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- goobi-viewer-indexer Public
Goobi viewer - Indexer daemon to monitor hotfolder, add metadata to Apache Solr index and move files to correct folders.
intranda/goobi-viewer-indexer’s past year of commit activity - goobi-viewer-core Public
Goobi viewer - Presentation software for digital libraries, museums, archives and galleries. Open Source.
intranda/goobi-viewer-core’s past year of commit activity - goobi-plugin-step-yerusha-validation Public
This Step plugin for Goobi workflow displays the results of a custom metadata validation within an accepted task. This plugin was developed specifically for the Yerusha Project.
intranda/goobi-plugin-step-yerusha-validation’s past year of commit activity - goobi-plugin-step-pdf-upload Public
This Step plugin for Goobi workflow allows the upload of PDF files into Goobi processes. Instead of this plugin the file-upload plugin could be used as well and is more flexible than this one.
intranda/goobi-plugin-step-pdf-upload’s past year of commit activity - goobi-workflow Public
Goobi workflow - Workflow management software for digitisation projects used in more than 80 cultural heritage institutions in at least 18 countries.
intranda/goobi-workflow’s past year of commit activity - goobi-plugin-step-transcription Public
This Step plugin for Goobi workflow allows the simple transcription of full texts per page without word coordinates. The plugin offers a user interface where the transcription can be entered in parallel while viewing the current page.
intranda/goobi-plugin-step-transcription’s past year of commit activity - goobi-plugin-administration-reset-pagination Public
This is the Administration plugin for Goobi workflow allows to completely reset the pagination for all or just some Goobi processes, so that updated images get assigned correctly inside of the metadata files.
intranda/goobi-plugin-administration-reset-pagination’s past year of commit activity - goobi-plugin-administration-duplicates-fixer Public
This Administration plugin for Goobi workflow finds duplicated catalog identifiers and process titles to allow the user to fix these.
intranda/goobi-plugin-administration-duplicates-fixer’s past year of commit activity - goobi-plugin-command-intranda Public
This is a set of multiple web api Command plugins for Goobi workflow
intranda/goobi-plugin-command-intranda’s past year of commit activity