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Assignment 01

Course Title: Web Development

Course Code: IMD1005

Semester: Winter 2023

Due Date: 11:59 PM (midnight) 2023-01-27

Assessment: This assignment is worth 15% of your final grade and marked out of 100.


  1. Write a report that showcases your website design, describes your client, the users of the website, and the results of a quick guerrilla user testing session.


Create a report that includes:

  • a short description of your client,
  • one (1) high fidelity web page design for a homepage or landing page (desktop or mobile),
  • research conducted about your client's users,
    • who are the users of the website,
    • the key problem(s) that the users are experiencing,
    • the tasks that they are looking to accomplish on this site
    • how your website design addresses these tasks
  • the results of your guerilla user testing

Client details

You are empowered to invent as many details as you need about your client.

For example, if you would like to design a website for a non-profit food bank, then you could assume your client is a program director at a local Food Bank. If you want to design a portfolio site, then you can say that your client is a successful designer with a healthy amount of completed projects under their belt. If you wanted to design a website that markets a video game, you could say your client is a marketing manager at a game company that is looking for web design support.

Assignment acceptance criteria

  • Your report must be in one of the following formats, pdf, word, ppt, keynote, or pages.
  • Submit one document via Brightspace before the specified deadline
  • Include a cover page with:
    • The assignment number and title, e.g.: Assignment 1: Website design for (Name of client)
    • The course ID & section, e.g.: IMD1005A or IMD1005B
    • Your name
    • Your student number
  • Clearly label all sections and appendices
  • Use appendices to add any additional information to the report that you feel would be helpful
  • Included references and citations

Grading rubric

This report is worth 15% of your final grade and marked out of 100.

Criteria Total Marks How we define excellence
Webpage design 35% of total High fidelity, desktop or mobile version of a landing page or home page design. The design presented demonstrates a deep understanding of the client, and takes into account the results of the user research and incorporates outcomes from user testing. The whole design comes across as cohesive, and a focus on user experience is evident.
Problem definition 20% of total Extensive research conducted and clear documentation is provided demonstrating a solid understanding of the client, and how the client measures and defines success. Further documentation presented that demonstrates an understanding of users problems / opportunities (in relation to the client's product or service). Competitive analysis may be conducted to gain a deep understanding of the client's competitors and their respective offerings.
User tasks 20% of total The report includes a description of the client's users, demonstrates an understanding of what the users needs are, and describes what tasks they are trying to accomplish (in relation to the client's product or service).
User testing 20% of total Document your guerrilla user testing sessions. Include how user testing sessions were conducted, what questions were asked, and what insights or observations (if any) were gained.
Report presentation 5% of total Content is king, but how that content is presented can also be just as important. Information in the report is documented in a way that is engaging, compelling, and easily understandable. The report is designed in a way that looks appealing, helps readers quickly identify the important information, and makes it easy for them to skim to find relevant sections.

Sample structure of the report

The following is a sample of the sections that may be included in your report. You may follow this as a sample, or you may implement the report titles and structure that you feel best conveys your designs and ideas. This is purely for informational purposes.

Content or section Description Notes
Cover page A cover page See Assignment acceptance criteria section for specific items that need to be on the cover page
Table of contents A table of contents that lists out all of your report sections and appendices
Web page design Full page high fidelity mockup for home page. Show the awesome thing! People love seeing the thing. Show it off first. Then in the following sections you can speak about your client and their users
The Client Document information about your client and any assumptions that you made Consider identifying, analysing, and assessing competitors in the space to demonstrate your understanding of your client's product or service landscape.
The Users Describe the potential users of this website and the problems they are facing (in context to the client's product or service offerings)
User tasks What are the user tasks that they looking to accomplish on your client's site
Addressing user needs Demonstrate how your website design addresses the key tasks that the users are trying to accomplish
Appendix A: Citations and References List out any references or citations. If you used any free stock images, icons, or other resources please document those sources as well.
Appendix B: User testing Document the user testing that you conducted Include a description of how you performed the user testing. Did you use a digital tool, printed paper copy, etc. Document the results of the user testing, the feedback or insights gained, and if you modified your design based on the user testing session.
Appendix C: Site map A site map can be very useful to convey to the client your understanding of the scope and size of the project, and how content will be organized Only adds value if the site is expected to be more than one page

Late submissions

  • If you intend to use one of your assignment extensions please email before the specified due date
  • If you are ill or any other issues arise that are beyond your control, please email before the specified due date to discuss alternate arrangements

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Am I able to use copy written / trademarked material
Yes! As this is an educational exercise and the material you are creating is not for commercial purposes, copywritten or trademarked material such as brand logos may be included in your design
Can I use lorem ipsum text in my designs
Yes! You are absolutely permitted to use lorem ipsum, bacon ipsum, or vegan ipsum in your designs. Keep in mind that this should not be used in cases where the meaning of the text is important, for example the call to action buttons in the hero.
Do I need to include sketches, concepts, or initial low fidelity mockups in the report
No. If you would like to share your design or creative process and think they would add value to the report than feel free to include them, but it is not required.
Do I need to include source files / asset files for my designs

Helpful links

