Package build on top of CoppeliaSim simulator using mostly PyRep package to communicate with the simulator. Enables control of a simulator via ROS2 messages and services.
Package provides possibility to manage scene objects and robot control.
Tested version: Ubuntu 20.04, ROS2 Galactic, CoppeliaSim 4.1.0 Edu.
graph TD;
subgraph "Scene control (ROS services)"
subgraph "Scene info (ROS messages)"
subgraph "Robot control (ROS messages) (2 modes)"
S1("/add_or_edit_object") --> I
S2("/remove_object") --> I
S3("/gripper_control") --> I
I --> T1("/coppelia/object_info")
I --> T2("/coppelia/left_camera <br> /coppelia/right_camera")
T3("Joint states control <br> /relaxed_ik/joint_angle_solutions <br> OR <br> CUSTOM_TOPIC") --> I
T4("Pose control <br> /ee_pose_goals") --> I
I("mirracle sim ROS interface <br> Python3.X") --> P("PyRep <br> Python3.X")
P --> C("Coppelia Sim (Main)")
C --> P
P --> I
CSE("Coppelia Sim Example * <br> (examples/ <br> * launched without ROS interface") --> P
P --> CSE
CSRE("Coppelia Sim ROS Example <br> (examples/") --> I
I --> CSRE
Install alongside teleop_gesture_toolbox.
- Check if CoppeliaSim running correctly without ROS2, run given example:
cd <coppelia_sim_ros_interface>/examples
Run CoppeliaSim example with ROS.
Terminal: Server
cd <coppelia_sim_ros_interface>/<coppelia_sim_ros_interface>
- Terminal: Client
cd <coppelia_sim_ros_interface>/examples
Example Python function that can be used to communicate with interface are in lib file.
Subscribe on /coppelia/left_camera
and /coppelia/right_camera
to receive Camera Images type Image
To view camera image, rqt_image_view
can be used with command:
ros2 run rqt_image_view rqt_image_view /coppelia/left_camera
Call service /add_or_edit_object
with argument name='camera'
and argument pub_info='true'
. (Template function in lib)
Subscribe on /coppelia/object_info
to receive info about objects.
Call service /add_or_edit_object
with argument name='<object_name>'
and argument pub_info='true'
to receive info about object. (Template function in lib)
Creates or edit object on scene.
If name given does not exist, the object will be created.
Service name: /add_or_edit_object
Service type: AddOrEditObject from coppelia_sim_ros_interface.srv
Service description: file link
For calling, template function in lib
Creation priority is:
- mesh file
- shape
- if both mesh & shape not given, a box is created
Removes an object from the scene.
Service name: /remove_object
Service msg type: RemoveObject from coppelia_sim_ros_interface.srv
Service description: file link
For calling, template function in lib
Service name: /gripper_control
Service msg type: GripperControl from coppelia_sim_ros_interface.srv
Service description: file link
For calling, template function in lib
Use parameter position
as 0.0
for closed gripper and 1.0
for opened gripper. Use effort between 0.0-1.0
Use action grasp
or release
to attach object to eef. Specify object as object