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imbrem committed Jul 26, 2024
1 parent f2fe396 commit b5d886c
Showing 1 changed file with 40 additions and 0 deletions.
40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions DeBruijnSSA/BinSyntax/Typing/Region/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -212,6 +212,20 @@ theorem InS.coe_update {ι : Type _} [DecidableEq ι] {Γ : ι → Ctx α ε} {L
case isTrue h => cases h; rfl
case isFalse h => rfl

def InS.ccfg {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L D : LCtx α} (R : LCtx α) (dβ : InS φ Γ D) (hD : D = R ++ L)
(dG : ∀i : Fin R.length, InS φ (⟨R.get i, ⊥⟩::Γ) (R ++ L))
: InS φ Γ L := InS.cfg R (dβ.cast rfl hD) dG

theorem InS.coe_ccfg {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L D : LCtx α} (R : LCtx α) (dβ : InS φ Γ D) (hD : D = R ++ L)
(dG : ∀i : Fin R.length, InS φ (⟨R.get i, ⊥⟩::Γ) (R ++ L))
: (InS.ccfg R dβ hD dG : Region φ) = (InS.cfg R (dβ.cast rfl hD) dG : Region φ)
:= rfl

theorem InS.ccfg_rfl {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L : LCtx α} (R : LCtx α) (dβ : InS φ Γ (R ++ L))
(dG : ∀i : Fin R.length, InS φ (⟨R.get i, ⊥⟩::Γ) (R ++ L))
: ccfg R dβ rfl dG = cfg R dβ dG := rfl

theorem InS.induction
{motive : (Γ : Ctx α ε) → (L : LCtx α) → InS φ Γ L → Prop}
(br : ∀{Γ L A} (ℓ) (a : Term.InS φ Γ ⟨A, ⊥⟩) (hℓ : L.Trg ℓ A), motive Γ L ( ℓ a hℓ))
Expand All @@ -237,6 +251,32 @@ theorem InS.induction
simp only [Fin.cast_eq_self] at *
exact cfg R ⟨_, dβ⟩ (λi => ⟨_, dG i⟩) Iβ IG

theorem InS.induction_ccfg
{motive : (Γ : Ctx α ε) → (L : LCtx α) → InS φ Γ L → Prop}
(br : ∀{Γ L A} (ℓ) (a : Term.InS φ Γ ⟨A, ⊥⟩) (hℓ : L.Trg ℓ A), motive Γ L ( ℓ a hℓ))
(let1 : ∀{Γ L A e} (a : Term.InS φ Γ ⟨A, e⟩) (t : InS φ (⟨A, ⊥⟩::Γ) L),
motive _ _ t → motive Γ L (InS.let1 a t))
(let2 : ∀{Γ L A B e} (a : Term.InS φ Γ ⟨ A B, e⟩) (t : InS φ (⟨B, ⊥⟩::⟨A, ⊥⟩::Γ) L),
motive _ _ t → motive Γ L (InS.let2 a t))
(case : ∀{Γ L A B e} (a : Term.InS φ Γ ⟨Ty.coprod A B, e⟩)
(s : InS φ (⟨A, ⊥⟩::Γ) L) (t : InS φ (⟨B, ⊥⟩::Γ) L),
motive _ _ s → motive _ _ t → motive Γ L ( a s t))
(ccfg : ∀{Γ L D} (R)
(dβ : InS φ Γ D)
(hD : D = R ++ L)
(dG : ∀i : Fin R.length, InS φ (⟨R.get i, ⊥⟩::Γ) (R ++ L)),
motive _ _ dβ → (∀i, motive _ _ (dG i)) → motive Γ L (InS.ccfg R dβ hD dG))
{Γ L} : (h : InS φ Γ L) → motive _ _ h
| ⟨r, hr⟩ => by induction hr with
| br hℓ ha => exact br _ ⟨_, ha⟩ hℓ
| let1 ha hr Ir => exact let1 ⟨_, ha⟩ ⟨_, hr⟩ Ir
| let2 ha hr Ir => exact let2 ⟨_, ha⟩ ⟨_, hr⟩ Ir
| case ha hl hr Il Ir => exact case ⟨_, ha⟩ ⟨_, hl⟩ ⟨_, hr⟩ Il Ir
| cfg n R hR dβ dG Iβ IG =>
cases hR
simp only [Fin.cast_eq_self] at *
exact ccfg R ⟨_, dβ⟩ rfl (λi => ⟨_, dG i⟩) Iβ IG

def InS.shf {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L : LCtx α} {R : LCtx α} {Y : Ty α}
(d : InS φ Γ (R ++ (Y::L))) : InS φ Γ ((LCtx.shf_first R Y L)::(LCtx.shf_rest R Y L))
:= d.cast rfl LCtx.shf_eq
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