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MekDrop edited this page Jul 25, 2022 · 1 revision
Notice: Wiki was automatic generated from project sources as project API documentation. Do not edit manually!# Imponeer\Database\Criteria\Enum\Order

Defines how to order results


Stringable, JsonSerializable




Name Description

Inherited methods

Name Description
__callStatic Returns a value when called statically like so: MyEnum::SOME_VALUE() given SOME_VALUE is a class constant
__construct Creates a new value of some type
__toString -
__wakeup This method exists only for the compatibility reason when deserializing a previously serialized version
that didn't had the key property
assertValidValue Asserts valid enum value
equals Determines if Enum should be considered equal with the variable passed as a parameter.
from -
getKey Returns the enum key (i.e. the constant name).
getValue -
isValid Check if is valid enum value
isValidKey Check if is valid enum key
jsonSerialize Specify data which should be serialized to JSON. This method returns data that can be serialized by json_encode()
keys Returns the names (keys) of all constants in the Enum class
search Return key for value
toArray Returns all possible values as an array
values Returns instances of the Enum class of all Enum constants