This is a Python script that reads in a FASTA sequence file and calculates the sequence length, GC percentage, and the number of times the substring "ATAT" occurs in the DNA sequence.
To use the script, provide the path to a FASTA file as an argument, like this:
python <path_to_fasta>
Replace <path_to_fasta> with the appropriate file path.
The script will then print out the following information:
The sequence length
The GC percentage
The number of times the substring "ATAT" occurs in the sequence
To run tests for the script, you can create a few sample FASTA files and run the script with these files as arguments. For example, create a file called test.fasta with the following contents:
You can run the script with the command python test.fasta and verify that it calculates the correct sequence length, GC percentage, and the number of times the substring "ATAT" occurs in the sequence.
To execute the batch we use the next command sbatch exercise1.slrm
SLURM_JOB_ID: 60085525 SLURM_JOB_USER: vsc35171 SLURM_JOB_ACCOUNT: lp_edu_large_omics SLURM_JOB_NAME: exercise1.slrm SLURM_CLUSTER_NAME: wice SLURM_JOB_PARTITION: batch SLURM_NNODES: 1 SLURM_NODELIST: m33c32n4 SLURM_JOB_CPUS_PER_NODE: 1 Date: Thu Mar 16 21:49:18 CET 2023 Walltime: 00-00:04:00
Thu Mar 16 21:49:18 CET 2023
seq_len gc_per ATAT
1190 58 2
Thu Mar 16 21:49:18 CET 2023