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Laravel Extra Validators

  • DividesInto
  • GreaterThan
  • LessThan
  • MinWords
  • MaxWords
  • MinDate
  • MaxDate
  • MinChecked

To install:

composer install

To run tests:

./vendor/bin/phpunit tests


Checks to make sure that the number is a divisor of a gap between 2 other numbers.

$rules = [
    'number'        => 'divides_into:100',          // 1
    'anotherNumber' => 'divides_into:100,80',       // 2
    'lastNumber'    => 'divides_into:100,number',   // 3

Example 1

This will check to see if number divides into 100 i.e. is one of the following 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50 or 100.

Example 2

This checks to see if anotherNumber divides into the difference between 80 and 100 i.e. is one of the following 1, 2, 4, 5, 10 or 20.

Example 3

Checks to see if lastNumber divides into the difference between number and 100, so if number was 97 lastNumber would need to be 1 or 3.


Checks to see if the value is greater or equal to the supplied number or field.

$rules = [
    'number' => 'greater_than:10',
    'anotherNumber' => 'greater_than:number',

Example 1

Is number greater than (or equal to) 10.

Example 2

Is anotherNumber greater than (or equal to) the value of number.


Checks to see if the value is less or equal to the supplied number or field.

$rules = [
    'number' => 'less_than:10',
    'anotherNumber' => 'less_than:number',

Example 1

Is number less than (or equal to) 10.

Example 2

Is anotherNumber less than (or equal to) the value of number.


Checks to see if the value has at least min words. This uses the PHP function str_word_count.

$rules = [
    'sentence' => 'min_words:10',


Does sentence have at least 10 words.


Checks to see if the value has no more than max words. This uses the PHP function str_word_count.

$rules = [
    'sentence' => 'max_words:10',


Does sentence have no more than 10 words.


Checks to see if the value is on or after the min_date. Date values are passed directly into a new DateTime object.

$rules = [
    'date' => 'min_date:1982-05-06',


Is date on or after June 5th 1982


Checks to see if the value is on or before the max_date. Date values are passed directly into a new DateTime object.

$rules = [
    'date' => 'max_date:2013-09-20',


Is date on or before September 9th 2013


Check to see if at least min_checked values in an array are set to true. Truthiness is tested by boolval.

$rules = [
    'checkbox' => 'min_checked:3',

$data = [
    'checkbox' => [1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],


Check to see if at least 3 checkboxes within the checkbox group are checked.