This repo was build to generate the code we used on the cups for PHPBenelux Conference 2020 as a way to promote the work we do.
INFO: This promotion requires PHP 7.3 or higher.
- Squizlabs PHP CodeSniffer: We want to ensure our code adheres to the PSR-2 Coding Standards as recommended by the PHP-FIG.
- PHPUnit: Everything is test-driven developed to ensure we have the correct use cases.
- Infection: A mutation testing framework for PHP to improve our tests and code
- Vimeo Psalm: A static analysis tool that’s designed to improve large PHP codebases by identifying both obvious and hard-to-spot bugs.
- PHPStan: Another static analysis tool to discover bugs in the code.
cd /path/to/workspace/
git clone
cd promo-coffee-cup/
If you haven't installed composer, please look at the installation instructions first.
composer install
You can run all of them at once using composer:
composer test
You can run each quality tool individual:
./vendor/bin/infection --configuration=infection.json --min-covered-msi=85
./vendor/bin/phpstan analyse src --level 3
INFO: We have pretty high settings for quality which might break some changes on your end.
We provide this code as-is under a MIT license. Please see LICENCE for details.
Before you participate in this project, please read our Code of Conduct. In this document we explain how we want to build an inclusive and safe environment for everyone where we treat failures as a learning moment and applaud the input from everyone.
Also read our Contributors Manifest as it contains advice how to ensure we have all details regarding the isuse you're facting or the improvement you recommend.
We had fun creating this little piece of code as a way to advertise what we do and maybe you also find it useful. If you're also using this code, please let us know at