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Test reports
Bojan Komljenović edited this page May 18, 2021
5 revisions
16.897 seconds
Total | Passed | Failed | Failed |
336 | 306 | 2 | 28 |
- Save truncate per mode(TruncateMode)
- [2] START
- [3] MIDDLE
- [4] END
- SettingsViewModel tests
- Toggle ON lines limit()
- Save ignored table name()
- Toggle OFF lines limit()
- Save lines limit count()
- Get current default settings()
- Remove ignored table name()
- Save blob preview per mode(BlobPreviewMode)
- [3] UTF_8
- [4] HEX
- [5] BASE_64
- EditDatabaseViewModel tests
- Rename database changes when result list is not empty()
- Rename database does not change when result list is empty()
- DatabaseViewModel tests
- Remove database()
- Import multiple databases()
- Browse and collect all databases()
- Import a single database()
- Copy database()
- Get trigger per sort(Sort)
- TriggerViewModel tests
- Get trigger header()
- Drop trigger()
- ContentViewModel tests
- Content data source is not null()
- Can be instantiated()
- TableViewModel tests
- Drop table content()
- Get table header()
- Get table per sort(Sort)
- ViewViewModel tests
- Get view header statement is not blank()
- Drop view statement is not blank()
- Get view statement per sort is not blank(Sort)
- PragmaViewModel tests
- Check use cases are instantiated and constructor invoked()
- TableInfoViewModel tests
- Get table info pragma()
- ForeignKeysViewModel tests
- Get foreign keys pragma()
- PragmaSourceViewModel tests
- Pragma source is not null()
- Can be instantiated()
- IndexViewModel tests
- Get indexes pragma()
- LifecycleViewModel tests
- Close connection invoked()
- Can be instantiated()
- Open connection invoked()
- EditViewModel tests
- Empty failed execution is not saved()
- Successful execution is saved()
- Content data source is not null()
- Failed execution is saved()
- Empty successful execution is not saved()
- Can be instantiated()
- HistoryViewModel tests
- Load history for database path()
- TablesViewModel tests
- Select all tables()
- Search table by name()
- TriggersViewModel tests
- Search trigger by name()
- Select all triggers()
- SchemaSourceViewModel tests
- Schema source is not null()
- Can be instantiated()
- SchemaViewModel tests
- Check use cases are instantiated and constructor invoked()
- ViewsViewModel tests
- Select all views()
- Search view by name()
- CursorPaginator tests
- Negative row count and page size returns correct boundary()
- Null page returns correct boundary()
- Negative row count is coerced to at least zero and sets zero page count()
- Negative row count is coerced to zero and negative page size is coerced to one also sets zero page count()
- Row count smaller than page size returns correct boundary()
- Current page is last sets null next page()
- Negative current page is coerced to at least zero()
- No rows sets zero page count()
- New instance has no page count()
- Zero page size passed is coerced to at least one and sets zero page count()
- Equal page size and row count returns correct boundary()
- Current page is not last increments next page()
- More rows than page size sets greater than one page count()
- Row count larger than page size returns correct boundary()
- Null current page sets null next page()
- Zero page count sets null next page()
- Less rows than page size sets one page count()
- AndroidConnectionSource tests
- Open connection adds new key to connection pool()
- Close connection does nothing for non-existing key in connection pool()
- Close connection removes existing key from connection pool()
- New instance has empty but existing connection pool()
- Open connection reuses existing key from connection pool()
- SettingsDataStore tests
- Data source exposes datastore as Flow()
- Data source exposes datastore()
- SettingsSerializer tests
- Serializer has default value()
- HistoryDataStore tests
- Data source exposes datastore as Flow()
- Data source exposes datastore()
- HistorySerializer tests
- Serializer has default value()
- SettingsRepository tests
- Save lines limit calls SaveLinesLimit interactor and Settings control converter()
- Save ignored table name mode calls SaveIgnoredTableName interactor and Settings control converter()
- Save lines count calls SaveLinesCount interactor and Settings control converter()
- Save truncate mode calls SaveTruncateMode interactor and Settings control converter()
- Remove ignored table name mode calls RemoveIgnoredTableName interactor and Settings control converter()
- Save blob preview mode calls SaveBlobPreviewMode interactor and Settings control converter()
- Get settings calls GetSettings interactor and Settings control()
- SaveLinesLimitInteractor tests
- Disable lines limit should save false in data source()
- Enable lines limit should save true in data source()
- RemoveIgnoredTableNameInteractor tests
- Empty or blank table name should not remove in data source and throws exception()
- Non blank table name removes entity from source()
- Blob preview mode should save in data source(BlobPreviewMode)
- [2] UTF8
- [3] HEX
- [4] BASE64
- Positive lines count should save in data source(int)
- [1] 0
- [2] 1
- [3] 2
- [4] 3
- [5] 5
- [6] 10
- [7] 20
- [8] 30
- [9] 50
- [10] 100
- [11] 2147483647
- Negative lines count should not save in data source and throw exception(int)
- [1] -1
- [2] -2
- [3] -3
- [4] -5
- [5] -10
- [6] -20
- [7] -30
- [8] -50
- [9] -100
- [10] -2147483648
- Truncate mode should save in data source(TruncateMode)
- [1] END
- [2] MIDDLE
- [3] START
- SaveIgnoredTableNameInteractor tests
- Empty or blank table name should not save in data source and throws exception()
- Non empty or blank table name should save in data source()
- GetSettingsInteractor tests
- Invoking interactor invokes source current()
- SettingsControl tests
- Control mapper is not null()
- Control converter is not null()
- Can be instantiated()
- SettingsConverter tests
- Truncate mode END converts to data task with same value()
- Lines limit disabled converts to data task with value false()
- Lines count more than zero converts to data task with same value()
- Truncate mode MIDDLE converts to data task with same value()
- Invoke is not implemented and should throw AbstractMethodError()
- Ignored table name converts to data task with same value()
- Empty ignored table name converts to data task with empty value()
- Lines limit enabled converts to data task with value true()
- Blob preview mode HEX converts to data task with same value()
- Lines count set to zero converts to data task with maximum value()
- Blob preview mode PLACEHOLDER converts to data task with same value()
- Get converts to default data task values()
- Blob preview mode UT8 converts to data task with same value()
- Blob preview mode UNSUPPORTED converts to data task with UNRECOGNIZED value()
- Truncate mode START converts to data task with same value()
- Blob preview mode BASE_64 converts to data task with same value()
- SettingsMapper tests
- Default local values maps to default domain values()
- Local values with ignored names maps to domain values with list of same names()
- Local values with lines count limit zero maps to domain values with maximum lines count limit()
- Local values with lines count limit more than zero maps to domain values with same lines count limit()
- RemoveIgnoredTableNameUseCase tests
- Invoking use case removes ignored table name from settings()
- SaveLinesCountUseCase tests
- Invoking use case saves lines count in settings()
- SaveTruncateModeUseCase tests
- Invoking use case saves truncate mode in settings()
- GetSettingsUseCase tests
- Invoking use case gets current settings()
- ToggleLinesLimitUseCase tests
- Invoking use case toggles line limit in settings()
- SaveBlobPreviewModeUseCase tests
- Invoking use case saves blob preview mode in settings()
- SaveIgnoredTableNameUseCase tests
- Invoking use case saves ignored table name in settings()
- SettingsRepository tests
- Import databases calls ImportDatabases interactor and Database control()
- Get databases calls GetDatabases interactor and Database control()
- Rename database calls RenameDatabase interactor and Database control()
- Remove database calls RemoveDatabase interactor and Database control()
- Copy database calls CopyDatabase interactor and Database control()
- CopyDatabaseInteractor tests
- Invoking interactor invokes source copyDatabase()
- ImportDatabasesInteractor tests
- Invoking interactor invokes source importDatabases()
- RemoveDatabaseInteractor tests
- Invoking interactor invokes source removeDatabase()
- RenameDatabaseInteractor tests
- Invoking interactor invokes source renameDatabase()
- GetDatabasesInteractor tests
- Invoking interactor invokes source getDatabases()
- DatabaseControl tests
- Control mapper is not null()
- Control converter is not null()
- Can be instantiated()
- DatabaseConverter tests
- Invoke is not implemented and should throw AbstractMethodError()
- Command converts to data operation with same values()
- Rename converts to data operation with same values()
- Import converts to data operation with same values()
- Import empty list converts to data operation with empty values()
- Get converts to data operation with same values()
- DatabaseMapper tests
- Database name without extension maps to domain with same values for name only()
- Database name with extension maps to domain with same values for name and extension()
- Database without name maps to domain with no values for name()
- Database without name and extension maps to domain with no values for name and extension()
- RemoveDatabaseUseCase tests
- Invoking use case clears history per database()
- GetDatabasesUseCase tests
- Invoking use case gets no databases()
- RenameDatabaseUseCase tests
- Invoking use case renames database()
- CopyDatabaseUseCase tests
- Invoking use case clears history per database()
- ImportDatabasesUseCase tests
- Invoking use case clears history per database()
- ConnectionRepository tests
- Connection repository close calls close interactor()
- Connection repository open calls open interactor()
- CloseConnectionInteractor tests
