A curated list of helpful INWX resources and community projects.
- inwxcli - A CLI client for the INWX API
- inwx-domrobot-elixir - An Elixir client for the INWX API
- acme.sh - A shell implementation of the ACME protocol
- letsencrypt-inwx - CLI utility for automating the Let's Encrypt DNS-01 challenge for domains using INWX nameservers
- certbot-dns-inwx - INWX DNS authenticator plugin for certbot
- acme-dns-inwx - Use INWX DNS-API for ACME's dns-01 challenge
- nsupdate - A DynDNS shell script for INWX
- Bash-INWX-DynDNS - A DynDNS shell script for INWX
- inwx-mailcow-dns-configurator - A mailcow DNS configurator using the INWX API
- isp-dnstool - A tool to sync DNSSEC data between ISPConfig and INWX Domain Registry
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