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import { html, appendTo, state } from 'pulsjs'

const name = state('John')

appendTo(document.body, html`
    <h1>Hello ${name}!</h1>
    <input :bind=${name}>

Puls is a reactive web framework that uses the DOM directly. It is inspired by Svelte and Vue. Puls is designed to be simple and fast. It is a great choice for small to medium-sized projects.

No compiler is required but if you want, there are .puls component files or JSX support.


npm install pulsjs

Create with Vite

Create a typescript or javascript project with PulsJS and Vite

npm create pulsjs@latest my-app-name

ESM import in browser

<script type="module">
    import { html, appendTo, state } from ''

Feature overview

  • Puls uses the DOM directly (no virtual DOM)
  • Reactive state
  • Computed values
  • Components
  • Control flow
  • Event handling
  • Bindings

Hooks (state)

import { state, computed, watch, html, appendTo } from 'pulsjs'

const name = state('John')

const computedValue = computed(() => `I'm happy that you are named ${name.value}`)

watch([name], () => {
    console.log('Name changed')

appendTo(document.body, html`
    <h1>Hello ${name}!</h1>
    <input :bind=${name}>

Deep tracking

import { track, state } from 'pulsjs'

const hello = state({
    hello: 'World',
    world: 'example'
}, { deep: true })

// only refreshes when hello changes
watch([track(() => hello.value.hello)], () => {
    console.log('Hello changed')



import { html } from 'pulsjs'

function ExampleComponent({ example }) {
    return html`
        <p>Example component ${example}</p>

    <${ExampleComponent} example="hello world" />

Function Components Life-Cycle hooks

import {defineEmits, defineProps, defineSlot, html, onMounted} from "pulsjs";

function ExampleComponent() {
    const props = defineProps<{
        example: string;
    const emit = defineEmits()
    const slot = defineSlot<Node[]>()

    onMounted(() => {
    onUnmounted(() => {

    return html``

Class components

import { html } from 'pulsjs'

class ExampleComponent extends PulsComponent {
    example = state('val')
    setup() {
    render() {
        return html`
            <p>Example component ${this.example}</p>
registerComponent('example-component', ExampleComponent)

// Typescript
export class ExampleComponent extends PulsComponent {}

const a = state('test')
    <${ExampleComponent} example=${a} />

Using Web-Components outside of Puls

export class ExampleComponent extends PulsComponent {
    test = state('hello')
    exampleObject = state({})
    // ...
registerComponent('example-component', ExampleComponent)

document.body.innerHTML = `
    <example-component test="hello"></example-component>
    <example-component :exampleObject="{\"key\": 4}"></example-component>

Control flow

import { html, appendTo, state, computed } from 'pulsjs'

const counter = state(1)

    <!-- js ternary operator -->
    ${computed(() => 
        counter.value === 1 ? html`<div>Value is 1</div>` :
        counter.value === 2 ? html`<div>Value is 2</div>` :
        html`Value is something else`
    <!-- attributes -->
    <div :if=${() => counter.value === 1}>
        Value is 1
    <div :else-if=${() => counter.value === 1}>
        Value is 2
    <div :else>
        Value is something else
    <button @click=${() => counter.value++}>Increment ${counter}</button>


Puls Component Files (pulsjs-compiler)

Example ExampleComponent.puls

import { state } from 'pulsjs'
const name = state('John Doe');

<input :bind=${name} />

More Information


npm install pulsjs-scss
import { PulsComponent, CustomElement, html } from 'pulsjs'
import { scss } from 'pulsjs-scss'

export class ExampleComponent extends PulsComponent {
    render() {
        return html`
    styles() {
        return scss`
            example {
                color: red;


export function Test() {
    const name = state('John')
    return (
            <input p-bind={name} />
            <button on:click={() => name.value = 'test'}>Click me</button>


npm install pulsjs-router
import { PulsComponent, CustomElement, html } from 'pulsjs'
import { Router } from 'pulsjs-router'

const router = new Router([
        path: '/',
        name: 'home',
        view: () => html`
                <h1>Router Works!</h1>
        path: '/test',
        name: 'test',
        view: () => html`
                <h1>Router page 2!</h1>
        path: '/*',
        name: '404',
        view: () => html`
    // Also supports nested routes with children and layouting

appendTo(document.body, html`
    <${} to=${{name: 'home'}}>Home</${}>
    <${} to="/test">Test Page</${}>


Use pnpm


pnpm run build


pnpm test