Releases: import-tiago/NoteIt
Releases · import-tiago/NoteIt
Even further reduction in PCB manufacturing cost (PCB v1.2)
- All vias changed to 0.3mm drill and 0.6mm diameter.
- This approach saves money in the production of PCBs (JLCPCB experience) - less tests is necessary.
- Waiting PCBs arrive to final tests and validation.
Lowering manufacturing cost (PCB v1.1)
- Vias with 0.2mm drill and 0.4mm diameter changed to 0.3mm drill and 0.6mm diameter.
- The first approach makes the production of PCBs much more expensive (JLCPCB experience).
First PCB release (PCB v1.0)
PCB v1.0
- Gerber files to PCB v1.0 production.
- Schematic from PCB v1.0.