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Intermittent Energy Importers

Powers the analytics backend of, providing deep insights into global electricity markets and renewable energy integration.

A high-performance Ruby application for collecting, processing, and analyzing real-time power grid data worldwide. Built on PostgreSQL with TimescaleDB for lightning-fast time series processing.

Follow @IntermittentNRG for updates.

Data Sources

🌎 Americas

🌍 Europe

🌏 Asia-Pacific

🌍 Africa



Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests.


  • Ruby
  • PostgreSQL with TimescaleDB extension
  • Environment variables for API access and configuration:
    • AESO_TOKEN - Alberta Electric System Operator API token
    • AESO_QUEUE_URL - AWS SQS queue URL for AESO data processing
    • EIA_TOKEN - U.S. Energy Information Administration API token
    • ELEXON_TOKEN - GB Electricity Market API token
    • ENTSOE_USER - ENTSOE SFTP username
    • ES_URL - Elasticsearch URL for logging (optional)
    • RAILS_ENV - Environment name (development/test/production)
    • TAIPOWER_QUEUE_URL - AWS SQS queue URL for Taipower data processing

Database Configuration

Database configuration should be specified in db/config.yml. The system uses ActiveRecord with TimescaleDB for time-series data storage.


The project uses RSpec for testing. Tests can be run with:

bundle exec rspec

Test coverage is tracked using SimpleCov with Cobertura formatter.

Technical Stack

  • Ruby with YJIT enabled
  • PostgreSQL with TimescaleDB extension for time-series data
  • Semantic Logger for structured logging
  • AWS SQS for queue processing
  • Elasticsearch for logging (optional)
  • Various HTTP clients (Faraday, HTTParty) for API access
  • Fast parsers (FastJsonparser, FastestCSV) for efficient data processing

Data Processing Components

The system includes several key components:

  • Data collectors for each market operator
  • Time zone handling for different regions using TZInfo
  • Data validation and normalization
  • Bulk data import capabilities
  • Historical data processing
  • Real-time data updates
  • SFTP support for certain providers (e.g., ENTSOE)
  • AWS SQS integration for queue-based processing
  • Automatic data deduplication

Output Formats

Data can be processed into various formats through the Out2 module:

  • Generation data by fuel type
  • Unit capacity and details
  • Transmission flows
  • Price data
  • Load/demand data
  • Unit-level generation data
  • Rooftop solar data (where available)


When contributing:

  1. Write tests for new functionality (RSpec with VCR for HTTP mocking)
  2. Follow existing code patterns for new market integrations
  3. Use the provided CLI mixins for consistent command-line interfaces
  4. Handle time zones appropriately using the TZ constants
  5. Use the provided logging infrastructure (SemanticLogger)
  6. Leverage the fast parsers (FastJsonparser, FastestCSV) for data processing
  7. Follow the established data validation patterns

To setup the database, run:

rake db:setup

Rake Tasks

The system provides various Rake tasks for data collection:

# ENTSOE data collection
rake entsoe:all              # Run all ENTSOE tasks
rake entsoe:generation       # Collect generation data
rake entsoe:load             # Collect load data
rake entsoe:price            # Collect price data
rake entsoe:transmission     # Collect transmission data

# ELEXON data collection
rake elexon:all              # Run all ELEXON tasks
rake elexon:fuelinst         # Collect fuel mix data
rake elexon:load             # Collect load data
rake elexon:unit             # Collect unit data

# Other market operators
rake aemo:all                # Run all AEMO tasks
rake nordpool:all            # Run all Nordpool tasks

Production tasks:

rake -j4 all                 # Runs all collection tasks

Also used in Jenkinsfile and GH actions. Remember that it can also run multiple tasks in parallel via -j4.

Database Schema

The system uses a TimescaleDB-powered PostgreSQL database with the following structure:

    Areas {
        smallint id PK
        string code
        string name
        string source
        string internal_id
        string type
        string region
        string electricitymaps_id
    ProductionTypes {
        smallint id PK
        string name
        string name2
        boolean enabled
    AreasProductionTypes {
        int id PK
        int area_id FK
        int production_type_id FK
    Units {
        int id PK
        int area_id FK
        int production_type_id FK
        int areas_production_type_id FK
        string internal_id
        string code
    GenerationUnits {
        int unit_id PK,FK
        timestamptz time PK
        int value
    GenerationData {
        int area_id FK
        int production_type_id FK
        int areas_production_type_id FK
        timestamptz time PK
        int value
    Load {
        int area_id PK,FK
        timestamptz time PK
        int value
    Transmission {
        int areas_area_id FK
        timestamptz time PK
        int value
    AreasAreas {
        smallint id PK
        smallint from_area_id FK
        smallint to_area_id FK
    Prices {
        int area_id PK,FK
        timestamptz time PK
        decimal value
    DataFiles {
        string path PK
        string source PK
        timestamp updated_at

    Areas ||--o{ Units : "has"
    Areas ||--o{ AreasProductionTypes : "has"
    Areas ||--o{ Load : "has"
    Areas ||--o{ Prices : "has"
    Areas ||--o{ AreasAreas : "from"
    Areas ||--o{ AreasAreas : "to"
    ProductionTypes ||--o{ Units : "type"
    ProductionTypes ||--o{ AreasProductionTypes : "type"
    AreasProductionTypes ||--o{ GenerationData : "generates"
    Units ||--o{ GenerationUnits : "generates"
    AreasAreas ||--o{ Transmission : "connects"

Key features of the schema:

  1. Time-Series Tables

    • generation_data - Core time-series data for generation
    • generation - View for compatibility and simpler querying
    • load, transmission, prices - Other core time-series data
    • All optimized with TimescaleDB hypertables
    • All time columns use timestamptz (timestamp with timezone) type
    • Compressed for efficient storage
  2. Reference Tables

    • areas - Geographic/market regions
    • production_types - Types of power generation
    • areas_production_types - Links areas with their production types
    • units - Individual generation units (supports both direct area/production_type references and areas_production_type_id)
  3. Tracking Tables

    • data_files - Import tracking and deduplication
  4. Key Features

    • Composite primary keys for time-series data
    • Foreign key constraints for data integrity
    • Specialized indices for time-range queries
    • Compression policies for historical data
  5. Join Tables

    • areas_areas - Area interconnections
    • areas_production_types - Area-specific production types

A learning here is that previously the transmission table had from_area_id and to_area_id columns. Moving these to a separate areas_areas table reduces table size, improves indexing, simplifies query plans etc. Similarly, generation_data now uses areas_production_type_id instead of separate area and production type columns, though the generation view maintains the old interface for compatibility.


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