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imbrem committed Jun 6, 2024
1 parent 90a26b2 commit 68045e1
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Showing 4 changed files with 192 additions and 36 deletions.
138 changes: 124 additions & 14 deletions DeBruijnSSA/BinSyntax/Syntax/Compose/Region.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,25 +19,139 @@ def ret (e : Term φ) := br 0 e
def nil : Region φ := ret (Term.var 0)

def alpha0_nil : alpha 0 nil = φ := by
theorem nil_vwk1 : nil.vwk1 = @nil φ := rfl

theorem alpha0_nil : alpha 0 nil = φ := by
rw [alpha, Function.update_eq_self_iff]

def append (r r' : Region φ) : Region φ := r.lsubst (r'.alpha 0).vlift
theorem vlift_alpha (n : ℕ) (r : Region φ) : (alpha n r).vlift = alpha n r.vwk1 := by
simp only [Subst.vlift, alpha, Function.comp_update]

theorem vliftn_alpha (n m : ℕ) (r : Region φ) : (alpha n r).vliftn m = alpha n (r.vwk (Nat.liftWk (· + m))) := by
simp only [Subst.vliftn, alpha, Function.comp_update]

theorem lift_alpha (n) (r : Region φ) : (alpha n r).lift = alpha (n + 1) (r.lwk Nat.succ) := by
funext i; cases i; rfl;
simp only [Subst.lift, alpha, Function.update, eq_rec_constant,, dite_eq_ite,
split <;> rfl

theorem liftn_alpha (n m) (r : Region φ) : (alpha n r).liftn m = alpha (n + m) (r.lwk (· + m)) := by
rw [Subst.liftn_eq_iterate_lift]
induction m generalizing n r with
| zero => simp
| succ m I =>
simp only [Function.iterate_succ, Function.comp_apply, lift_alpha, I, lwk_lwk]
apply congrArg₂
apply congrFun
apply congrArg
funext i

def append (r r' : Region φ) : Region φ := r.lsubst (r'.vwk1.alpha 0)

instance : Append (Region φ) := ⟨Region.append⟩

theorem append_def (r r' : Region φ) : r ++ r' = r.lsubst (r'.alpha 0).vlift := rfl
theorem append_def (r r' : Region φ) : r ++ r' = r.lsubst (r'.vwk1.alpha 0) := rfl

theorem append_nil (r : Region φ) : r ++ nil = r := by simp [append_def]

theorem nil_append (r : Region φ) : nil ++ r = r := by
simp only [append_def, lsubst, Subst.vlift, alpha, Function.comp_apply, Function.update_same]
simp only [append_def, lsubst, Subst.vlift, vwk1, alpha, Function.comp_apply, Function.update_same]
rw [<-vsubst_fromWk_apply, <-vsubst_comp_apply, <-vsubst_id r]
congr <;> simp

theorem lsubst_alpha_let1 (k) (e : Term φ) (r r' : Region φ)
: (r.let1 e).lsubst (r'.alpha k) = (r.lsubst (r'.vwk1.alpha k)).let1 e
:= by simp [vlift_alpha]

theorem let1_append (e : Term φ) (r r' : Region φ) : r.let1 e ++ r' = (r ++ r'.vwk1).let1 e
:= lsubst_alpha_let1 0 e _ _

theorem lsubst_alpha_let2 (k) (e : Term φ) (r r' : Region φ)
: (r.let2 e).lsubst (r'.alpha k) = (r.lsubst ((r'.vwk (Nat.liftWk (· + 2))).alpha k)).let2 e
:= by simp only [append_def, lsubst, vlift_alpha, vliftn_alpha, vwk_vwk, vwk1, ← Nat.liftWk_comp]

theorem let2_append (e : Term φ) (r r' : Region φ) : r.let2 e ++ r' = (r ++ (r'.vwk (Nat.liftWk (· + 2)))).let2 e
:= by
simp only [append_def, lsubst, vlift_alpha, vliftn_alpha, vwk_vwk, vwk1, ← Nat.liftWk_comp]

theorem lsubst_alpha_case (k) (e : Term φ) (s t r : Region φ)
: (case e s t).lsubst (r.alpha k) = (case e (s.lsubst (r.vwk1.alpha k)) (t.lsubst (r.vwk1.alpha k)))
:= by
simp only [append_def, lsubst, vlift_alpha, vwk_vwk, vwk1, ← Nat.liftWk_comp]

theorem case_append (e : Term φ) (s t r : Region φ) : case e s t ++ r = case e (s ++ r.vwk1) (t ++ r.vwk1)
:= by simp only [append_def, lsubst, vlift_alpha, vwk_vwk, vwk1, ← Nat.liftWk_comp]

theorem lsubst_alpha_cfg (β n G k) (r : Region φ)
: (cfg β n G).lsubst (r.alpha k) = cfg
(β.lsubst ((r.lwk (· + n)).alpha (k + n))) n
(lsubst ((r.lwk (· + n)).vwk1.alpha (k + n)) ∘ G)
:= by
simp only [append_def, lsubst, vlift_alpha, vwk_vwk, vwk1, ← Nat.liftWk_comp, liftn_alpha]

