Releases: imsweb/naaccr-xml
Releases · imsweb/naaccr-xml
Version 4.11
- The 'naaccrName' attribute is now enforced to be up to 50 characters.
- Standalone GUI now shows the number of written Patient and Tumor when creating XML files.
- Added new menu item to standalone GUI to save a given dictionary as CSV file.
- Added support for user-defined dictionary to SAS module.
- Updated commons-lang3 dependency from version 3.6 to version 3.7.
- Updated commons-io dependency from version 2.5 to version 2.6.
- Updated XZ compression library from version 1.6 to version 1.8.
I am now attaching the SAS macros to this release, its' more convenient to download the 3 SAS-related files from one location...
Version 4.10
- Added maximum length of 50 characters for NaaccrId attribute in the dictionaries.
- Added new DuplicateItemException to deal with duplicate items, which are never allowed in this standard.
- Writing unknown items is now tied to the 'unknownItemHandling' option.
- Improved handling of CDATA sections when reading/writing XML for SAS.
Version 4.9
- Added a missing flush to the PatientFlatWriter.closeAndKeepAlive method.
- Now replacing a single CR (without a LF) by a space when writing to a flat file.
- Fixed an exception happening when trying to write XML with padding turned ON.
- PatientReader and PatientWriter interfaces are now extending Closeable instead of AutoCloseable.
- Added support for creating SAS definition file in the standalone GUI interface.
Version 4.5
- Added support for NAACCR 18; that version is not final yet and it's possible it will change in a future release.
- Extensions now return their line number if the class implements NaaccrXmlExtension.
- Added a new dictionary editor in the standalone GUI.
- Added new jaxb-api (version 2.3.0) dependency required by Java 9.
Version 4.3
- Added a new dictionary utility method that validates a combination of dictionaries instead of a single one.
- The patient readers/writers are now implementing a common reader/writer interface.
- Improved handling of extension to allow several extension objects per data level instead of a single one.
- Improved the algorithm that generate NAACCR XML ID from names so it handles roman numerals better.
- Improved user-defined dictionaries validation; an error will now be reported if two dictionaries define overlapping columns.
- Added a proper security environment to XStream by limiting the classes that it can create when loading XML files.
- Updated XStream dependency from version 1.4.9 to version 1.4.10.
- Updated commons-lang3 dependency from version 3.4 to version 3.6.
- Updated XZ compression library from version 1.5 to version 1.6.