Inspired by Khalil Stemmler's Simple TypeScript Starter | 2020
- Minimal
- TypeScript v4
- Testing with Jest and Supertest
- Linting with Eslint and Prettier
- Pre-commit hooks with Husky
- Commit messages with git-cz
- Local development with Nodemon
Starts the application in development using nodemon
and ts-node
to do hot reloading.
Starts the app in production by first building the project with yarn run build
, and then executing the compiled JavaScript at build/index.js
Builds the app at build
, cleaning the folder first.
Run unit tests inside src
Run e2e tests inside e2e
Format your code.
Lint your code.
Prepare changeset for commit.
Commit changes.
Consume changesets and apply the most appropriate semver version based on those.