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Privacy policy

István Murvai edited this page Apr 24, 2022 · 5 revisions

BrickController 2: Privacy policy

Welcome to the BrickController 2 application for Android and iOS!

This is an open source Android and iOS app developed by István Murvai. The source code is available on GitHub under the MIT license; the app is also available on Google Play and Apple AppStore.

As an Android and iOS user myself, I take privacy very seriously.

BrickController 2 doesn't collect any personally identifiable information about its users. All data created by the application (preferences, controller profiles and sequence configurations data) is stored on your device only and can be simply erased by clearing the applications data or uninstalling it. Saving controller profiles and sequence configuration data can only be done to the user's device storage only, no data is transmitted out of the device in any cases including location or any other personal information too.

Location permission is requested on Android devices up to Android version 11 only for the Bluetooth access, no location information is used or transmitted. Bluetooth permission is requested on Android devices running Android version 12 or later but no location information is used or transmitted in this case too.

If you find any security vulnerability that has been inadvertently caused by me, or have any question regarding how the app protects your privacy, please send me an email and I will surely try to fix it/help you.

Happy playing!

Yours sincerely, István Murvai,

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