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imbrem committed Sep 21, 2024
1 parent 881e7d8 commit 8a5372b
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Showing 7 changed files with 229 additions and 30 deletions.
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions DeBruijnSSA/BinSyntax/Rewrite/Region/LSubst.lean
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Expand Up @@ -389,6 +389,12 @@ theorem Subst.Eqv.liftn_append_quot {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L K : LCtx α} {J : LCtx
{σ : Subst.InS φ Γ L K}
: liftn_append J ⟦σ⟧ = ⟦σ.liftn_append J⟧ := rfl

theorem Subst.Eqv.vlift_liftn_append {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L K : LCtx α} {J : LCtx α}
{σ : Subst.Eqv φ Γ L K}
: (σ.liftn_append J).vlift (head := head) = σ.vlift.liftn_append J := by
induction σ using Quotient.inductionOn
simp [Subst.InS.vlift_liftn_append]

theorem Subst.Eqv.liftn_append_get_le {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L K : LCtx α} {J : LCtx α}
{σ : Subst.Eqv φ Γ L K} {i : Fin (J ++ L).length}
Expand All @@ -408,6 +414,12 @@ theorem Subst.Eqv.liftn_append_singleton {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L K : LCtx α} {V : T
: σ.liftn_append [V] = σ.slift
:= by induction σ using Quotient.inductionOn; simp

theorem Subst.Eqv.liftn_append_empty {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L K : LCtx α}
{σ : Subst.Eqv φ Γ L K}
: σ.liftn_append [] = σ
:= by induction σ using Quotient.inductionOn; rw [liftn_append_quot]; congr; ext; simp

theorem Eqv.lsubst_cfg {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L : LCtx α}
{R : LCtx α} {β : Eqv φ Γ (R ++ L)} {G : ∀i, Eqv φ (⟨R.get i, ⊥⟩::Γ) (R ++ L)}
Expand All @@ -432,6 +444,12 @@ theorem Subst.InS.vsubst_congr {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε} {L K : LCtx α}
(hρ : ρ ≈ ρ') (hσ : σ ≈ σ') : σ.vsubst ρ ≈ σ'.vsubst ρ'
:= λi => Region.InS.vsubst_congr (Term.Subst.InS.slift_congr hρ) (hσ i)

-- theorem Eqv.vwk_lsubst {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε}
-- {L K : LCtx α} {σ : Subst.Eqv φ Δ L K} {ρ : Γ.InS Δ}
-- {r : Eqv φ Δ L}
-- : (r.lsubst σ).vwk ρ = (r.vwk ρ).lsubst (σ.vwk ρ)
-- := sorry

def Subst.Eqv.vsubst {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε} {L K : LCtx α}
(ρ : Term.Subst.Eqv φ Γ Δ) (σ : Subst.Eqv φ Δ L K) : Subst.Eqv φ Γ L K
:= Quotient.liftOn₂ ρ σ (λρ σ => ⟦σ.vsubst ρ⟧)
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85 changes: 83 additions & 2 deletions DeBruijnSSA/BinSyntax/Rewrite/Region/Structural/Sum.lean
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Expand Up @@ -198,8 +198,12 @@ theorem Eqv.packed_out_unpack {Γ : Ctx α ε} {R : LCtx α}
simp only [Subst.Eqv.vlift_pack, vwk1_seq, nil_vwk1, vwk1_inj_l]
rw [<-packed_out, packed_out_lwk0_arrow, I]

theorem Subst.Eqv.pack_comp_unpack {Γ : Ctx α ε} {R : LCtx α}
: Subst.Eqv.pack.comp Subst.Eqv.unpack = (φ := φ) (Γ := Γ) (L := [R.pack]) := by
theorem Eqv.lsubst_pack_unpack {Γ : Ctx α ε} {R : LCtx α}
: lsubst Subst.Eqv.pack (unpack (φ := φ) (Γ := Γ) (R := R)) = nil := by
rw [<-Eqv.packed_out, Eqv.packed_out_unpack]

