This repo includes:
July 2020 slides for the Licensing Hackathon
May 2020 introduction to Creative Commons licensing for symbolic scores
May 2019 (summer training slides): HR intro, the SIMSSA overview, and open source software licensing introduction.
The repo itself is also meant to serve as an example of how one might license a combination of software, symbolic music scores, and documentation.
You can add a license to your GitHub repo following this tutorial: https://help.github.com/en/articles/adding-a-license-to-a-repository Choose the license that applies to your software.
This repo includes an example file (hello-simssa.py) showing how you can include the MIT license in your actual code. You should have a license for the whole repo as well as the license text in all your files.
You can also include additional licenses (in the README and at the file level) so that you can use Creative Commons licenses for your symbolic scores and documentation. See below for example text.
This license notice is adapted from the notice in the Measuring Polyphony Project repository copyright 2018 Karen Desmond, which is licensed under https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/deed.en_US
The source code for this example repo is licensed under the MIT license. (This is also the license I add using GitHub's licensing metadata and labelling system.)
The symbolic scores in this repository (in the "scores" folder) are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license. Any further use of this project's music transcriptions must be attributed correctly to the project and the project's editor according to the terms of this license.
The documentation for this repository is licensed under CC BY SA 4.0 copyright Emily Hopkins 2019-2020. It currently consists only of this README. (If I also had a ReadtheDocs or similar I would copy the license over there too.)
BONUS! All presentations slides in this repo (in the folder "slides") are also licensed CC BY SA 4.0 copyright Emily Hopkins 2019-2020.