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Graduate React Task

Your task is to create a cryptocurrency portfolio with React. Do your best to complete the task before the due date your hiring manager has given you. Features and gimmicks outside of the requirements specified below will not be taken into consideration when assessing your code.

The following features are required:

  • The user can add, edit, and delete transactions
    • A transaction should store the following:
      • The cryptocurrency
      • The amount of units purchased
      • The total price paid for the transaction
  • The user can see a list of all of their transactions.
    • This list should be grouped by cryptocurrency
  • The user should see a total of how much money (in AUD) that they have spent.

Optionally, you may also add functionality to view the current value of the portfolio based on an API. We recommend CoinMarketCap ( This is not necessary in order to pass the assessment, but if you’re confident that you can execute this successfully, it is a chance for you to showcase additional skills.

Keep it simple:

  • Don't build your own backend server. We don't expect the data to persist after a page refresh.
  • Don't spend a lot of time on styling. A simple/plain design is better than trying to impress us.
  • Don't reinvent the wheel. Feel free to use third party packages where it makes sense to do so.
  • Build something that you’re proud of and would personally enjoy using.
  • Your code should be easy to read and maintain.

Focus on building an app that is pleasant to read (for the development team) and use (for your end users).

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask your hiring manager via email.

When you're finished please send us your code via Github or a .zip file emailed to your hiring manager. Make sure to delete the node_modules folder before you do so.




Docker Desktop for Windows or NodeJS


  1. If you are using Docker Desktop for Windows, rename docker-compose.override.yml.example to docker-compose.override.yml and change the settings to suit your environment
  2. With administrative privileges, run .\bin\start.cmd on Command Prompt or Powershell

Unix-Based Operating Systems


Docker (Docker Desktop for Mac on macOS) or NodeJS


Follow the instruction from one of the following depending on which software you have installed.

  1. Rename docker-compose.override.yml.example to docker-compose.override.yml and change the settings to suit your environment
  2. Run ./bin/docker on console
  1. Run ./bin/yarn
  1. Run ./bin/npm