-- Note: we need this auxiliary definition because recursion otherwise won't work, since the equation compiler
-- can't tell that toEStep Γ {r₀, r₀'} is just {r₀, r₀'}
-- def EStep.lsubst_alpha' (Γ : ℕ → ε) {r₀ r₀'}
-- (p : SimpleCongruenceD (PStepD Γ) r₀ r₀') (n) (r₁ : Region φ)
-- : Quiver.Path (toEStep Γ (r₀.lsubst (alpha n r₁))) (toEStep Γ (r₀'.lsubst (alpha n r₁))) :=
-- match r₀, r₀', p with
-- | _, _, SimpleCongruenceD.step s => sorry
-- | _, _, SimpleCongruenceD.let1 e p => by
-- simp only [lsubst_alpha_let1]
-- apply EStep.let1_path e
-- apply lsubst_alpha' _ p
-- | _, _, SimpleCongruenceD.let2 e p => by
-- simp only [lsubst_alpha_let2]
-- apply EStep.let2_path e
-- apply lsubst_alpha' _ p
-- | _, _, SimpleCongruenceD.case_left e p t => by
-- simp only [lsubst_alpha_case]
-- apply EStep.case_left_path e
-- apply lsubst_alpha' _ p
-- | _, _, SimpleCongruenceD.case_right e s p => by
-- simp only [lsubst_alpha_case]
-- apply EStep.case_right_path e
-- apply lsubst_alpha' _ p
-- | _, _, SimpleCongruenceD.cfg_entry p n G => by
-- simp only [lsubst_alpha_cfg]
-- apply EStep.cfg_entry_path
-- apply lsubst_alpha' _ p
-- | _, _, SimpleCongruenceD.cfg_block β n G i p => by
-- simp only [lsubst_alpha_cfg, Function.comp_update]
-- apply EStep.cfg_block_path
-- apply lsubst_alpha' _ p

-- def EStep.lsubst_alpha (Γ : ℕ → ε) {r₀ r₀'}
-- (p : toEStep Γ r₀ ⟶ toEStep Γ r₀') (n) (r₁ : Region φ)
-- : Quiver.Path (toEStep Γ (r₀.lsubst (alpha n r₁))) (toEStep Γ (r₀'.lsubst (alpha n r₁)))
-- := EStep.lsubst_alpha' Γ p n r₁

-- -- def EStep.append_right (Γ : ℕ → ε) {r₀ r₀'}
-- -- (p : toEStep Γ r₀ ⟶ toEStep Γ r₀') (r₁ : Region φ) : toEStep Γ (r₀ ++ r₁) ⟶ toEStep Γ (r₀ ++ r₁')
-- -- := match r₀, p with
-- -- | _, SimpleCongruenceD.step s => sorry
-- -- | _, SimpleCongruenceD.let1 e p => sorry--SimpleCongruenceD.let1 e (EStep.append_right Γ p r₁)
-- -- | _, SimpleCongruenceD.let2 e p => sorry
-- -- | _, SimpleCongruenceD.case_left e p t => sorry
-- -- | _, SimpleCongruenceD.case_right e s p => sorry
-- -- | _, SimpleCongruenceD.cfg_entry p n G => sorry
-- -- | _, SimpleCongruenceD.cfg_block β n G i p => sorry

-- def EStep.append_path_right (Γ : ℕ → ε) {r₀ r₀'} (p : Quiver.Path (toEStep Γ r₀) (toEStep Γ r₀')) (r₁ : Region φ)
-- : Quiver.Path (toEStep Γ (r₀ ++ r₁)) (toEStep Γ (r₀ ++ r₁'))
-- := sorry

-- TODO: ret append ret should be alpha0 or smt...

