Releases: imsweb/naaccr-xml
Releases · imsweb/naaccr-xml
Version 4.0
- Relaxed the validation of the NAACCR numbers in user-defined dictionaries (specification 1.3).
- Relaxed the rule requiring all the user dictionaries from data files to be provided to the library.
- Changed type of causeOfDeath in all base dictionaries from digits to text.
- Fixed start column of grouped item extendOfDisease10Dig in all base dictionaries.
- Now display the number of Patient and Tumor tags found in the source XML file in the GUI.
- Added an option to the GUI for extracting the dictionaries as CSV files.
Version 3.0
- Added the ability to cache a runtime dictionary when using the XML reader/writer inside a loop.
- Added 'getDefault()' method to options and configuration objects.
- Now caching the internal dictionaries (base and default user) in the dictionary utility class.
- Added support for multiple user dictionaries (specification 1.2).
- Added support for grouped items definition in the base dictionaries (specification 1.2).
- Relaxed the type of many items in standard base dictionaries (specification 1.2).
- Removed support for "regexValidation" in dictionaries (specification 1.2).
- Added full support for extensions (user-defined XML blocks) at the NaaccrData, Patient and Tumor levels.
- Added better support for non-printable control characters; those will be ignored by default when writing item values; an error can be thrown instead by setting the 'ignoreControlCharacters' options to false.
- Carriage Returns (CR) are now translated to Line Feed (LF) when writing item values; this library was writing it as ' ' which it technically correct but was causing some confusion.
- Added proper support for namespaces.
The main focus of this release was to implement the new 1.1 Specification of the standard.
Version 2.0
- Removed "any-attribute" from the XSD since those are not properly supported; only kept the one for the NaaccrData tag.
- Added line number on the item object; populated only when reading items.
- Validation errors for specific items are now reported directly on those items instead of the parent entity.
- Added included/excluded list of items to the options of the standalone GUI.
- Fixed a bug where values too long were not correctly reported as errors, or not correctly truncated.
- Added optional attribute "allowUnlimitedText" to the dictionary item tag (specification 1.1).
- Made start column optional in user-defined dictionaries (specification 1.1).
- Made NAACCR version optional in user-defined dictionaries specification 1.1).
- Added optional attribute "specificationVersion" to the root dictionary and data XML tags, now set to 1.1 by default.
- Updated commons-lang3 dependency to version 2.5.
- Updated commons-io dependency to version 3.4.
- Updated XStream dependency to version 1.4.9.
- Library now requires Java 8 at minimum.
Version 1.3
- Added new option to control whether or not the padding rules should be applied, by default they won't be applied (since they actually change data and it's rarely desired).
- Added new option to specify which items need to be processed (this option is not available in the GUI yet).
- Fixed some bad data types in all base dictionaries.
- Fixed a bug in the dictionary validation preventing a standard item from the default user dictionary to be re-defined.