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David Cumps edited this page Jun 25, 2014 · 6 revisions

We utilise a wiki to combine all our documentation in a central place. This place is called Athena, after the Greek goddess of wisdom.

As a platform we use DokuWiki, combined with a bunch of plugins which enable us to:

  • Utilise templates to easily stub new pages
  • Have Single Sign-On with Active Directory
  • Mark pages as favorites
  • Easily create overview pages
  • Export pages as PDF
  • ...

GNaP.Web.Themes is used to style everything to make it consistent.

All of this is hosted on an IIS webserver, running on Windows Server 2012 R2.

Getting all of this to work together can be quite a bit of work, which is why we bundled everything with a nice installer, to allow other enterprises and/or startups to easily setup a similar environment.


Running install.cmd will give you access to the following commands.

[1] Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 Update 4

  • Installs the Visual C++ Redistributable required for IIS URL Rewrite Module.
  • Gives you the choice to install the x86 or x64 version.

[2] IIS URL Rewrite Module 2.0

  • Installs IIS URL Rewrite Module required to support extensionless urls with DokuWiki.
  • Gives you the choice to install the x86 or x64 version.

[3] FastCGI (requires elevated permissions, and Windows Server)

[4] PHP 5.5

  • Installs PHP 5.5.10 by extracting it to a location of choice.
  • Defaults to C:\PHP

[5] DokuWiki

  • Installs DokuWiki by extracting it to a location of choice.
  • Defaults to C:\Wiki
  • Eventually, you will have to point an IIS site to this directory.

[6] Base GNaP.Tooling.Wiki theme

[7] GNaP.Tooling.Wiki example structure

[8] GNaP.Tooling.Wiki example content

[9] Setup NTFS permissions

  • Sets up NTFS permissions for Authenticated Users.
  • Sets up NTFS permissions for the user under which the site runs.