This project is part of the Microverse curriculum in React/Redux course
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This is a demonstration of Stock Exchange information system, providing a list of instruments and an instrument's profile view. It connects to the Financial Modeling Prep API to download data
- Screen Shots
- About the Project
- Application Instructions
- Live Version
- System Requierments
- Development
- Dependencies
- Built With
- Contributors
- Acknowledgements
The project was created using the create-react-app model
It is a Single Page Application using JavaScript functionality to show subpages
The entry point leads to the Symbols List where available symbols are shown including company name, the last closing price and the Stock Exchange where the symbol is traded
Symbols can be filtered by their container Stock Exchange using the filter selection at the top-right
Clicking a symbol panel shows the Symbol Profile page where all available information about the selected symbol is shown in a table view
The project files tree:
- The entry point is root scr/index.js where the App component is rendered through the Provider components of Redux.
- Actions initInstruments, changeFilter, showProfile, and showList are in actions/actionsIndex.js
- Componet App is held in respective file in components/ folder
- Reducers are in reducers/ folder, currently only 1, the instrumentsReducer in reducers/instrumentsReducer.js is combined into reducersIndex held in reducers/reducersIndex.js
- The App component renders either
- InstrumentsListHeader and InstrumentsList
or - InstrumentProfileHeader and InstrumentProfile
components depending on selection between the index of symbols or a symbols's profile
- InstrumentsListHeader and InstrumentsList
- The InstrumentsListHeader component renders the header for the Symbols List, and filters symbols on selected Stock Exchage
- The InstrumentsList renders the Symbols List
- The InstrumentProfileHeader component renders the header for the InstrumentProfile
- The InstrumentProfile renders all available information about an instrument
Please note that the number of downloaded symbols by the API is 14000+, so I limited this by slicing the array on the first 200 symbols
In the entry page, select a Stock Exchange at the top-right to filter symbols or let All Exchanges to show all symbols
Click a symbol's panel to show Symbol's Profile page
- JavaScript Enabled
- You need to Disable Cross-Origin-Restrictions from your browser if you want to open the index.html from your file system without using a server.
- Clone the project
Use VSCode and Live Server to show index.html
Since webpack is used, run 'npm run build' on you terminal before opening
run : npm start to open the project using localhost:3000
please run
npm run build
to comply with the dependencies held in package.json
This project was built using these technologies.
- React
- Redux
- API (Financial Modeling Prep)
- CSS3
- webpack
- Git - GitHub
- ESLint
- Stylelint
- heroku
- Github: @ioanniskousis
- Twitter: @ioanniskousis
- Linkedin: Ioannis Kousis
- E-mail: