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Began experimenting with term completeness
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imbrem committed Sep 11, 2024
1 parent 84bf7bc commit 45e8c59
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Showing 3 changed files with 137 additions and 28 deletions.
34 changes: 7 additions & 27 deletions DeBruijnSSA/BinSyntax/Rewrite/Region/Compose/Structural.lean
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@@ -1,34 +1,13 @@
import DeBruijnSSA.BinSyntax.Rewrite.Region.LSubst
import DeBruijnSSA.BinSyntax.Rewrite.Region.Compose.Seq
import DeBruijnSSA.BinSyntax.Rewrite.Region.Compose.Sum
import DeBruijnSSA.BinSyntax.Rewrite.Term.Compose.Completeness
import DeBruijnSSA.BinSyntax.Typing.Region.Structural

namespace BinSyntax

variable [Φ: EffInstSet φ (Ty α) ε] [PartialOrder α] [SemilatticeSup ε] [OrderBot ε]

namespace Term

def Eqv.pack {Γ : Ctx α ε} (R : LCtx α) (i : Fin R.length) : Eqv φ ((R.get i, ⊥)::Γ) (R.pack, ⊥) :=
match R with
| [] => i.elim0
| _::R => i.cases (inl nil) (λi => inr (pack R i))

theorem Eqv.pack_def {Γ : Ctx α ε} {R : LCtx α} {i : Fin R.length}
: Eqv.pack (φ := φ) (Γ := Γ) R i = ⟦Term.InS.pack0 R i⟧ := by
induction R generalizing Γ with
| nil => exact i.elim0
| cons _ _ I =>
cases i using Fin.cases with
| zero => rfl
| succ i =>
simp only [pack, I, inr_quot, Fin.cases_succ]
apply congrArg
simp [Term.pack0, Term.Wf.pack0, -Function.iterate_succ, Function.iterate_succ']

end Term

namespace Region

def Eqv.unpack {Γ : Ctx α ε} {R : LCtx α} : Eqv φ ((R.pack, ⊥)::Γ) R :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -77,27 +56,28 @@ def Subst.Eqv.pack {Γ : Ctx α ε} {R : LCtx α} : Subst.Eqv φ Γ R [R.pack] :
theorem Subst.Eqv.pack_get {Γ : Ctx α ε} {R : LCtx α} {i : Fin R.length}
: (Subst.Eqv.pack (φ := φ) (Γ := Γ) (R := R)).get i
= 0 (Term.Eqv.pack R i) LCtx.Trg.shead := by rw [pack, Term.Eqv.pack_def]; rfl
= 0 (Term.Eqv.pack_sum R i) LCtx.Trg.shead := by rw [pack, Term.Eqv.pack_sum_def]; rfl

theorem Subst.Eqv.vlift_pack {Γ : Ctx α ε} {R : LCtx α}
: (pack (φ := φ) (Γ := Γ) (R := R)).vlift (head := head) = pack
:= by simp only [pack, vlift_quot, Subst.InS.vlift_pack]

theorem Eqv.vsubst0_pack_unpack {Γ : Ctx α ε} {R : LCtx α} {ℓ : Fin R.length}
: (unpack (φ := φ) (Γ := _::Γ) (R := R)).vsubst (Term.Eqv.pack R ℓ).subst0
: (unpack (φ := φ) (Γ := _::Γ) (R := R)).vsubst (Term.Eqv.pack_sum R ℓ).subst0
= br ℓ (Term.Eqv.var 0 Ctx.Var.shead) (by simp) := by
induction R with
| nil => exact ℓ.elim0
| cons _ _ I =>
cases ℓ using Fin.cases with
| zero =>
simp only [Term.Eqv.pack, Fin.val_succ, Fin.cases_zero, unpack, coprod, vsubst_case,
simp only [Term.Eqv.pack_sum, Fin.val_succ, Fin.cases_zero, unpack, coprod, vsubst_case,
Term.Eqv.var0_subst0, Term.Eqv.wk_res_self, case_inl, let1_beta]
| succ ℓ =>
simp only [List.get_eq_getElem, List.length_cons, Fin.val_succ, List.getElem_cons_succ,
LCtx.pack.eq_2, Term.Eqv.pack, Fin.val_zero, List.getElem_cons_zero, Fin.cases_succ, unpack,
simp only [
List.get_eq_getElem, List.length_cons, Fin.val_succ, List.getElem_cons_succ, unpack,
LCtx.pack.eq_2, Term.Eqv.pack_sum, Fin.val_zero, List.getElem_cons_zero, Fin.cases_succ,
coprod, vwk1_quot, InS.nil_vwk1, vwk1_lwk0, vwk1_unpack, vsubst_case, Term.Eqv.var0_subst0,
Fin.zero_eta, Term.Eqv.wk_res_self, vsubst_lwk0, vsubst_lift_unpack, case_inr, let1_beta, I]
Expand Down
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions DeBruijnSSA/BinSyntax/Rewrite/Term/Compose/Completeness.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
import DeBruijnSSA.BinSyntax.Rewrite.Term.Compose.Seq
import DeBruijnSSA.BinSyntax.Rewrite.Term.Compose.Sum
import DeBruijnSSA.BinSyntax.Typing.Region.Structural

