"A RFC for leaks"
provides a data standard and archive storage for leaked data, private and public document collections. The concepts and implementations are originally inspired by mmmeta and Aleph's servicelayer archive.
acts as a multi-tenant storage and retrieval mechanism for documents and their metadata. It provides a high-level interface for generating and sharing document collections and importing them into various search and analysis platforms, such as ICIJ Datashare, Liquid Investigations, and Aleph.
Requires python 3.11 or later.
pip install leakrfc
This package is using poetry for packaging and dependencies management, so first install it.
Clone this repository to a local destination.
Within the repo directory, run
poetry install --with dev
This installs a few development dependencies, including pre-commit which needs to be registered:
poetry run pre-commit install
Before creating a commit, this checks for correct code formatting (isort, black) and some other useful stuff (see: .pre-commit-config.yaml
uses pytest as the testing framework.
make test
, (C) 2024 investigativedata.io
, (C) 2025 investigativedata.io
is licensed under the AGPLv3 or later license.