- A-Frame 1.3.0
- Oculus Quest 2
- Google Chrome Version 102.0.5005.61 (Mobile + Desktop)
Interactive areas - A-Frame scene zones that are sensitive to the appearance of the user on them. When a user enters an area, an event occurs for the area component and all its subcomponents. Interface is made as representation of A-Frame components linking ability, on declarative level.
Interactive areas functional made with:
- aabb-collider-component tracking intersection between camera. While intersection is found, aabb-collider sending event hitstart to area parent element
- parent area element proxy-event-component recieve hitstart event and broadcast areaEnter event to all nested components
- Children of parent area element receiving areaEnter event and processing actions using event-set-component
- aabb-collider-component tracking intersection between camera. While intersection is gone, aabb-collider sending event hitend to area parent element
- parent area element proxy-event-component recieve hitend event and broadcast areaLeave event to all nested components
- Children of parent area element receiving areaLeave event and processing actions using event-set-component
This is demo part using mixins, #area node is area container, same as area. #area_child is nested element, inside #area
<a-mixin id="area"
aabb-collider="objects: [camera];"
proxy-event__areaEnter="event: hitstart; to: CHILDREN; as: areaEnter;"
proxy-event__areaLeave="event: hitend; to: CHILDREN; as: areaLeave;">
<a-mixin id="area_child"
event-set__areaEnter="_event: areaEnter; text.color:yellow;"
event-set__areaLeave="_event: areaLeave; text.color: white;">