Welcome to Instasent Python SDK. This repository contains Python SDK for Instasent's REST API.
Verify product is currently deprecated and will be removed in the next release. The same functionality can be easily implemented by sending an SMS. If you need help migrating please contact usage
The easiest way to install the SDK is either via pip:
$ pip install instasent
or manually by downloading the source and run the setup.py script:
$ python setup.py install
Check the examples directory to see working examples of this SDK usage
import instasent
client = instasent.Client('my-token')
response = client.send_sms('Company', '+34666666666', 'test message')
print response['response_code']
print response['response_body']
If you want to send an Unicode SMS (i.e with 😀 emoji) you only need to replace send_sms
call to send_sms_unicode
response = client.send_sms_unicode('Company', '+34666666666', 'Unicode test: ña éáíóú 😀')
instasent.send_sms(sender, to, text)
instasent.send_sms_unicode(sender, to, text)
instasent.get_sms(page, per_page)
instasent.get_lookups(page, per_page)
Full documentation of the API can be found at http://docs.instasent.com/
If you need help installing or using the SDK, please contact Instasent Support at support@instasent.com
If you've instead found a bug in the library or have a feature request, go ahead and open an issue or pull request!