pack (Γ.drop (i + 1))), e)
:= ⟦InS.pack_drop' i⟧

theorem Eqv.Pure.pack_drop' {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε} {i : Fin Γ.length}
: Pure (pack_drop' (φ := φ) (Δ := Δ) (e := e) i)
:= ⟨Eqv.pack_drop' i, rfl⟩

theorem Eqv.cast_pack_drop {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε} {i : Fin Γ.length}
: (Eqv.pack_drop (φ := φ) (Δ := Δ) (e := e) i).cast rfl (by rw [Ctx.pack_drop_fin]) = pack_drop' i
:= rfl
Expand All @@ -71,6 +92,10 @@ def Eqv.pack_drop_succ {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε} (i : Fin Γ.length)
def Eqv.unpack0 {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε} (i : Fin Γ.length) : Eqv φ ((Γ.pack, ⊥)::Δ) ((Γ.get i).1, e)
:= ⟦InS.unpack0 i⟧

theorem Eqv.Pure.unpack0 {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε} {i : Fin Γ.length}
: Pure (unpack0 (φ := φ) (Δ := Δ) (e := e) i)
:= ⟨Eqv.unpack0 i, rfl⟩

theorem Eqv.pl_pack_drop' {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε} {i : Fin Γ.length}
: (Eqv.pack_drop' (φ := φ) (Δ := Δ) (e := e) i).pl = unpack0 i := rfl

Expand All @@ -95,6 +120,34 @@ theorem Eqv.unpack0_def' {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε} (i : Fin Γ.length) :
cases i using Fin.cases <;> rfl

def Subst.Eqv.unpack {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε} : Subst.Eqv φ ((Γ.pack, ⊥)::Δ) Γ := ⟦Subst.InS.unpack⟧

def Eqv.packed {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε} (a : Eqv φ Γ V) : Eqv φ ((Γ.pack, ⊥)::Δ) V
:= a.subst Subst.Eqv.unpack

def Eqv.unpacked {Γ : Ctx α ε} (a : Eqv φ [(Γ.pack, ⊥)] (A, e)) (h : ∀i, Γ.effect i ≤ e)
: Eqv φ Γ (A, e) := let1 (pack h) (a.wk_id (by simp [Ctx.Wkn.drop]))

-- theorem Eqv.packed_unpacked {Γ : Ctx α ε} {a : Eqv φ [(Γ.pack, ⊥)] (A, e)} (h : Γ.Pure)
-- : (a.unpacked (λi => by simp [h.effect])).packed = a := by
-- rw [
-- unpacked, <-wk_eff_packE (h := h), let1_beta, packed, subst_subst, <-wk_eq_wk_id,
-- <-subst_fromWk, subst_subst, subst_id'
-- ]
-- ext k; cases k using Fin.elim1
-- simp only [Fin.isValue, List.get_eq_getElem, List.length_singleton, Fin.val_zero,
-- List.getElem_cons_zero, Set.mem_setOf_eq, Subst.Eqv.get_comp, Subst.Eqv.get_fromWk,
-- Fin.zero_eta, Fin.coe_fin_one, id_eq, subst_var, List.length_cons, subst0_get_zero,
-- wk_res_self,
-- Subst.Eqv.get_id, Ctx.Pure.packE]
-- induction Γ with
-- | nil => apply Eqv.terminal
-- | cons V Γ I =>
-- simp [Eqv.pack, subst_var]
-- convert Eqv.Pure.pair_eta ⟨var 0 Ctx.Var.shead, rfl⟩
-- simp only [wk_eff_self]
-- sorry

-- theorem Eqv.unpack0_eq_unpack0' {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε} (i : Fin Γ.length) :
-- Eqv.unpack0 (φ := φ) (Δ := Δ) (e := e) i = Eqv.unpack0' i := by
-- cases Γ with
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14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions DeBruijnSSA/BinSyntax/Rewrite/Term/Eqv.lean
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Expand Up @@ -713,6 +713,14 @@ theorem Subst.Eqv.get_comp {σ : Subst.Eqv φ Γ Δ} {τ : Subst.Eqv φ Δ Ξ} {
induction τ using Quotient.inductionOn

theorem Subst.Eqv.get_id {i : Fin Δ.length}
: ( : Subst.Eqv φ Δ Δ).get i = Eqv.var i (by simp) := rfl

theorem Subst.Eqv.get_fromWk {ρ : Γ.InS Δ} {i : Fin Δ.length}
: (Subst.Eqv.fromWk ρ).get i = Eqv.var (φ := φ) (ρ.val i) (ρ.prop i i.prop) := rfl