namespace BinSyntax

variable [Φ: EffInstSet φ (Ty α) ε] [PartialOrder α] [SemilatticeSup ε] [OrderBot ε]

namespace Term

def Eqv.pack_sum {Γ : Ctx α ε} (R : LCtx α) (i : Fin R.length) : Eqv φ ((R.get i, ⊥)::Γ) (R.pack, ⊥)
:= match R with
| [] => i.elim0
| _::R => i.cases (inl nil) (λi => inr (pack_sum R i))

theorem Eqv.pack_sum_def {Γ : Ctx α ε} {R : LCtx α} {i : Fin R.length}
: Eqv.pack_sum (φ := φ) (Γ := Γ) R i = ⟦Term.InS.pack0 R i⟧ := by
induction R generalizing Γ with
| nil => exact i.elim0
| cons _ _ I =>
cases i using Fin.cases with
| zero => rfl
| succ i =>
simp only [pack_sum, I, inr_quot, Fin.cases_succ]
apply congrArg
simp [Term.pack0, Term.Wf.pack0, -Function.iterate_succ, Function.iterate_succ']

def Eqv.pack {Γ : Ctx α ε} : Eqv φ Γ (Γ.pack, Γ.sup_effect) := match Γ with
| [] => unit ⊥
| V::Γ => pair (var 0 (by cases V; simp)) ((pack (Γ := Γ)).wk0.wk_eff (by simp))

def _root_.BinSyntax.Ctx.Pure.packE {Γ : Ctx α ε} (h : Γ.Pure) : Eqv φ Γ (Γ.pack, ⊥) := match Γ with
| [] => Eqv.unit ⊥
| V::Γ => Eqv.pair (Eqv.var 0 (by cases V; convert h.head; simp)) h.tail.packE.wk0

def Eqv.unpack {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε} (i : Fin Γ.length) : Eqv φ ((Γ.pack, ⊥)::Δ) ((Γ.get i).1, e)
:= match Γ with
| [] => i.elim0
| V::Γ => let2
(var (V := ( (Ctx.pack Γ), e)) 0 (by simp [Ctx.pack]))
(i.cases (var 1 (by simp)) (λi => unpack i))

-- TODO: wk lift unpack

-- TODO: let1 pack (unpack i) = var i

-- TODO: need InS version for this... :(

-- def Subst.Eqv.unpacked {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε} (i : Fin Γ.length) : Subst.Eqv φ ((Γ.pack, ⊥)::Δ) Γ
-- := sorry

end Term
77 changes: 76 additions & 1 deletion DeBruijnSSA/BinSyntax/Typing/Ctx.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -718,6 +718,58 @@ theorem effect_append_bot₂ {left right : Ty α} {tail : Ctx α ε}
: effect (⟨left, ⊥⟩::⟨right, ⊥⟩::tail) = Nat.liftnBot 2 tail.effect
:= by simp only [effect_append_bot, Nat.liftnBot_two_apply]

theorem effect_tail {Γ : Ctx α ε} (i : ℕ)
: effect (Γ.tail) i = Γ.effect (i + 1) := by cases Γ <;> simp [effect]

theorem effect_cons_match {head} {Γ : Ctx α ε} (i : ℕ)
: effect (head::Γ) i = match i with | 0 => head.2 | i + 1 => Γ.effect i := by
cases i <;> simp [effect]

theorem effect_cons_zero {head} {Γ : Ctx α ε}
: effect (head::Γ) 0 = head.2 := by simp [effect_cons_match]