Expand All @@ -54,7 +168,7 @@ theorem append_assoc (r r' r'' : Region φ) : (r ++ r') ++ r'' = r ++ (r' ++ r''
funext ℓ
simp only [
Subst.comp, Subst.vlift, alpha, Function.comp_apply, Function.comp_update,
Subst.comp, Subst.vlift, vwk1, alpha, Function.comp_apply, Function.comp_update,
Subst.vwk_liftWk_comp_id, vwk_vwk
cases ℓ with
Expand All @@ -75,16 +189,12 @@ instance : ShiftRight (Region φ) := ⟨Region.lappend⟩

theorem lappend_def (r r' : Region φ) : r >>> r' = r ++ r'.let1V0 := rfl

-- theorem lappend_nil (r : Region φ) : r >>> nil = (lsubst (let1 (Term.var 0) ∘ r) := by
-- simp [lappend_def]
theorem lappend_nil (r : Region φ) : r >>> nil = r ++ nil.let1V0 := rfl

-- def EStep.lappend_nil_id (Γ : ℕ → ε) (r : Region φ) : Quiver.Path (toEStep Γ (r >>> nil)) (toEStep Γ r)
-- := sorry

-- theorem nil_lappend (r : Region φ)
-- : nil >>> r = let1 (Term.var 0) (r.vwk (Nat.liftWk Nat.succ)) := by
-- simp only [lappend_def, llsubst, lsubst, vsubst, Term.subst, Term.subst0, Subst.vlift, alpha,
-- Function.comp_apply, Function.update_same, let1.injEq, true_and]
-- rw [<-vsubst_fromWk_apply, vsubst_vsubst, vsubst_id']
-- funext k
-- cases k <;> rfl
theorem nil_lappend (r : Region φ) : nil >>> r = r.let1V0 := nil_append _

def wappend (r r' : Region φ) : Region φ := cfg r 1 (λ_ => r'.lwk Nat.succ)

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42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions DeBruijnSSA/BinSyntax/Syntax/Definitions.lean
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Expand Up @@ -291,6 +291,10 @@ theorem Term.comp_wk (ρ σ)
theorem Term.wk_comp (ρ σ)
: @wk φ (ρ ∘ σ) = wk ρ ∘ wk σ := (comp_wk ρ σ).symm

def Term.wk1 : Term φ → Term φ := wk (Nat.liftWk Nat.succ)

def Term.wkn (n : ℕ) : Term φ → Term φ := wk (Nat.liftWk (· + n))

theorem Body.wk_id (b : Body φ) : b.wk id = b := by induction b <;> simp [*]

Expand All @@ -312,6 +316,10 @@ theorem Body.comp_wk (ρ σ)
theorem Body.wk_comp (ρ σ)
: @wk φ (ρ ∘ σ) = wk ρ ∘ wk σ := Eq.symm $ funext (Body.wk_wk ρ σ)

def Body.wk1 : Body φ → Body φ := wk (Nat.liftWk Nat.succ)

def Body.wkn (n : ℕ) : Body φ → Body φ := wk (Nat.liftWk (· + n))

theorem Body.num_defs_wk (ρ : ℕ → ℕ) (b : Body φ) : (b.wk ρ).num_defs = b.num_defs := by
induction b generalizing ρ <;> simp [*]
Expand All @@ -338,6 +346,12 @@ theorem Terminator.comp_vwk (ρ σ)
theorem Terminator.vwk_comp (ρ σ)
: @vwk φ (ρ ∘ σ) = vwk ρ ∘ vwk σ := Eq.symm $ funext (Terminator.vwk_vwk ρ σ)

def Terminator.vwk0 : Terminator φ → Terminator φ := vwk Nat.succ

def Terminator.vwk1 : Terminator φ → Terminator φ := vwk (Nat.liftWk Nat.succ)

def Terminator.vwkn (n : ℕ) : Terminator φ → Terminator φ := vwk (Nat.liftWk (· + n))

theorem Terminator.toBlock_vwk (ρ : ℕ → ℕ) (t : Terminator φ) : (t.vwk ρ).toBlock = t.toBlock.vwk ρ
:= rfl

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -411,6 +425,10 @@ theorem Block.comp_vwk (ρ σ)
theorem Block.vwk_comp (ρ σ)
: @vwk φ (ρ ∘ σ) = vwk ρ ∘ vwk σ := Eq.symm $ funext (Block.vwk_vwk ρ σ)

def Block.wk1 : Block φ → Block φ := vwk (Nat.liftWk Nat.succ)

def Block.vwkn (n : ℕ) : Block φ → Block φ := vwk (Nat.liftWk (· + n))

theorem Block.lwk_id (β : Block φ) : β.lwk id = β := by simp

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -452,6 +470,10 @@ theorem BBRegion.comp_vwk (ρ σ)
theorem BBRegion.vwk_comp (ρ σ)
: @vwk φ (ρ ∘ σ) = vwk ρ ∘ vwk σ := Eq.symm $ funext (BBRegion.vwk_vwk ρ σ)

def BBRegion.vwk1 : BBRegion φ → BBRegion φ := vwk (Nat.liftWk Nat.succ)

def BBRegion.vwkn (n : ℕ) : BBRegion φ → BBRegion φ := vwk (Nat.liftWk (· + n))