theorem Eqv.subst_op {σ : Subst.Eqv φ Γ Δ} {a : Eqv φ Δ ⟨A, e⟩} {f : φ} {hf : Φ.EFn f A B e}
: subst σ (op f hf a) = op f hf (subst σ a) := by
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -794,6 +802,12 @@ def Eqv.subst0 (a : Eqv φ Δ V) : Subst.Eqv φ Δ (V::Δ)
theorem Eqv.subst0_quot {a : InS φ Δ V} : subst0 ⟦a⟧ = ⟦a.subst0⟧ := rfl

theorem Eqv.subst0_get_zero {a : Eqv φ Δ V}
: (subst0 a).get (0 : Fin (Δ.length + 1)) = (a : Eqv φ Δ V) := by
induction a using Quotient.inductionOn

theorem Eqv.subst0_wk0 {a : Eqv φ Γ V} {b : Eqv φ Γ V'} : a.wk0.subst b.subst0 = a := by
induction a using Quotient.inductionOn;
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions DeBruijnSSA/BinSyntax/Typing/Ctx.lean
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Expand Up @@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ theorem Var.head (h : V ≤ V') (Γ : Ctx α ε) : Var (V::Γ) 0 V' where
length := by simp
getElem := h

theorem Var.refl {Γ : Ctx α ε} {n} (h : n < Γ.length) : Var Γ n Γ[n] := ⟨h, le_refl _⟩

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -849,6 +850,8 @@ theorem Pure.sup_effect {Γ : Ctx α ε} : Pure Γ → Γ.sup_effect = ⊥ := Pu

theorem Pure.of_sup_effect {Γ : Ctx α ε} : Γ.sup_effect = ⊥ → Pure Γ := Pure.sup_effect_iff.mpr

theorem Pure.sup_le {Γ : Ctx α ε} (h : Pure Γ) : Γ.sup_effect ≤ e := by simp [h.sup_effect]

end SemilatticeSup

end Ctx
91 changes: 72 additions & 19 deletions DeBruijnSSA/BinSyntax/Typing/Term/Structural.lean
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Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ def pack : ℕ → Term φ
| 0 => unit
| n + 1 => pair (var 0) (pack n).wk0

theorem Wf.pack {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε}
theorem Wf.pack_append_sup {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε}
: Wf (φ := φ) (Γ ++ Δ) (pack Γ.length) (Γ.pack, Γ.sup_effect) := by
induction Γ with
| nil => exact Wf.unit _
Expand All @@ -31,32 +31,30 @@ theorem Wf.pack {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε}
apply Wf.wk_eff _ I

theorem Wf.pack' {Γ : Ctx α ε}
theorem Wf.pack_sup {Γ : Ctx α ε}
: Wf (φ := φ) Γ (Term.pack Γ.length) (Γ.pack, Γ.sup_effect) :=
by convert Wf.pack (Δ := []); simp
by convert Wf.pack_append_sup (Δ := []); simp

def InS.pack' {Γ : Ctx α ε} : InS φ Γ (Γ.pack, Γ.sup_effect) := match Γ with
| [] => unit ⊥
| V::Γ => pair (var 0 (by cases V; simp)) ((pack' (Γ := Γ)).wk0.wk_eff (by simp))
def InS.pack {Γ : Ctx α ε} (h : ∀i, Γ.effect i ≤ e) : InS φ Γ (Γ.pack, e) := match Γ with
| [] => unit e
| V::Γ => pair
(var 0 (Ctx.Var.head (by constructor; rfl; convert (h 0); simp) _))
((pack (Γ := Γ) (λi => by convert h (i + 1) using 1; simp)).wk0)

theorem InS.coe_pack' {Γ : Ctx α ε} : (InS.pack' (φ := φ) (Γ := Γ) : Term φ) = Term.pack Γ.length
theorem InS.coe_pack {Γ : Ctx α ε} {h}
: (InS.pack (φ := φ) (Γ := Γ) (e := e) h : Term φ) = Term.pack Γ.length
:= by induction Γ with
| nil => rfl
| cons => simp [pack', Term.pack, *]
| cons => simp [pack, Term.pack, *]

def _root_.BinSyntax.Ctx.Pure.pack' {Γ : Ctx α ε} (h : Γ.Pure) : InS φ Γ (Γ.pack, ⊥) := match Γ with
| [] => InS.unit ⊥
| V::Γ => InS.pair (InS.var 0 (by cases V; convert h.head; simp)) h.tail.pack'.wk0
abbrev _root_.BinSyntax.Ctx.Pure.pack {Γ : Ctx α ε} (h : Γ.Pure) : InS φ Γ (Γ.pack, ⊥)
:= InS.pack (e := ⊥) (h := λi => by simp [h.effect i])