theorem Subst.Eqv.pack_comp_unpack {Γ : Ctx α ε} {R : LCtx α}
: Subst.Eqv.pack.comp Subst.Eqv.unpack = (φ := φ) (Γ := Γ) (L := [R.pack]) := by
ext ℓ
induction ℓ using Fin.elim1
simp only [unpack, get_comp, vlift_pack, Eqv.csubst_get, Eqv.cast_rfl, get_id, Fin.coe_fin_one]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -239,6 +243,83 @@ theorem Eqv.cfg_unpack_rec {Γ : Ctx α ε} {R L : LCtx α}
-- = cfg R β (λi => (ret (Term.Eqv.inj_n R i) ;; G).lsubst Subst.Eqv.unpack.extend)
-- := sorry

theorem Eqv.packed_out_cfg_liftn {Γ : Ctx α ε} {R L : LCtx α}
{β : Eqv φ Γ (R ++ L)} {G : (i : Fin R.length) → Eqv φ (⟨R.get i, ⊥⟩::Γ) (R ++ L)}
: (cfg R β G).packed_out
= cfg R (β.lsubst (Subst.Eqv.pack.liftn_append _))
(λi => (G i).lsubst (Subst.Eqv.pack.liftn_append _))
:= by simp only [packed_out, lsubst_cfg, Subst.Eqv.vlift_liftn_append, Subst.Eqv.vlift_pack]

theorem Eqv.lsubst_pack_append_unpack {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L R : LCtx α}
: lsubst (Subst.Eqv.liftn_append R Subst.Eqv.pack).vlift (unpack (φ := φ) (Γ := Γ) (R := R ++ L))
= case (Term.Eqv.pack_app (e := ⊥))
(br (List.length R) Term.Eqv.nil (by simp))
(lwk_id LCtx.Wkn.id_right_append unpack) := by
induction R with
| nil => simp only [List.nil_append, Subst.Eqv.liftn_append_empty, Subst.Eqv.vlift_pack,
lsubst_pack_unpack, LCtx.pack.eq_1, Term.Eqv.pack_app, Term.Eqv.inj_l, List.length_nil,
case_inl, let1_beta, vsubst_br, Term.Eqv.nil_subst0, Term.Eqv.wk_eff_self]; rfl
| cons A L I =>
simp only [List.cons_append, LCtx.pack.eq_2, unpack, coprod, List.append_eq,
Eqv.nil_vwk1, lsubst_case, Term.Eqv.pack_app, Term.Eqv.coprod, List.length_cons]
conv => rhs; rw [case_bind, let1_case]
apply congrArg₂
· have I' := congrArg (vwk1 (inserted := ?h)) <| congrArg (lwk0 (head := A)) I
convert I' using 1
· simp [vwk1_lwk0, unpack_def, Subst.Eqv.pack]
congr; ext
simp [Region.vwk1_lwk0, Region.vwk1_lsubst]
simp [Region.lwk0, <-Region.lsubst_fromLwk, Region.lsubst_lsubst]
funext k
simp only [Subst.comp, Region.lsubst, Subst.vlift, Nat.succ_eq_add_one, Function.comp_apply,
Subst.liftn, add_lt_add_iff_right, Region.lwk, zero_add, Nat.reduceSubDiff,
vsubst0_var0_vwk1, Subst.vwk1_comp_fromLwk, vwk2_vwk1, lsubst_fromLwk]
split <;> rfl
· simp [
lwk0, Term.Eqv.seq, let1_let1, Term.Eqv.sum, Term.Eqv.coprod, Term.Eqv.wk2, Term.Eqv.nil,
Nat.liftnWk, Term.Eqv.wk_lift_inj_l, <-Ctx.InS.lift_wk1, lwk_id_eq_lwk, let1_case
conv => lhs; rhs; simp only [let1_beta]
simp [
Term.Eqv.inj_l, Term.Eqv.inj_r, vwk2, Nat.liftnWk, case_inl, case_inr, let1_beta, lwk_lwk,
-- generalize Term.Eqv.pack_app (φ := φ) = P
-- induction P using Quotient.inductionOn
-- simp only [unpack_def]
-- apply eq_of_reg_eq
-- simp [<-Region.vsubst_fromWk, Region.vsubst_vsubst]
-- congr
-- funext k; cases k using Nat.cases2 <;> simp [Nat.liftnWk, Term.Subst.comp]
-- sorry
· simp only [Eqv.nil_vwk1, Term.Eqv.seq_inj_r, Term.Eqv.wk1_inr, Term.Eqv.wk1_inj_r,
vwk1_br, Term.Eqv.wk1_nil, vwk1_case, Term.Eqv.wk1_var0, List.length_cons, Fin.zero_eta,
List.get_eq_getElem, Fin.val_zero, List.getElem_cons_zero, vwk2_br, Term.Eqv.wk2_nil]
rw [<-ret_var_zero]
simp only [lsubst_br, List.length_cons, Fin.zero_eta, List.get_eq_getElem, Fin.val_zero,
List.getElem_cons_zero, Subst.Eqv.get_vlift, List.cons_append, lt_add_iff_pos_left,
add_pos_iff, zero_lt_one, or_true, Subst.Eqv.liftn_append_get_le, vwk1_br,
Term.Eqv.wk1_var0, vwk_id_eq, vsubst_br, Term.Eqv.var0_subst0, Term.Eqv.wk_res_self,
Term.Eqv.inj_r, vwk2, lwk_id_eq_lwk, Set.mem_setOf_eq, lwk_case, lwk_quot, vwk1_case,
LCtx.pack.eq_2, vwk_quot, vwk_case, Term.Eqv.wk_var, Ctx.InS.coe_wk2, Nat.liftnWk,
Nat.ofNat_pos, ↓reduceIte, let1_beta, vsubst_case, Term.Eqv.subst_lift_nil,
Term.Eqv.subst_lift_var_zero, case_inr, Nat.add_zero, Nat.zero_eq, ↓dreduceIte,
Nat.reduceSub, Nat.succ_eq_add_one, Nat.reduceAdd]
apply eq_of_reg_eq

