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Import fannie mortgage loan perf data and more into clickhouse


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This package builds clickhouse databases of loan-level mortgage performance that is annotated with FHFA HPI, interest rates and economic data.
As a necessary pre-requisite, the package creates separate clickhouse databases of the latter three.

The types of data created are:

  • FHFA house prices
  • Interest Rates
  • Regional economic data
  • Mapping of zip codes to MSA/MSAdiv/CBSA/CBSAdiv
  • Fannie Mae

Separate databases of the first four a created. The final Fannie database is augmented with annotations based on these tables.

Why Clickhouse

As the clickhouse website points out, the database is designed for OLAP (online analytical processing). Specifically, it is good for applications where the data itself is not frequently updated, queries involve few joins (and if there are, one table is much bigger than others) or no joins, and not many columns but perhaps many rows are returned by queries.

Mortgage data inherently have fields that (a) don't ever change, such as original loan amount and (b) that change every month, such as current loan amount. Typically, there are two ways to deal with this:

  1. One Table. In this approach, there is one row for each month for each loan. The unchanging fields are repeated every month.
  2. Two Table. In this approach, there is a table for the unchanging fields and another for the fields that change monthly.

The first approach wastes a lot of space. In the second approach, one will forever be joining the two tables.

Clickhouse offers an alternative as it supports nesting. The final mortgage table has one row per loan with the monthly values nested within it. Conceptually, nesting is like embedding a table in each row. The monthly values can be accessed either as arrays or using ARRAY JOIN the table is effectively be expanded from one row per loan to one loan-month per row.

Further, multiple nested arrays are permitted. The mortgage table has a nested array for monthly data, months where there is modification activity and months where there is foreclosure activity. The latter two are null for most loans and only populated where needed for the rest.

Data Sources and pre-processing

FHFA The data is downloaded from here. The series needed are:

  • 3-digit zip (HPI_AT_3zip.xls)
  • MSA/Division level (HPI_AT_metro.csv)
  • Non-metro area (HPI_AT_nonmetro.csv)
  • State (HPI_AT_state.csv)
  • National (longer_HPI_EXP_us_nsa.xls)

Excel files need to be saved as CSV. If there is a header row, this should be deleted. Negative numbers should not have parentheses.

Interest Rates

Interest rates are downloaded from the St. Louis Federal Reserve Fred II database. There are two downloads -- one for rates available at a daily frequency and one for rates available at a weekly frequency.

Daily rates are:

  • 10-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Rate
  • 12-Month London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), based on U.S. Dollar
  • 1-Month London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), based on U.S. Dollar
  • 3-Month London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), based on U.S. Dollar

The data is here.

Note: as of 2022, the LIBOR series are not on FRED II. These fields now all have values of -99.

Weekly rates are:

  • 15-Year Fixed Rate Mortgage Average in the United States
  • 30-Year Fixed Rate Mortgage Average in the United States
  • 5/1-Year Adjustable Rate Mortgage Average in the United States

The data is here.

The files should be downloaded as text files. Then:

  1. Delete header row
  2. Delete any dates prior to 1970
  3. run fromdos on file (linux)

Economic Data

At this time, only unemployment rates are pulled. These are pulled at the MSA, MSADivision, CBSA, CBSADivision and micropolitan levels. The data is pulled directly from the BLS.

  • The msa data is from here
  • The division data is from here
  • The state data is from here
  • The micropolitan data is here
  • The U.S. data is here -- you have to go through the API to select the series

Documentation is here

After the files are downloaded:

  • Delete the header row
  • run fromdos on the file (linux)

Map Data

The map data maps zip codes into:

  • CBSA codes (zip_cbsa table)
  • CBSA with division codes (zip_cbsad table)
  • County codes (zip_cty table)

The first two tables include micropolitan mappings. The tables have all zip codes. A value of 00000 means the zip is not in a metro or micro area

The source of this data is HUD. The files downloaded are:

  • ZIP_CBSA_CCYYMM (zip to MSAs)
  • ZIP_CBSA_DIV_CCYYMM (zip to MSA Divisions (division only))
  • ZIP_CTY_CCYYMM (zip to county)
  • state.txt (state fips codes)

Note that there are zip codes in more than one MSA. This information is retained in the final table. The input data also includes the percent of addresses in the zip/cbsa intersection which are residential. This is also retained in the CBSA tables.

Fannie Data

This data is downloaded directly from fannie

There is no pre-processing other than unzipping the files.

Freddie Data

The data is downloaded directly form freddie.

There is no pre-processing other than unzipping the files.

zip Data

The feature of interest in the zip data is the longitude/latitude of each zip. The data is from Geonames. The download page is here.

Databases and Tables

The following are created by this package:

  • fhfa database

    • msad HPI at MSA/division level
    • state HPI at the state level
    • state_non_msa HPI at state level excluding msas
    • zip3 HPI at the zip3 level
    • msad_map map of MSA/division to their name
  • rates database

    • daily_raw daily interest rates, as read in
    • weekly_raw weekly interest rates, as read in
    • monthly monthly rates, constructed by averaging the values in the first two tables
  • econ database

    • unemp_cbsa unemployment at the CBSA level
    • unemp_cbsad unemployment at the CBSA/Division level
    • unemp_micro unemployment at the micropolitan level
    • unemp_msa unemployment at the MSA level
    • unemp_msa unemployment at the MSA/Division level
    • unemp_state unemployment at the State level.
  • map database

    • st_cd State FIPS codes
    • zip_cbsa Zip to CBSA code map
    • zip_cbsad Zip to CBSA/Division code map
    • zip_cty Zip to county FIPs code map.
  • fannie database

    • final Fannie loan-level dataset annotated with HPI, rates and unemployment.

      The 3-digit Zip FHFA HPI is used

  • zip database

    • zip5. Latitude and longitude of each zip code.
    • zip3. Latitude and longitude of each 3-digit zip.
  • aux database

    • fctimes Fannie Mae foreclosure timelines. These are available here

    Note: the fields and descriptions of this database are in the GitHub repo here


Import fannie mortgage loan perf data and more into clickhouse







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