Installation / Usage / Roadmap / Contributing
A cross-shell tool for sourcing POSIX compliant .env scripts.
srcenv takes a snapshot of the POSIX shell environment, sources the .env scripts and prints a shell specific script exporting the environment variables that have changed since the snapshot, with support for reverting those changes.
sh (or any POSIX shell) is required to evaluate the .env
scripts. On Windows, srcenv can use sh.exe
installed by git.
jq (version ≥ 1.5) is required and needs to be in your PATH
; see installation options.
brew install ins0mniaque/srcenv/srcenv
Download the latest packages from the GitHub release page.
Install for current user:
# Create installation directory
New-Item "$Env:LOCALAPPDATA\srcenv" -ItemType Directory
# Download srcenv to installation directory
Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile "$Env:LOCALAPPDATA\srcenv\srcenv"
Add to $HOME\Documents\PowerShell\Profile.ps1
# Add POSIX shell (sh) to PATH
$Env:PATH += ";$Env:ProgramFiles\Git\usr\bin\"
# Initialize srcenv
Invoke-Expression (sh "$Env:LOCALAPPDATA\srcenv\srcenv" init pwsh)
Windows Command shell (cmd)
Install for current user:
Download srcenv to
directory or use PowerShell script above to install srcenv.
Run or add to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Command Processor\AutoRun
registry key:
@echo off
rem Add POSIX shell (sh) to PATH
set PATH=%PATH%;%PROGRAMFILES%\Git\usr\bin\
rem Initialize srcenv
sh "%LOCALAPPDATA%\srcenv\srcenv" init cmd > %TEMP%\srcenv.init.cmd && call %TEMP%\srcenv.init.cmd & del %TEMP%\srcenv.init.cmd
echo on
Download the latest script and/or man page and make it executable:
curl -OL
curl -OL
chmod +x srcenv
Clone the repository:
git clone
srcenv can integrate with your shell and add the following command to source .env
src [options] [files]
❯ src project.env # Sources `project.env`
❯ src project2.env # Reverts `project.env` and sources `project2.env`
❯ src --restore # Reverts `project2.env` (same as src -r)
❯ src --version # Shows the version of srcenv
srcenv x.y.z
❯ _
To add the src
command, add the following to your shell's configuration file:
Shell | Command |
POSIX | source <(srcenv init bash) |
source <(srcenv init dash) |
source <(srcenv init ksh) |
source <(srcenv init zsh) |
Csh/Tcsh | srcenv init csh | source /dev/stdin |
srcenv init tcsh | source /dev/stdin |
Elvish | var src~ = { }; eval &on-end={|ns| set src~ = $ns[src] } (srcenv init elvish) |
Murex | srcenv init murex -> source |
Nushell | srcenv init nu | save -f ( |
source ( |
Fish | srcenv init fish | source |
ion | eval "$(srcenv init ion) (Usage is different; see ion shell) |
PowerShell | Invoke-Expression (sh "/path/to/srcenv" init pwsh) |
Xonsh | execx($(srcenv init xonsh)) |
Windows Command | @echo off & sh "/path/to/srcenv" init cmd > %TEMP%\srcenv.init.cmd && call %TEMP%\srcenv.init.cmd & del %TEMP%\srcenv.init.cmd & echo on (HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Command Processor\AutoRun) |
Windows Command (Clink) | os.execute(io.popen('sh /path/to/srcenv init clink'):read('*a')) (%LOCALAPPDATA%\clink\srcenv.lua) |
To use a different command name (e.g. magicenv
), add --cmd magicenv
You can also pass different arguments to srcenv with --
at the end. Without --
, the default options are --backup --restore --verbose
e.g. source <(srcenv init bash --cmd srcundo -- --restore)
creates a command named srcundo
that restores the last backed up changes.
To improve performance or compatibility, you can specify different POSIX shell with --sh
. If available, dash or ksh usually outperform bash and zsh.
To further improve performance when using colored output, use src --export-colors
once to cache terminal capabilities in the SRCENV_COLORS
environment variable.
For non-standard integration, use srcenv rc <shell> [--cmd name] [--sh sh] [-- options]
to output what needs to be added to your shell's configuration file.
For a list of supported options, see src --help
ion shell implements variadic functions using the array syntax [...]
. src
arguments must be provided inside brackets.
e.g. src [ project.env ]
or src [ --help ]
ion shell has no way to unset environment variables; they are instead set to an empty string.
The following table shows how to source .env
in different shells:
Shell | Command |
POSIX | source <(srcenv sh .env) |
Csh/Tcsh | srcenv csh .env | source /dev/stdin |
Elvish | eval (srcenv elvish .env | slurp) |
Murex | srcenv murex .env -> source |
Nushell | srcenv json .env | from json | load-env |
Fish | srcenv fish .env | source |
ion | eval "$(srcenv ion .env) |
PowerShell | Invoke-Expression (sh "/path/to/srcenv" pwsh .env) |
Xonsh | execx($(srcenv xonsh .env)) |
Windows Command | @echo off & sh "/path/to/srcenv" cmd .env > %TEMP%\srcenv.temp.cmd && call %TEMP%\srcenv.temp.cmd & del %TEMP%\srcenv.temp.cmd & echo on |
For a list of supported shells and options, see srcenv --help
For more advanced usage see the srcenv(1) manpage (man ./srcenv.1
See for more information on how to contribute.