theorem Eqv.unpacked_out_pack_liftn {Γ : Ctx α ε} {R L : LCtx α}
{β : Eqv φ Γ [(R ++ L).pack]}
: β.unpacked_out.lsubst (Subst.Eqv.pack.liftn_append R)
= β.lsubst (case (Term.Eqv.pack_app (e := ⊥))
(br R.length Term.Eqv.nil (by simp))
(unpack.lwk_id LCtx.Wkn.id_right_append)).csubst := by
rw [unpacked_out, lsubst_lsubst]; congr; ext k; cases k using Fin.elim1
simp [Subst.Eqv.get_comp, Subst.Eqv.unpack_zero, lsubst_pack_append_unpack]

end Region

end BinSyntax
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions DeBruijnSSA/BinSyntax/Rewrite/Term/Compose/Sum.lean
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Expand Up @@ -289,6 +289,11 @@ theorem Eqv.coprod_seq {A B C : Ty α} {Γ : Ctx α ε}
: coprod l r ;;' f = coprod (l ;;' f) (r ;;' f)
:= by rw [coprod, seq, let1_case, coprod, wk1_seq, wk1_seq]; rfl

theorem Eqv.wk_lift_coprod {A B C : Ty α} {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε} {ρ : Γ.InS Δ}
{l : Eqv φ ((A, ⊥)::Δ) ⟨C, e⟩} {r : Eqv φ ((B, ⊥)::Δ) ⟨C, e⟩}
: wk ρ.slift (coprod l r) = coprod (wk ρ.slift l) (wk ρ.slift r)
:= by simp [coprod, wk1, wk_wk]; congr 2 <;> ext k <;> cases k <;> rfl

def Eqv.inj_l {A B : Ty α} {Γ : Ctx α ε} : Eqv (φ := φ) (⟨A, ⊥⟩::Γ) ⟨A.coprod B, e⟩
:= inl nil

Expand All @@ -297,6 +302,11 @@ theorem Eqv.wk1_inj_l {A B : Ty α} {Γ : Ctx α ε}
: (inj_l (φ := φ) (e := e) (A := A) (B := B) (Γ := Γ)).wk1 (inserted := inserted) = inj_l
:= by simp [inj_l]

theorem Eqv.wk_lift_inj_l {A B : Ty α} {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε} {ρ : Γ.InS Δ}
: wk ρ.slift (inj_l (φ := φ) (e := e) (A := A) (B := B)) = inj_l
:= by simp [inj_l]

theorem Eqv.wk2_inj_l {A B : Ty α} {Γ : Ctx α ε}
: (inj_l (φ := φ) (e := e) (A := A) (B := B) (Γ := head::Γ)).wk2 (inserted := inserted) = inj_l
Expand All @@ -320,6 +330,11 @@ theorem Eqv.wk1_inj_r {A B : Ty α} {Γ : Ctx α ε}
: (inj_r (φ := φ) (e := e) (A := A) (B := B) (Γ := Γ)).wk1 (inserted := inserted) = inj_r
:= by simp [inj_r]