- Invoking interactor invokes source closeConnection()
- OpenConnectionInteractor tests
- Invoking interactor invokes source openConnection()
- ConnectionControl tests
- Control mapper is not null()
- Control converter is not null()
- Can be instantiated()
- ConnectionConverter tests
- Default converts to data model with same value()
- ConnectionMapper tests
- Default local values maps to default domain values()
- OpenConnectionUseCase tests
- Invoking use case invokes connection open()
- CloseConnectionUseCase tests
- Invoking use case invokes connection close()
- PragmaRepository tests
- Get user version calls GetUserVersion interactor and Pragma control()
- Get indexes calls GetIndexes interactor and Pragma control()
- Get foreign keys calls GetForeignKeys interactor and Pragma control()
- Get table info calls GetTableInfo interactor and Pragma control()
- GetIndexesInteractor tests
- Invoking interactor invokes source getIndexes()
- GetForeignKeysInteractor tests
- Invoking interactor invokes source getForeignKeys()
- GetTableInfoInteractor tests
- Invoking interactor invokes source getTableInfo()
- GetUserVersionInteractor tests
- Invoking interactor invokes source getUserVersion()
- PragmaConverter tests
- Pragma converts to data query with same values()
- Invoke is not implemented and should throw AbstractMethodError()
- Version converts to data query with same values()
- PragmaMapper tests
- Empty local value maps to empty domain value()
- QueryResult local value maps to Page with same domain value()
- PragmaControl tests
- Control mapper is not null()
- Control converter is not null()
- Can be instantiated()
- GetForeignKeysUseCase tests
- Invoking use case invokes connection open and pragma foreign keys()
- GetTriggerInfoUseCase tests
- Invoking use case invokes pragma trigger info()
- GetIndexesUseCase tests
- Invoking use case invokes connection open and pragma indexes()
- GetTableInfoUseCase tests
- Invoking use case invokes connection open and pragma table info()
- GetTablePragmaUseCase tests
- Invoking use case invokes connection open and pragma table info()
- SortConverter tests
- Sort ASCENDING converts to data entity with same value()
- Sort DESCENDING converts to data entity with same value()
- BlobPreviewConverter tests
- Blob preview mode PLACEHOLDER converts to data entity with same value()
- Blob preview mode HEX converts to data entity with same value()
- Blob preview mode UNSUPPORTED converts to data entity with same value()
- Blob preview mode UTF_8 converts to data entity with same value()
- Blob preview mode BASE_64 converts to data entity with same value()
- TruncateModeConverter tests
- Truncate mode END converts to data entity with same value()
- Truncate mode MIDDLE converts to data entity with same value()
- Truncate mode START converts to data entity with same value()
- Unknown truncate mode converts to data entity with value END()
- ContentConverter tests
- Statement converts to data query with same value()
- CellMapper tests
- Local Field type STRING value maps to domain Cell with same value()
- Local Field type BLOB value maps to domain Cell with same value encoded with BASE64()
- Local Field type INTEGER value maps to domain Cell with same value()
- Local Field type BLOB value maps to domain Cell with same value in HEX()
- Local Field type BLOB value maps to domain Cell with same value in default UTF8 encoded String()
- Local Field type FLOAT value maps to domain Cell with same value()
- Local Field type BLOB value maps to domain Cell with same value in UTF8 encoded String()
- Local Field type BLOB value maps to domain Cell with value as PLACEHOLDER()
- ContentMapper tests
- Empty local value maps to empty domain value()
- QueryResult local value maps to Page with same domain value()
- BlobPreviewModeMapper tests
- Local value PLACEHOLDER maps to same domain value()
- Local value HEX maps to same domain value()
- Local value UNRECOGNIZED maps to default PLACEHOLDER domain value()
- Local value BASE64 maps to same domain value()
- Local value UTF8 maps to same domain value()
- TruncateModeMapper tests
- Local value START maps to same domain value()
- Local value UNRECOGNIZED maps to UNKNOWN domain value()
- Local value MIDDLE maps to same domain value()
- Local value END maps to same domain value()
- ContentControl tests
- Control mapper is not null()
- Control converter is not null()
- Can be instantiated()
- TriggerRepository tests
- Instance is not null()
- DropTriggerByNameInteractor tests
- Invoking interactor invokes source dropTriggerByName()
- GetTriggersInteractor tests
- Invoking interactor invokes source getTriggers()
- GetTriggerByNameInteractor tests
- Invoking interactor invokes source getTriggerByName()
- DropTriggerUseCase tests
- Invoking use case invokes connection open and drops trigger()
- GetTriggerUseCase tests
- Invoking use case invokes connection open and gets trigger()
- GetTriggersUseCase tests
- Invoking use case invokes connection open and triggers schema()
- SchemaRepository tests
