Open Hospital Patient Portal v0.1.0
The Patient Portal aims to extend the use of Open Hospital software to patients, with the possibility to view their medical services (called Hospital Events) and to record personal measurements (called Patient Records), as well as to benefit of appointements and therapies reminders. It can be configured with an GNU GPLv3 open source web analytics tool (called Matomo) to evaluate the complete patient User Journey.
Open Hospital is a free and open-source Health Information Management System (HIMS) software application.
Please visit the Open Hospital website for more information.
NOTE: this is a beta release and it is not production ready
Brought to you by Informatici Senza Frontiere
Release Highlights
- First alpha release NOT production ready
- Full containered with Docker
- Patient login with hospital code and password
- Optional demo data, see Demo
- Selectable color them
- View by type and with calendar
Work In Progress
- [WIP] security API
- [WIP] multi language
- [WIP] doctor and admin login
- [WIP] change profile picture
- [WIP] login with OTP password
- [WIP] appointments reminders
- [WIP] threapies reminders
- [WIP] downloadable documents (PDF/RTF)
- [WIP] hospital informations and health hints
- [WIP] measurement trends
- [WIP] doctor access to patient data via OTP grant
- [WIP] admin customizable settings
@Serdf3rISF, @averni, @mwithi, @nlazzer1, @serdf3r
Special thanks to:
Innovazione per lo Sviluppo, Fondazione CARIPLO & Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo