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Python gesture toolbox for teleoperating robotic arm. The toolbox covers both detection of static and dynamic gestures, pointing gesture, mapping the gesture meaning and live teleoperation.

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Teleoperation gesture toolbox v1.1

Welcome to teleoperation gesture toolbox package made for Leap Motion Controller or D400 series RealSense. Most of the package utilize ROS2.


Install Leap Motion SDK and API for Python (v3.11), see script.

I use miniconda packaging. Dependency packages are stored in environment.yml file.

conda install mamba -c conda-forge
mamba env create -f environment.yml # Installs ROS2 Humble via RoboStack utilized for this conda environemnt
mamba activate teleopenv

Build as ROS2 package:

mkdir -p ~/teleop_ws/src
cd ~/teleop_ws/src
git clone --depth 1
cd ..
colcon build --symlink-install
rm ~/teleop_ws/build/gesture_detector/gesture_detector/saved_models
ln -s ~/teleop_ws/src/teleop_gesture_toolbox/gesture_detector/saved_models ~/teleop_ws/build/gesture_detector/gesture_detector/saved_models
ln -s ~/teleop_ws/src/teleop_gesture_toolbox/scene_getter/scene_getter/scene_makers/scenes ~/teleop_ws/build/scene_getter/scene_getter/scene_makers/scenes

I use following alias to source the environment:

alias teleopenv='conda activate teleopenv;
source ~/teleop_ws/install/setup.bash'

See Leap Motion rigged hands by using leapjs-rigged-hand.

Common Gestures dataset

Sample trained model (containing common gestures) is included with the repository (gesture_detector/saved_models) and is loaded by default. For more information about training on new dataset, look at section "Gesture dataset collection and detector training".


Gesture detector (not requires robotics setup)

Run Leap Motion backend: sudo leapd

Run gesture detector:

teleopenv; ros2 launch gesture_detector sensor:=leap # or realsense

See the gesture detections on your browser localhost:8000.

(optional) Run websocket server on specific port

To run websocket (for live gesture display) on scecific port, first, comment websocket node in launch file description and run:

teleopenv; ros2 launch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket_launch.xml port:=9095

Deictic gesture (Pointing object selection)

Pointing on objects on the scene with your hand will select it. Run: ros2 run pointing_object_selection selector_node.

Deictic selector requires scene publisher, publishing the scene object locations. Run ros2 run scene_getter mocked_scene to publish mocked scene, or see the script how it is done.

Secondly, calibration of the Leap Motion Controller with your scene base frame is needed. Transforms are defined in (saved_config folder). a404.yaml is valid for example setup (see image setup.jpg) when the Leap Motion controller is opposite from base.

Example setup setup.jpg

Gesture sentence processor

By combining multiple gesture types creates a gesture sentence. When pointing gesture is detected, object selection is activated. See example video here.

Requires gesture detector (teleopenv; ros2 launch gesture_detector and deictic node (ros2 run pointing_object_selection selector_node) running.

Then gesture sentence processor is launch with

ros2 run gesture_sentence_maker sentence_maker

After gesture sentence finishes (hand no longer visible), processed gestures are sent and you should see HRI Command original results on your browser (localhost:8000).

Mapping gestures to Robotic Actions

Get gesture meaning and convert detected gestures to (robotic) actions. Run: ros2 run gesture_meaning gesture_meaning_service

Service is launching 1 to 1 constant mapping by default. Note that gesture set must match the current gesture set. See OneToOneMapping class in

By running the service, mappings are published to /hri/command topic.

Action execution by the robotic manipulator

Part that executes the actions with robitic manipulator is moved to separate repository compatibility with this package is currently under development.

Gesture Direct Teleoperation (requires robotics setup)

Direct teleoperation is a separate subpackage (live_teleoperation folder)

Tested robot is Franka Emika Panda and panda_py pip install panda-python. See implementation in

Servoing happens in task space (cartesian controller).


  1. Run Leap Motion backend: sudo leapd
  2. Run Leap Motion ROS2 publisher: teleopenv; ros2 run gesture_detector leap
  3. Run servo: python
    • Teleoperate robot with fist (grab) gesture, so close hand and move the robot.
    • Open your hand for the robot to stop following your hand movements.
    • Right hand for teleoperation, Left hand to close and open gripper.

Gesture dataset collection and detector training

The sample dataset can be downloaded from link. The dataset needs to be saved to gesture_detector/gesture_data folder.

To create your owndataset, run:

teleopenv; python gesture_detector/hand_processing/ --record_with_enter --recording_gesture_name <your gesture name>

Use Enter to record 1 sec long gesture demonstration saved as hand movement to gesture_detector/gesture_data folder.

I like to also run the marker publisher: teleopenv; ros2 launch gesture_detector hand_marker_pub and rviz to see the hand: teleopenv; rviz2 -d gesture_detector/live_display/hand_cfg.rviz

To train the static gestures, run:

teleopenv; gesture_classification/ --gestures <gesture 1 name> <gesture 2 name> <gesture n name> script, where gesture names are your gesture names. By default, gesture names are the ones from sample dataset.

After training is done, see the model in gesture_detector/saved_models folder. To set the model, adjust model in launch/ file.


Python gesture toolbox for teleoperating robotic arm. The toolbox covers both detection of static and dynamic gestures, pointing gesture, mapping the gesture meaning and live teleoperation.






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