- Get schema page calls getPage interactor and Content control()
- Get schema by name calls getByName interactor and Content control()
- Can be instantiated()
- Drop schema by name calls getByName interactor and Content control()
- TableRepository tests
- Instance is not null()
- GetTableByNameInteractor tests
- Invoking interactor invokes source getTableByName()
- GetTablesInteractor tests
- Invoking interactor invokes source getTables()
- DropTableContentByNameInteractor tests
- Invoking interactor invokes source dropTriggerByName()
- DropTableContentUseCase tests
- Invoking use case invokes connection open and drops table content()
- GetTablesUseCase tests
- Invoking use case invokes connection open and tables schema()
- GetTableUseCase tests
- Invoking use case invokes connection open and gets table content()
- ViewRepository tests
- Instance is not null()
- DropTriggerByNameInteractor tests
- Invoking interactor invokes source dropViewByName()
- GetViewByNameInteractor tests
- Invoking interactor invokes source getViewByName()
- GetViewsInteractor tests
- Invoking interactor invokes source getViews()
- GetViewUseCase tests
- Invoking use case invokes connection open and gets view()
- GetViewsUseCase tests
- Invoking use case invokes connection open and views schema()
- GetViewUseCase tests
- Invoking use case invokes connection open and drops view()
- HistoryRepository tests
- No history by database calls GetHistory interactor and History control converter once()
- HistoryConverter tests
- Clear converts to data task with same value()
- Invoke is not implemented and should throw AbstractMethodError()
- Execution converts to data task with same values()
- Get converts to data task with same value()
- HistoryMapper tests
- Empty local values maps to empty domain values()
- Specific Execution local values map to same domain values()
- HistoryControl tests
- Control mapper is not null()
- Control converter is not null()
- Can be instantiated()
- SaveExecutionUseCase tests
- Invoking use case saves execution to history()
- GetHistoryUseCase tests
- Invoking use case gets history per database()
- ClearHistoryUseCase tests
- Invoking use case clears history per database()
- RemoveExecutionUseCase tests
- Invoking use case removes execution from history()
- GetSimilarExecutionUseCase tests
- Invoking use case gets history of similar executions()
- RawRepository tests
- Get affected rows calls GetAffectedRows interactor and Content control once()
- Get headers calls GetRawQueryHeaders interactor and Content control once()
- Get page calls GetRawQuery interactor and Content control once()
- GetRawQueryHeadersInteractor tests
- Invoking interactor invokes source rawQueryHeaders()
- GetRawQueryInteractor tests
- Invoking interactor invokes source rawQuery()
- GetAffectedRowsInteractor tests
- Invoking interactor invokes source affectedRows()
- GetAffectedRowsUseCase tests
- Invoking use case invokes connection open and table headers()
- GetRawQueryHeadersUseCase tests
- Invoking use case invokes connection open and table headers()
- GetRawQueryUseCase tests
- Invoking use case invokes connection open and table content()
- DatabaseViewModel tests
- Search database by name()
- Import empty list of databases()
- ContentViewModel tests
- Drop content is invoked()
- Content data is invoked()
- Content header is invoked()
- PragmaSourceViewModel tests
- Query is invoked()
- EditViewModel tests
- Collect database keywords like table and column names, view names and trigger names()
- Raw query content data with affected rows is invoked()
- Raw query content data is invoked()
- Raw query content header is invoked()
- Find similar execution()
- Get all history()
- SchemaSourceViewModel tests
- Query is invoked()
- SettingsDataStore tests
- No datastore entry returns default entity()
- SettingsSerializer tests
- Serializer reads stream into entity()
- Serializer writes entity to stream()
- HistoryDataStore tests
- No datastore entry returns default entity()
- HistorySerializer tests
- Serializer reads stream into entity()
- Serializer writes entity to stream()
- GetDatabasesUseCase tests
- Invoking use case gets databases()
- PragmaRepository tests
- Get trigger info uses TriggerInfoColumns enum and Pragma control mapper transformToHeader()
- HistoryRepository tests
- Save execution in history calls SaveExecution interactor and History control converter once()
- Remove execution in history calls RemoveExecution interactor and History control converter once()
- Get similar executions calls RemoveExecution interactor and History control converter once()
- Clear history by database calls ClearHistory interactor and History control converter once()
- ClearHistoryInteractor tests
- Invoking interactor invokes source store()
- GetExecutionInteractor tests
- Invoking interactor invokes source current()
- SaveExecutionInteractor tests
- Invoking interactor invokes source store()
- RemoveExecutionInteractor tests
- Invoking interactor invokes source store()
- GetHistoryInteractor tests
- Invoking interactor invokes source flow()