theorem BBRegion.lwk_id (r : BBRegion φ) : r.lwk id = r := by
induction r; simp [*]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -488,6 +510,10 @@ theorem BBCFG.vwk_of_id' : @vwk φ (λx => x) = id := funext vwk_id
theorem BBCFG.vwk_vwk (σ τ : ℕ → ℕ) (cfg : BBCFG φ) : (cfg.vwk τ).vwk σ = cfg.vwk (σ ∘ τ) := by
cases cfg; simp [BBRegion.vwk_vwk, *]

def BBCFG.vwk1 : BBCFG φ → BBCFG φ := vwk (Nat.liftWk Nat.succ)

def BBCFG.vwkn (n : ℕ) : BBCFG φ → BBCFG φ := vwk (Nat.liftWk (· + n))

theorem BBCFG.lwk_id (cfg : BBCFG φ) : cfg.lwk id = cfg := by
cases cfg; simp [*]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -530,6 +556,10 @@ theorem TRegion.comp_vwk (ρ σ)
theorem TRegion.vwk_comp (ρ σ)
: @vwk φ (ρ ∘ σ) = vwk ρ ∘ vwk σ := Eq.symm $ funext (TRegion.vwk_vwk ρ σ)

def TRegion.vwk1 : TRegion φ → TRegion φ := vwk (Nat.liftWk Nat.succ)

def TRegion.vwkn (n : ℕ) : TRegion φ → TRegion φ := vwk (Nat.liftWk (· + n))

theorem TRegion.toRegion_vwk (ρ : ℕ → ℕ) (t : TRegion φ) : (t.vwk ρ).toRegion = t.toRegion.vwk ρ
:= by induction t generalizing ρ <;> simp [Terminator.toRegion_vwk, *]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -604,6 +634,10 @@ theorem TCFG.comp_lwk (ρ σ)
theorem TCFG.lwk_comp (ρ σ)
: @lwk φ (ρ ∘ σ) = lwk ρ ∘ lwk σ := Eq.symm $ funext (TCFG.lwk_lwk ρ σ)

def TCFG.vwk1 : TCFG φ → TCFG φ := vwk (Nat.liftWk Nat.succ)

def TCFG.vwkn (n : ℕ) : TCFG φ → TCFG φ := vwk (Nat.liftWk (· + n))

theorem Region.vwk_id (r : Region φ) : r.vwk id = r := by
induction r <;> simp [Region.vwk, Nat.liftnWk_id, *]

Expand All @@ -626,6 +660,10 @@ theorem Region.comp_vwk (ρ σ)
theorem Region.vwk_comp (ρ σ)
: @vwk φ (ρ ∘ σ) = vwk ρ ∘ vwk σ := Eq.symm $ funext (Region.vwk_vwk ρ σ)

def Region.vwk1 : Region φ → Region φ := vwk (Nat.liftWk Nat.succ)

def Region.vwkn (n : ℕ) : Region φ → Region φ := vwk (Nat.liftWk (· + n))

theorem Region.lwk_id (r : Region φ) : r.lwk id = r := by induction r <;> simp [*]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -673,6 +711,10 @@ theorem CFG.comp_vwk (ρ σ)
theorem CFG.vwk_comp (ρ σ)
: @vwk φ (ρ ∘ σ) = vwk ρ ∘ vwk σ := Eq.symm $ funext (CFG.vwk_vwk ρ σ)

def CFG.vwk1 : CFG φ → CFG φ := vwk (Nat.liftWk Nat.succ)

def CFG.vwkn (n : ℕ) : CFG φ → CFG φ := vwk (Nat.liftWk (· + n))

theorem CFG.lwk_id (G : CFG φ) : G.lwk id = G := by cases G; simp [lwk]

Expand Down
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions DeBruijnSSA/BinSyntax/Syntax/Rewrite.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -421,6 +421,12 @@ def EStep.dead_cfg_left (Γ : ℕ → ε) (β n G m G')
⟶ @toEStep φ _ Γ (cfg β m G')
:= SimpleCongruenceD.step (PStepD.dead_cfg_left β n G m G')

def EStep.let1V0_id (Γ : ℕ → ε) (r) (hΓ : Γ 0 = ⊥)
: @toEStep φ _ Γ r.let1V0 ⟶ toEStep Γ r
:= cast_trg
(SimpleCongruenceD.step (PStepD.let1_beta (var 0) (r.vwk (Nat.liftWk Nat.succ)) hΓ))
(by rw [<-vsubst_fromWk_apply, vsubst_vsubst, vsubst_id']; funext i; cases i <;> rfl)

def EStep.let1 {Γ : ℕ → ε} (e) (h : @toEStep φ _ Γ r ⟶ toEStep Γ r')
: @toEStep φ _ Γ (let1 e r) ⟶ toEStep Γ (let1 e r')
:= SimpleCongruenceD.let1 e h
Expand Down

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