theorem InS.coe_pure_pack {Γ : Ctx α ε} {h : Γ.Pure}
: (h.pack' (φ := φ) : Term φ) = Term.pack Γ.length := by induction Γ with
| nil => rfl
| cons => simp [Term.pack, Ctx.Pure.pack', *]

theorem InS.wk_eff_coe_pure' {Γ : Ctx α ε} {h : Γ.Pure}
: (h.pack' (φ := φ)).wk_eff bot_le = pack' := by ext; simp
theorem InS.wk_eff_pack {Γ : Ctx α ε} {h : ∀i, Γ.effect i ≤ lo} {h' : lo ≤ hi}
: (pack (φ := φ) h).wk_eff h' = pack (λi => (h i).trans h') := by
ext; simp

def unpack0 (x : ℕ) : Term φ := pl (pr^[x] (var 0))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -141,12 +139,67 @@ theorem InS.pl_pack_drop' {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε} {i : Fin Γ.length}
theorem InS.coe_unpack0 {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε} {i : Fin Γ.length}
: (InS.unpack0 (φ := φ) (Δ := Δ) (e := e) i : Term φ) = Term.unpack0 i := rfl

def unpack0' (n : ℕ) (i : ℕ) : Term φ := match n with
| 0 => unit
| n + 1 => let2 (var 0) (match i with | 0 => var 1 | i + 1 => unpack0' n i)

theorem Wf.unpack0' {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε} (i : Fin Γ.length)
: Wf (φ := φ) ((Γ.pack, ⊥)::Δ) (unpack0' Γ.length i) ((Γ.get i).1, e)
:= by induction Γ generalizing Δ with
| nil => exact i.elim0
| cons V Γ I =>
apply Wf.let2
apply Wf.var (V := ( (Ctx.pack Γ), e)); simp [Ctx.pack]
cases i using Fin.cases with
| zero => simp
| succ i =>
simp only [List.length_cons, Fin.val_succ, List.get_eq_getElem, List.getElem_cons_succ]
exact I i

def InS.unpack0' {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε} (i : Fin Γ.length) : InS φ ((Γ.pack, ⊥)::Δ) ((Γ.get i).1, e)
:= match Γ with
| [] => i.elim0
| V::Γ => let2
(var (V := ( (Ctx.pack Γ), e)) 0 (by simp [Ctx.pack]))
(i.cases (var 1 (by simp)) (λi => unpack0' i))
(i.cases (var 1 (by simp)) (λi => unpack0' (Γ := Γ) i))

theorem InS.coe_unpack0' {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε} {i : Fin Γ.length}
: (InS.unpack0' (φ := φ) (Δ := Δ) (e := e) i : Term φ) = Term.unpack0' Γ.length i := by
induction Γ generalizing Δ with
| nil => exact i.elim0
| cons V Γ I =>
simp only [List.get_eq_getElem, List.length_cons, Set.mem_setOf_eq, unpack0', Fin.val_zero,
List.getElem_cons_zero, InS.coe_let2, coe_var, Term.unpack0', let2.injEq, true_and]
cases i using Fin.cases with
| zero => rfl
| succ i => exact I

theorem InS.unpack0_zero' {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε}
: InS.unpack0' (φ := φ) (Γ := V::Γ) (Δ := Δ) (e := e) (by simp only [List.length_cons]; exact 0)
= (by simp only [Ctx.pack]; apply InS.pi_l) := rfl

theorem InS.unpack0_succ' {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε} {i : Fin Γ.length}
: InS.unpack0' (φ := φ) (Γ := V::Γ) (Δ := Δ) (e := e) i.succ
= let2
(var (V := ( (Ctx.pack Γ), e)) 0 (by simp [Ctx.pack]))
(unpack0' (Γ := Γ) i) := rfl

def Subst.unpack0 : Subst φ := λi => Term.unpack0 i

theorem Subst.Wf.unpack0 {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε}
: Subst.Wf (φ := φ) ((Γ.pack, ⊥)::Δ) Γ Subst.unpack0 := λ_ => Term.Wf.unpack0

def Subst.InS.unpack {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε} : Subst.InS φ ((Γ.pack, ⊥)::Δ) Γ := ⟨Subst.unpack0, Wf.unpack0⟩

def InS.packed {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε} (a : InS φ Γ V) : InS φ ((Γ.pack, ⊥)::Δ) V
:= a.subst Subst.InS.unpack

def InS.unpacked {Γ : Ctx α ε} (a : InS φ [(Γ.pack, ⊥)] (A, e)) (h : ∀i, Γ.effect i ≤ e)
: InS φ Γ (A, e)
:= let1 (pack h) (a.wk_id (by simp [Ctx.Wkn.drop]))

-- TODO: version with appends? or nah?

end Product

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