theorem Eqv.wk_lift_inj_r {A B : Ty α} {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε} {ρ : Γ.InS Δ}
: wk ρ.slift (inj_r (φ := φ) (e := e) (A := A) (B := B)) = inj_r
:= by simp [inj_r]

theorem Eqv.wk2_inj_r {A B : Ty α} {Γ : Ctx α ε}
: (inj_r (φ := φ) (e := e) (A := A) (B := B) (Γ := head::Γ)).wk2 (inserted := inserted) = inj_r
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Empty file.
94 changes: 74 additions & 20 deletions DeBruijnSSA/BinSyntax/Rewrite/Term/Structural/Sum.lean
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Expand Up @@ -9,26 +9,37 @@ variable [Φ: EffInstSet φ (Ty α) ε] [PartialOrder α] [SemilatticeSup ε] [O
namespace Term

set_option linter.unusedVariables false in
def Eqv.inj
def Eqv.inj'
{Γ : Ctx α ε} {R : LCtx α} {i : Fin R.length} (a : Eqv φ Γ (R.get i, e)) : Eqv φ Γ (R.pack, e)
:= match R with
| [] => i.elim0
| _::R => by cases i using Fin.cases with | zero => exact a.inr | succ i => exact inl (inj a)
| _::R => by cases i using Fin.cases with | zero => exact a.inr | succ i => exact inl (inj' a)

theorem Eqv.inj_quot {Γ : Ctx α ε} {R : LCtx α} {i : Fin R.length} {a : InS φ Γ (R.get i, e)}
: Eqv.inj ⟦a⟧ = ⟦Term.InS.inj a⟧ := by
theorem Eqv.inj_quot' {Γ : Ctx α ε} {R : LCtx α} {i : Fin R.length} {a : InS φ Γ (R.get i, e)}
: Eqv.inj' ⟦a⟧ = ⟦Term.InS.inj a⟧ := by
induction R generalizing Γ with
| nil => exact i.elim0
| cons _ _ I =>
cases i using Fin.cases with
| zero => rfl
| succ i =>
simp only [inj, I, inl_quot, Fin.cases_succ]
simp only [inj', I, inl_quot, Fin.cases_succ]
apply congrArg
simp [Term.inj, Term.Wf.inj, -Function.iterate_succ, Function.iterate_succ']

def Eqv.inj
{Γ : Ctx α ε} {R : LCtx α} {i : Fin R.length} (a : Eqv φ Γ (R.get i, e)) : Eqv φ Γ (R.pack, e)
:= Quotient.liftOn a (λa => ⟦a.inj⟧) (λ_ _ h => by simp [<-Eqv.inj_quot', Quotient.sound h])

theorem Eqv.inj_quot {Γ : Ctx α ε} {R : LCtx α} {i : Fin R.length} {a : InS φ Γ (R.get i, e)}
: Eqv.inj ⟦a⟧ = ⟦a.inj⟧ := rfl

theorem Eqv.inj_eq_inj' {Γ : Ctx α ε} {R : LCtx α} {i : Fin R.length} {a : Eqv φ Γ (R.get i, e)}
: a.inj = Eqv.inj' a := by induction a using Quotient.inductionOn; rw [inj_quot']; rfl

theorem Eqv.wk_inj {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε} {R : LCtx α} {i : Fin R.length}
{a : Eqv φ Δ (R.get i, e)} {ρ : Γ.InS Δ}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -61,7 +72,7 @@ theorem Eqv.inj_zero {Γ : Ctx α ε} {R : LCtx α}

theorem Eqv.inj_succ {Γ : Ctx α ε} {R : LCtx α} {i : Fin R.length}
{a : Eqv φ Γ (List.get (A::R) i.succ, e)}
: a.inj = (a.inj (R := R)).inl := rfl
: a.inj = (a.inj (R := R)).inl := by rw [inj_eq_inj', inj_eq_inj']; rfl

def Eqv.inj_n {Γ : Ctx α ε} (R : LCtx α) (i : Fin R.length) : Eqv φ ((R.get i, ⊥)::Γ) (R.pack, e)
:= match R with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -97,24 +108,67 @@ theorem Eqv.seq_inj_n {Γ : Ctx α ε} {R : LCtx α} {i : Fin R.length}
| cons _ _ I =>
cases i using Fin.cases with
| zero => simp [inj_n, <-inr_let1, nil, let1_eta]
| succ i => simp [inj_n, <-inl_let1, I, inj]
| succ i => simp [inj_n, <-inl_let1, I, inj_succ]

