A tiny set of helpers and TS types for building ImageEngine query URLs for your distribution.
These set of utilities only make sense if you want to use an object to declare your directives for when retrieving assets from an ImageEngine distribution.
Install it with:
npm install @imageengine/imageengine-helpers
View on npm
export type IEFormat =
"png" |
"gif" |
"jpg" |
"bmp" |
"webp" |
"jp2" |
"svg" |
"mp4" |
"jxr" |
"jxl" ;
export type IEFit =
"stretch" |
"box" |
"letterbox" |
"cropbox" |
"outside" ;
export interface IEDirectives {
width?: number; // the intrinsic width of the final image
height?: number; // the intrinsic height of the final image
auto_width_fallback?: number; // if WURFL device detection should be tried with a
// fallback value in case it fails
scale_to_screen_width?: number; // 0-100 float
crop?: [number, number, number, number]; // [width, height, left, top]
format?: IEFormat; // the output format
fit?: IEFit; // the image fit in relation to the provided width/height
compression?: number; // 0-100
sharpness?: number; // 0-100
rotate?: number; // -360-360
inline?: true; // convert image to dataURL
keep_meta?: true; // keep EXIF image data
no_optimization?: true; // don't apply IE optimizations
force_download?: true;
max_device_pixel_ratio: 2.1; // 1-4 float
For instance:
import { build_IE_url, build_IE_directives, build_IE_query_string } from "imageengine-helpers";
let directives: IEDirectives = {
width: 400,
height: 200,
fit: "cropbox",
compression: 10,
inline: true,
format: "png",
force_download: true,
max_device_pixel_ratio: 2.1
let source_url: string = "https://my_ie_distribution.imgeng.io/path/to_asset1.jpg";
let final_url: string = build_IE_url(source_url, directives);
let directives_string: string = build_IE_directives(directives);
let query_string: string = build_IE_query_string(directives);