Posterity is a mongoid model extension that easily allows the integration of 'blog-like' behaviours into any mongoid document.
Keep in mind that this is still in early development and there may be things that don't quite work.
Posterity uses the following gems:
- mongoid_slug
- mongoid_taggable
- ?
Since this is still a private repo, you must reference the repository in your gemfile:
gem 'posterity', :git => ''
To add necessary article features to your model, just include the posterity post model in your document, ie:
# app/models/article.rb
class Article
include Mongoid::Document
include Mongoid::Timestamps
include Posterity::Post
#...everthing else you want this model to have...
Posterity provides a frontend controller for accessing posts. Any content management controllers or views need to be managed by the developer, and are not provided as part of posterity.
To access this controller, see the next point regarding routes.
Views for this controller should be placed in app/views/posterity
Please note that at this time there are no generators. Your index action
should expect an @articles
(or whatever your model name was) variable
and your show action an @article
variable. Both of these names are
based on the route (as specified below).
To access the baked-in controller, simply add this line to your routes file:
blog_for :articles
Where :articles
is the name of your post model. This will provide the
following route formats:
/articles # => index
/articles/2011/11/28/article-slug-goes-here # => show
/articles/2011/11/28 # => archive for 28th November, 2011
/articles/2011/11 # => archive for November, 2011
/articles/2011 # => archive for 2011
/articles/tagged/name-of-some-tag # => articles tagged with 'name of some tag'
/articles/written-by/nicholas-bruning # => articles written by 'nicholas bruning'