Version 5.0
- Changed the release of the standalone GUI tool.
- Invalid TimeGenerated is now reported as a validation error instead of an exception.
Changes in the Standalone GUI tool
The standalone GUI application is now distributed as a ZIP file that can be unzipped anywhere on the target computer. There is no installation process other than unzipping the file.
For Windows users, Java is not required anymore to run the application (it uses an embedded JRE) and it can be started by double-clicking the EXE file.
For MAC users, Java is still required; the application can be launched by double-clicking the naaccr-xml-utility.jar in the lib folder, or executing that JAR file on the command line.
Changes to the SAS files distribution
The SAS files (JAR file and the read/write macros) are not distributed as part of the distributed ZIP file. They are all available under the "sas" folder.