Connect Imixs-Workflow with services and software platforms!
The 'imixs-adapers' project contains a set of technologies to adapt services and software platforms into the Imixs-Workflow engine. The project is split into severals modules. where each module provides a different connector technology.
Take a look into the separated sub projects or see the wiki pages for more information.
The LDAP adapters provide a set of services (EJB) to connect the Imixs-Marty project to an external LDAP server and extend the Imixs-Marty ProfileService with data provided by an ldap directory service. The LDAP adapter can be configured as an incerceptor to extend the capabilities of imixs-marty services.
The Imixs-Documents is a adapter project for collecting textual information from attached documents during the processing phase. This extracted text information is added into the item 'dms' which can be part of the lucene full-text-index. The DMS meta data is handled by the Imixs-Archive project.
The Import adapter provides a generic document import service based on the Imixs Scheduler API
The DATEV adapter project supports services to import and export data with the DATEV system (DATEV is a finance software in Germany). The project is split into a back-end (EJB) and a front-end (JSF) component.
The imixs-prometheus-adapter provides a rest service endpoint exposing Imxis-Workflow metrics.
The imixs-adapters-sepa provides services to export workflow invoice data into a sepa file.
This The imixs-adapters-kafka provides an Apache Kafka messaging service for Imixs-Workflow events.