-- def Eqv.pack_case {Γ : Ctx α ε} {R : LCtx α}
-- (d : Eqv φ Γ (R.pack, e)) (G : ∀i : Fin R.length, Eqv φ ((R.get i, ⊥)::Γ) (A, e))
-- : Eqv φ Γ (C, e) := sorry
def Eqv.pack_app_inr {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L R : LCtx α} : Eqv φ ((L.pack, ⊥)::Γ) ((L ++ R).pack, e)
:= match L with
| [] => zero
| _::_ => coprod (pack_app_inr ;;' inj_l) inj_r

-- def Eqv.pack_app_inl {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L R : LCtx α} : Eqv φ ((L.pack, ⊥)::Γ) ((L ++ R).pack, e)
-- := sorry
def Eqv.pack_app_inl {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L R : LCtx α} : Eqv φ ((R.pack, ⊥)::Γ) ((L ++ R).pack, e)
:= match L with
| [] => nil
| _::_ => pack_app_inl ;;' inj_l

-- def Eqv.pack_app_inr {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L R : LCtx α} : Eqv φ ((R.pack, ⊥)::Γ) ((L ++ R).pack, e)
-- := sorry
def Eqv.pack_app {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L R : LCtx α}
: Eqv φ (((L ++ R).pack, ⊥)::Γ) (R.pack.coprod L.pack, e)
:= match L with
| [] => inj_l
| _::L => coprod (pack_app (L := L) ;;' sum nil inj_l) (inj_r ;;' inj_r)

-- def Eqv.pack_app {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L R : LCtx α}
-- : Eqv φ (((L ++ R).pack, ⊥)::Γ) (L.pack.coprod R.pack, e)
-- := sorry

-- TODO: pack_app
theorem Eqv.wk_lift_pack_app {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε} {L R : LCtx α} {ρ : Γ.InS Δ}
: (pack_app (φ := φ) (Γ := Δ) (L := L) (R := R) (e := e)).wk ρ.slift = pack_app := by
induction L generalizing R with
| nil => rfl
| cons A L I => simp [pack_app, wk_lift_seq, Term.Eqv.wk_lift_coprod, Term.Eqv.sum, I]

-- TODO: pack_app_pack_case => pack_case
theorem Eqv.wk1_pack_app {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L R : LCtx α}
: (pack_app (φ := φ) (Γ := Γ) (L := L) (R := R) (e := e)).wk1 (inserted := inserted) = pack_app
:= by rw [wk1, <-Ctx.InS.lift_wk0, wk_lift_pack_app]

theorem Eqv.pack_app_coprod {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L R : LCtx α}
: pack_app (φ := φ) (Γ := Γ) (L := L) (R := R) (e := e) ;;' coprod pack_app_inl pack_app_inr = nil
:= by induction L generalizing R with
| nil => simp [pack_app, pack_app_inl, inj_l_coprod]
| cons A L I =>
simp only [List.cons_append, LCtx.pack.eq_2, pack_app, List.append_eq, coprod_seq, ← seq_assoc,
sum_coprod, nil_seq, inj_r_coprod]
simp [
pack_app_inl, pack_app_inr, inj_l_coprod, inj_r_coprod, <-coprod_seq, seq_assoc, I,

theorem Eqv.pack_app_inl_pack_app {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L R : LCtx α}
: pack_app_inl ;;' pack_app (φ := φ) (Γ := Γ) (L := L) (R := R) (e := e) = inj_l
:= by induction L generalizing R with
| nil => simp [pack_app_inl, pack_app, inj_l_coprod]
| cons A L I =>
simp only [LCtx.pack.eq_2, List.cons_append, pack_app_inl, pack_app, List.append_eq, ←
seq_assoc, inj_l_coprod]
rw [seq_assoc, I, sum, inj_l_coprod, nil_seq]

