Data-driven black-box testing of Rest APIs. No code to write, only json files.
Black box testing with bug locator assistant
Uses Deno as runtime
Registered as module
Repository has webhook to push to deno.
To create a new release, push a new tag.
git tag -a v1.0.1 -m "Data-driven black box testing of Rest APis. No coding only json configurations."
git push origin v1.0.1
Install command line script with deno
deno install -f --allow-env --allow-read --allow-write --allow-net
-f overwrites existing installation
Follow advice to include to path deno bin folder to path, for example add to .bashrc:
export PATH="/Users/knut-helgevik/.deno/bin:$PATH"
Execute script
scenario-black-box -c config.json
If you have a spotify account you can register an app and get access to Spotify's Rest API.
Then your app gets a clientId and a secret which you can create a Basic auth for:
echo -n 'clientId:secret' | base64
You can use this to execute the test-data/spotify.json like so:
scenario-black-box --config ./test-data/spotify.json --replace basicAuth:=yourbase64encodedclientidsecret > spotify-results.json
Then you will start to interact with spotify.
If you wish to start to add testing of responses you can add response json in each HTTP. See interaction auth for an example.