- TransitionGroup
- useAnimation
- useAnimationFunction
- useTransitionAnimation
- useScrollTimeline
- useViewTimeline
- TypedKeyframeEffectOptions
- TransitionGroupProps
- BaseAnimationHandle
- AnimationHandle
- AnimationFunctionHandle
- AnimationFunctionOptions
- TransitionAnimationHandle
- TransitionAnimationOptions
- ScrollTimelineOpts
- ViewTimelineOpts
- AnimationOptions
- TimelineDefinition
- TypedKeyframe
- TypedEasing
- GetKeyframeFunction
- AnimatableCSSProperties
- PlayOptions
- WaitingAnimationEventName
- PlayOptionsWithArgs
- ComputedTimingContext
- AnimationFunction
- TransitionAnimationDefinition
- AnimationDefinition
- ScrollTimelineAxis
- ViewTimelineInset
▸ TransitionGroup(«destructured»
): ReactElement
, string
| JSXElementConstructor
A component to manage enter/update/exit of its children by key, that works similar to TransitionGroup of react-transition-group.
Name | Type |
«destructured» |
TransitionGroupProps |
, string
| JSXElementConstructor
▸ useAnimation<Args
): AnimationHandle
A basic hook to use Web Animations API. See AnimationHandle.
Name | Type | Description |
Args |
void |
argument type |
Name | Type |
...args |
AnimationDefinition <Args > |
▸ useAnimationFunction<Args
, options?
): AnimationFunctionHandle
Same as useAnimation, but it drives function not React element. See AnimationFunctionHandle.
Name | Type | Description |
Args |
void |
argument type |
Name | Type |
onUpdate |
AnimationFunction <Args > |
options? |
AnimationFunctionOptions |
▸ useTransitionAnimation(keyframes
): TransitionAnimationHandle
A hook to compose multiple useAnimation and plays them when element enter/update/exits. This hook must be used under TransitionGroup component.
Name | Type |
keyframes |
Object |
keyframes.enter? |
TransitionAnimationDefinition |
keyframes.update? |
TransitionAnimationDefinition |
keyframes.exit? |
TransitionAnimationDefinition |
▸ useScrollTimeline(opts?
): TimelineDefinition
Name | Type |
opts |
ScrollTimelineOpts |
▸ useViewTimeline(opts?
): TimelineDefinition
Name | Type |
opts |
ViewTimelineOpts |
Ƭ TypedKeyframe: Pick
, "composite"
| "easing"
| "offset"
> & { [key:
: string
| number
; } & AnimatableCSSProperties
Strictly typed Keyframe
Ƭ TypedEasing: Exclude
], CSSProperties
] | undefined
Ƭ GetKeyframeFunction<Args
>: Args
extends void
? (prev
: CSSStyleDeclaration
) => TypedKeyframe
[] : (prev
: CSSStyleDeclaration
, args
: Args
) => TypedKeyframe
A function to define keyframe dynamically
: current styleargs
: any argument passed from play
Name | Type |
Args |
void |
Ƭ AnimatableCSSProperties: Omit
, "offset"
| "float"
> & { cssOffset?
: CSSProperties
] ; cssFloat?
: CSSProperties
] ; d?
: string
Ƭ PlayOptions: Object
Name | Type | Description |
restart? |
boolean |
If true, plays from the start. It's similar to GSAP's restart() . |
Ƭ WaitingAnimationEventName: "finish"
| "reverseFinish"
Ƭ PlayOptionsWithArgs<Args
>: PlayOptions
& { args
: Args
Name | Type |
Args |
void |
Ƭ ComputedTimingContext: Required
<{ [key in keyof ComputedEffectTiming]: NonNullable<ComputedEffectTiming[key]> }>
Non nullable ComputedEffectTiming
Ƭ AnimationFunction<Args
>: Args
extends void
? (ctx
: ComputedTimingContext
) => void
: (ctx
: ComputedTimingContext
, args
: Args
) => void
An argument of useAnimationFunction. In this callback you can update any state or ref in JS.
: current animation stateargs
: any argument passed from play
Name | Type |
Args |
void |
Ƭ TransitionAnimationDefinition: [keyframe: TypedKeyframe | TypedKeyframe[] | GetKeyframeFunction, options?: TransitionAnimationOptions]
Ƭ AnimationDefinition<Args
>: [keyframe: TypedKeyframe | TypedKeyframe[] | GetKeyframeFunction<Args>, options?: AnimationOptions]
Name |
Args |
Ƭ ScrollTimelineAxis: "block"
| "inline"
| "y"
| "x"
Ƭ ViewTimelineInset: "auto"
| string
& {}