Clicktracker is a small click tracking service. You register your URLs with the service and receive a redirect URL. Whenever the redirect URL is visited the service collects some basic usage metrics and redirects the caller to the original URL.
Create a new tracked URL by sending a POST request to http://localhost:8989/api/url with the URL you want to track as input.
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:8989/api/url \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"longURL": ""}'
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: http://localhost:8989/<random-short-code>
Clicktracker will garantee to always create a new tracked URL. This enables to track the same target URL multiple times.
Opening the URL will redirect you to the original URL.
$ curl -i http://localhost:8989/<random-short-code>
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Every call on the tracked URL will track some basic user information (time of call, number of total clicks, etc).
You can request the gathers click data on a tracked URL by sending the following GET request:
$ curl http://localhost:8989/api/url?slug=<random-short-code>
"id": 1,
"slug": "<random-short-code>",
"longURL": "",
"createdAt": "2015-06-15T10:12:23.000+00:00",
"clickData": {
// ...
It will be possible to register URLs with a specific Organization. We will stream an (almost) real-time traffic feed of click events back to the Organization. Details for this mechanism are currently undefined.
Install VirtualBox and Vagrant.
Now clone this repository and run the following commands:
$ git clone
$ cd clicktracker
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
$ cd /vagrant
$ ./gradlew run
You are now ready to start contributing to this project.