Angular Library for Drag and Drop, supports Sortable and Draggable. No JQuery UI used. Supports Touch devices.
If you use this module you can give it a thumbs up at
Latest release verision 1.1.1
[Demo Site] (
Demo Includes:
- Drag between adjacent Lists.
- Controll Drag on Specific Destinations.
- Drag both Horizontally and Vertically.
- Drag and Drop items within a column.
- Drag and Drop items across columns.
- Can do Ranking by Sorting and Change Status by Moving.
- Hooks provided to invoke API's after a particular action.
- Preventing/Allowing Drop Zone can be determined at run time.
- Drag Boundary can be defined.
- Uses angular/native JS for sortable and draggable. no JQueryUI used.
- Provides callbacks for drag/drop events.
- Implementation follows Prototypical scope inheritance.
The directives are structured like below.
sortable --> Items list
sortable-item --> Item to sort/drag
sortable-item-handle --> Drag Handle
- ng-model is used to bind the sortable list items with the sortable element.
- sortable can be added to the root element.
- sortable-item can be added in item element, and follows ng-repeat.
- sortable-item-handle can be added to the drag handle in item element.
- All sortable, ng-model, sortable-item and sortable-item-handle are required.
- the no-drag attribute can be added to avoid dragging an element inside item-handle.
- Added a Jquery like 'containment' option to the sortable to prevent the drag outside specified bounds.
Following callbacks are defined, and should be overridden to perform custom logic.
- callbacks.accept = function (sourceItemHandleScope, destSortableScope) {}; //used to determine drag zone is allowed are not.
sourceItemScope - the scope of the item being dragged.
destScope - the sortable destination scope, the list.
- callbacks.orderChanged = function({type: Object}) // triggered when item order is changed with in the same column.
- callbacks.itemMoved = function({type: Object}) // triggered when an item is moved accross columns.
- callbacks.dragStart = function({type: Object}) // triggered on drag start.
- callbacks.dragEnd = function({type: Object}) // triggered on drag end.
Object (event) - structure
index: original index before move.
itemScope: original item scope before move.
sortableScope: original sortable list scope.
dest: index
index: index after move.
sortableScope: destination sortable scope.
- Touch is allowed on only one Item at a time. Multiple Finger touch is prevented as like JQueryUI Touch Punch.
- Pressing 'Esc' key will Cancel the Drag Event, and moves back the Item to it's Original location.
- Right Click on mouse is prevented on draggable Item.
- A child element inside a draggable Item can be made as non draggable.
Get the binaries of ng-sortable with any of the following ways.
bower install ng-sortable
Or for yeoman with bower automatic include:
bower install ng-sortable -save
Or bower.json
"dependencies": [..., "ng-sortable: "latest_version eg - "1.1.0" ", ...],
Make sure to load the scripts in your html.
<script type="text/javascript" src="dist/ng-sortable.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="dist/ng-sortable.min.css">
And Inject the sortable module as dependency.
angular.module('xyzApp', ['ui.sortable', '....']);
Invoke the Directives using below html structure.
<ul data-sortable="board.dragControlListeners" data-ng-model="items">
<li data-ng-repeat="item in items" data-sortable-item">
<div data-sortable-item-handle></div>
Define your callbacks in the invoking controller.
$scope.dragControlListeners = function() {
accept: function (sourceItemHandleScope, destSortableScope) {return boolean}//override to determine drag is allowed or not. default is true.
itemMoved: function (event) {//Do what you want},
orderChanged: function(event) {//Do what you want},
containment: '#board'//optional param.
That's what all you have to do.
Define the accept callback. and the implementation is your choice. The itemHandleScope(dragged Item) and sortableScope(destination list) is exposed. Compare the scope Objects there like below., If you have to exactly restrict moving between columns.
accept: function (sourceItemHandleScope, descSortableScope) {
return sourceItemHandleScope.itemScope.sortableScope.$id === destSortableScope.$id;
If you want to restrict only to certain columns say you have 5 columns and you want the drag to be allowed in only 3 columns, then you need to implement your custom logic there., and that too becomes straight forward as you have your scope Objects in hand.
And reversing the condition, allows you to Drag accross Columns but not within same Column.
- Tested on FireFox, IE 9 and Greater, Chrome and Safari.
- Ipad, Iphone and Android devices.
Clone the master $ git clone
or Download from Source Master
Install Grunt and Bower. $ sudo npm install -g grunt-cli bower
Run the following commands from the project root directory.
$ npm install
$ bower install
$ grunt build - builds the source and generates the min files in dist.
$ grunt server - runs a local web server on node.js
$ grunt test - runs the tests (WIP).
$ grunt test:continuous - end to end test (WIP).
To access the local server, enter the following URL into your web browser:
If you use this module you can give it a thumbs up at
Let me know if you have any questions.
For Bug report, and feature request File an Issue here: issue.
MIT, see