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IBL video processing pipeline

This README details how to set up an environment that uses Lightning Pose for pose estimation. You can find the README for pose estimation with DLC here.

Video acquisition in IBL

Mice are filmed in training rigs and recording rigs. In training rigs there is only one side camera recording at full resolution (1280x1024) and 30 Hz. In the recording rigs, there are three cameras, one called 'left' at full resolution 1280x1024 and 60 Hz filming the mouse from one side, one called 'right' at half resolution (640x512) and 150 Hz filming the mouse symmetrically from the other side, and one called 'body' filming the trunk of the mouse from above.

Find more details in the video white paper.

Feature-tracking using LP

LP is used for markerless tracking of animal parts in these videos, returning for each frame x,y coordinates in px for each point and a likelihood (how certain was the network to have found that point in a specific frame). For each side video we track the following points: 'pupil_top_r', 'pupil_right_r', 'pupil_bottom_r', 'pupil_left_r', 'nose_tip', 'tongue_end_r', 'tongue_end_l', 'paw_r', 'paw_l'

The following is an example frame from camera 'left'. Camera 'right' is flipped for labelling such that the frame looks the same as for the 'left' camera and the same LP network can be applied. Hence 'paw_r' for each camera is the paw that is closer to the camera, respectively. I.e. seen on the right side in the example frame. Analogously for other right (_r) left (_l) suffixes. The green rectangle indicates the whisker pad region, for which motion energy is computed. We further compute motion energy for the complete mouse body seen from the body camera.

In addition, we track the 'tail_start' in the body videos:

Getting started

Running LP for one mp4 video - stand-alone local run

from one.api import ONE
from iblvideo import download_lp_models
from iblvideo.pose_lp import lightning_pose

# Download the lightning pose models using ONE
one = ONE()
path_models = download_lp_models()

# Run lightning pose on a video
output = lightning_pose("Path/to/file.mp4", ckpts_path=path_models)

Installing LP locally on an IBL server


Install local server as per this instruction.

Install CUDA 11.8 libraries as documented here. No need to set up the library paths yet, as we will do it below.

Create a Python environment with Lightning Pose

Install python3.10 (required by lightning-pose)

sudo apt update -y 
sudo apt install software-properties-common -y  
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa -y
sudo apt update -y
sudo apt install python3.10 -y
sudo apt install python3.10-dev python3.10-distutils python3.10-venv -y

Create an environment called e.g. litpose

mkdir -p ~/Documents/PYTHON/envs
cd ~/Documents/PYTHON/envs
python3.10 -m venv litpose

Activate the environment and install packages

#export PATH=/usr/local/cuda-$CUDA_VERSION/bin:$PATH
#export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-$CUDA_VERSION/lib64:/usr/local/cuda-$CUDA_VERSION/extras/CUPTI/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH  
source ~/Documents/PYTHON/envs/litpose/bin/activate

pip install ibllib
pip install lightning-pose==1.6.1
pip install ensemble-kalman-smoother==3.0.0
pip install git+

Test if your install was successful. Make sure that the environment is activated and that you have the correct CUDA version set.

python -c 'import iblvideo'

Once the import goes through without errors, you can set up an alias in your .bashrc file to easily enter the litpose environment:

nano ~/.bashrc

Enter this line under the other aliases:

alias litpose='export CUDA_VERSION=11.8; export PATH=/usr/local/cuda-"$CUDA_VERSION"/bin:$PATH; export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-"$CUDA_VERSION"/lib64:/usr/local/cuda-"$CUDA_VERSION"/extras/CUPTI/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH; source ~/Documents/PYTHON/envs/litpose/bin/activate'

After opening a new terminal you should be able to type litpose and end up in an environment in which you can import lightning-pose like above.

Eventually run the tests. You need to find the iblvideo installation path (e.g. using python -c "import iblvideo; print(iblvideo.__file__)") and navigate into it. Then run:

pytest ./tests/

Releasing a new version (for devs)

We use semantic versioning, with a prefix: iblvideo_MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. If you update the version, see below for what to adapt.

Any version update

Update the version in


Afterwards, tag the new version on Github.

Network model versioning

As of iblvideo v3.0.0 we are no longer linking the versioning of the networks models with the code version. When the models are updated the test data should also be updated. Then upload both to the private and public S3 bucket in resources/lightning_pose with filename and respectively. Always keep the old models for reproducibility. Then update the default LP version number to the new version vX.Y in (parameter __lp_version__).

You should always also bump the code version in iblvideo/ when you update the models. This way, the code version that is stored in the alyx task can always be linked to a specific model version.