theorem effect_cons_succ {head} {Γ : Ctx α ε} (i : ℕ)
: effect (head::Γ) (i + 1) = Γ.effect i := by simp [effect_cons_match]

theorem effect_empty : effect (α := α) (ε := ε) [] = ⊥ := by funext i; simp [effect]

def pack : Ctx α ε → Ty α
| [] => Ty.unit
| V::Γ => (pack Γ)

def Pure (Γ : Ctx α ε) : Prop := Γ.effect = ⊥

theorem pure_def {Γ : Ctx α ε} : Pure Γ ↔ Γ.effect = ⊥ := Iff.rfl

theorem Pure.effect {Γ : Ctx α ε} (h : Pure Γ) (i : ℕ) : Γ.effect i = ⊥
:= by rw [h]; rfl

theorem Pure.of_effect' {Γ : Ctx α ε} (h : Γ.effect = ⊥) : Pure Γ := h

theorem Pure.of_effect {Γ : Ctx α ε} (h : ∀i, Γ.effect i = ⊥) : Pure Γ := funext h

theorem Pure.effect' {Γ : Ctx α ε} (h : Pure Γ) : Γ.effect = ⊥ := h

theorem Pure.nil : Pure (α := α) (ε := ε) [] := by simp [Pure]

theorem Pure.cons {head} {Γ : Ctx α ε} (h : Pure Γ) : Pure ((head, ⊥)::Γ) := by
funext k; cases k <;> simp [Pure, effect_append_bot, h.effect', Nat.liftBot]

theorem Pure.cons' {head} {Γ : Ctx α ε} (h : head.2 = ⊥) (h' : Pure Γ) : Pure (head::Γ) := by
cases head; cases h; exact h'.cons

theorem Pure.head {head} {Γ : Ctx α ε} (h : Pure (head::Γ)): head.2 = ⊥ := by
convert h.effect 0; simp [Ctx.effect]

theorem Pure.tail {Γ : Ctx α ε} (h : Pure Γ) : Pure Γ.tail
:= of_effect (λi => by simp [effect_tail, h.effect (i + 1)])

theorem Pure.cons_iff {head} {Γ : Ctx α ε} : Pure (head::Γ) ↔ head.2 = ⊥ ∧ Pure Γ
:= ⟨λh => ⟨h.head, h.tail⟩, λ⟨h, h'⟩ => h'.cons' h⟩

variable [PartialOrder α] [PartialOrder ε]

theorem Wkn.effect {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε} {ρ : ℕ → ℕ} (h : Γ.Wkn Δ ρ) (i : ℕ) (hi : i < Δ.length)
Expand All @@ -733,7 +785,6 @@ theorem Var.toEffect {Γ : Ctx α ε} {n : ℕ} {V} (h : Γ.Var n V)
exact h.get.1
simp [effect, h.length]

-- def WknTy (Γ Δ : Ctx α ε) (ρ : ℕ → ℕ) : Prop := Γ.Types.NWkn Δ.Types ρ

-- theorem WknTy.id_types_len_le {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -761,4 +812,28 @@ theorem IsInitial.wk {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε} {ρ : ℕ → ℕ} (h : Γ.Wkn Δ ρ) :

end OrderBot

section SemilatticeSup

variable [Φ: EffInstSet φ (Ty α) ε] [SemilatticeSup ε] [OrderBot ε]

def sup_effect : Ctx α ε → ε
| [] => ⊥
| V::Γ => V.2 ⊔ sup_effect Γ

theorem effect_le_sup_effect {Γ : Ctx α ε} (i : ℕ) : Γ.effect i ≤ sup_effect Γ
:= by induction Γ generalizing i with
| nil => simp [effect, sup_effect]
| cons V Γ ih =>
cases i with | zero => simp | succ i => exact le_sup_of_le_right (by simp [ih i])

theorem Pure.sup_effect_iff {Γ : Ctx α ε} : Pure Γ ↔ Γ.sup_effect = ⊥
:= by induction Γ <;> simp [nil, cons_iff, *]

theorem Pure.sup_effect {Γ : Ctx α ε} : Pure Γ → Γ.sup_effect = ⊥ :=

theorem Pure.of_sup_effect {Γ : Ctx α ε} : Γ.sup_effect = ⊥ → Pure Γ := Pure.sup_effect_iff.mpr

end SemilatticeSup

end Ctx

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