Welcome to the documentation for inxy-payments/signature-sdk-php! This library is designed to help you sign messages using a private key. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, this guide will help you get the most out of this library.
To install the library, you can use Composer, the dependency manager for PHP. If you don't have Composer installed, you can download it from getcomposer.org.
Run the following command in your project directory:
composer require inxy-payments/signature-sdk-php
Here's a quick example of how to use inxy-payments/signature-sdk-php:
use InxyPayments\SignatureSDK\SignatureSDK;
// Create an instance of SignatureSDK
$signatureSDK = new SignatureSDK('your private key here');
// Sign a message
$result = $signatureSDK->signMessage('message');
// Output the result
echo $result->signature . "\n";
echo $result->time;