theorem Eqv.pack_app_inr_pack_app {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L R : LCtx α}
: pack_app_inr ;;' pack_app (φ := φ) (Γ := Γ) (L := L) (R := R) (e := e) = inj_r
:= by induction L generalizing R with
| nil => apply zero_eq
| cons A L I =>
simp [pack_app_inr, pack_app, coprod_seq, <-seq_assoc, inj_l_coprod, inj_r_coprod]
rw [seq_assoc, I, sum, inj_r_coprod, <-coprod_seq, coprod_inl_inr, nil_seq]

theorem Eqv.coprod_pack_app {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L R : LCtx α}
: coprod pack_app_inl pack_app_inr ;;' pack_app (φ := φ) (Γ := Γ) (L := L) (R := R) (e := e) = nil
:= by simp [coprod_seq, pack_app_inl_pack_app, pack_app_inr_pack_app, coprod_inl_inr]

end Term
42 changes: 34 additions & 8 deletions DeBruijnSSA/BinSyntax/Typing/LCtx.lean
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Expand Up @@ -354,16 +354,42 @@ theorem LCtx.IsInitial.pack {L : LCtx α} : L.IsInitial → Ty.IsInitial (LCtx.p
:= pack_iff.mpr

def LCtx.pack' : LCtx α → Ty α
| [] => Ty.empty
| [A] => A
| A::L => Ty.coprod A (pack' L)
def LCtx.dist (X : Ty α) : LCtx α → LCtx α
| [] => []
| A::L => ( X A)::(dist X L)

theorem LCtx.IsInitial.pack_iff' {L : LCtx α} : L.pack'.IsInitial ↔ L.IsInitial := by
induction L with | nil => simp | cons _ L I => cases L <;> simp [*]
theorem LCtx.IsInitial.dist_iff {X : Ty α} {L : LCtx α}
: (L.dist X).IsInitial ↔ X.IsInitial ∨ L.IsInitial
:= by induction L <;> aesop

theorem LCtx.IsInitial.pack' {L : LCtx α} : L.IsInitial → Ty.IsInitial (LCtx.pack L)
:= pack_iff.mpr
theorem LCtx.IsInitial.dist {X : Ty α} {L : LCtx α}
: L.IsInitial → (L.dist X).IsInitial
:= dist_iff.mpr ∘ Or.inr

theorem Ty.IsInitial.dist {X : Ty α} {L : LCtx α}
: X.IsInitial → (L.dist X).IsInitial
:= LCtx.IsInitial.dist_iff.mpr ∘ Or.inl

theorem LCtx.length_dist {X : Ty α} {L : LCtx α} : (L.dist X).length = L.length
:= by induction L <;> simp [*]

theorem LCtx.getElem_dist {X : Ty α} {L : LCtx α} {n} {h : n < (L.dist X).length}
: (L.dist X)[n] = X (L[n]'(L.length_dist ▸ h))
:= by induction L generalizing n with
| nil => cases h
| cons _ _ I => cases n <;> simp [*]

theorem LCtx.get_dist {X : Ty α} {L : LCtx α} {i}
: (L.dist X).get i = X (L.get <| i.cast L.length_dist)
:= getElem_dist

def LCtx.dpack (X : Ty α) : LCtx α → Ty α
| [] => Ty.empty
| A::L => Ty.coprod (dpack X L) ( X A)

theorem LCtx.pack_dist {X : Ty α} {L : LCtx α} : LCtx.pack (L.dist X) = LCtx.dpack X L := by
induction L <;> simp [*]

def Ty.unpack_sum : Ty α → LCtx α
| Ty.empty => []
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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions DeBruijnSSA/BinSyntax/Typing/Region/LSubst.lean
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Expand Up @@ -633,6 +633,11 @@ theorem Region.Subst.InS.vlift_slift {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L K : LCtx α}
{σ : Subst.InS φ Γ L K}
: (σ.slift (head := head')).vlift (head := head) = σ.vlift.slift := vlift_lift

theorem Region.Subst.InS.vlift_liftn_append {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L K J : LCtx α}
{σ : Subst.InS φ Γ L K}
: (σ.liftn_append J).vlift (head := head) = σ.vlift.liftn_append J := by
ext; simp [Region.Subst.vlift_liftn_comm]

theorem Region.InS.vwk1_lsubst_vlift {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L K : LCtx α}
{σ : Subst.InS φ Γ L K} {r : Region.InS φ (head::Γ) L}
: (r.lsubst σ.vlift).vwk1 (inserted := inserted) = r.vwk1.lsubst σ.vlift.vlift := by
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